The Titan Times: Week 13
The River Place Elementary (RPE) Campus Newsletter
Fall Fest is Friday, October 18th From 5-7 PM!
Titan Families,
This week we celebrate our cafeteria staff! They are a vital part of our Titan Community. Please join me in thanking them for their service to our Titan Community. A "thank you" in some form or fashion goes a long way!
There is so much ahead in October AND November, and thankfully, it's starting to feel like fall. Be sure to plan to join us, volunteer, and/or contribute in all of the upcoming fun detailed in our newsletter.
We look forward to engaging with you as the school year moves along. As always, should you have any questions, please feel free to call our campus, and a member of our wonderful office team will be more than happy to support you or direct you to someone who can.
Take care and lead well,
Dr. Amy Sharp
Proud RPE Principal
Staff Connects With Former Titans
FPMS Won the PTA Challenge
Principals in Our Feeder Pattern Showcased at Game
K-2 Professional Learning Led By Our Reading Specialists
Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes
5th Grade Problem Solving
Leander ISD #1LISD Community News
Looking to Better Understand and Serve Our Profession?
Consider becoming a:
#RPETitan Community News
October: Persons With Disabilities History and Awareness Month
- 14th-18th: Cafeteria and Nutrition Services Appreciation Week
- 16th: Unity Day- Wear Orange!
- 18th:
- Nursery Rhymes Parade- See Kindergarten's Teacher Newsletter
- ESL Night in Library from 4-5 PM
- Fall Festival from 5 PM- 7 PM
- 21st- 25th: National School Bus Safety Week: Transportation, Crossing Guards
- 28th- November 1st: Red Ribbon Week- See daily themes below!
- 29th: 5th grade performance for families at 7:45 AM and for students at 2 PM- See Teacher Newsletter for Info
- 31st: 4th Grade Field Trip- See Teacher Newsletter for Info
November: Lung Cancer Awareness Month & Native American Heritage
- 4th and 5th:
- No School for Students/ District Staff Development Day
- It's Election Day on November 5th ,and River Place ES is a voting location.
- 4th- 8th:
- Maintenance Appreciation Week
- National School Psychology Week
- 11th: Veterans Day Program for Families 9:30- 10 AM for Students 2:00- 2:30 PM
- 13th: Fall Picture Retakes
- 18th- 22nd:
- American Education Week Celebrating Principals, Asst. Principals, & Instructional Coaches
- Book Fair Week
- 20th
- Late Night for Book Fair is From 3:30- 6 PM in the library
- PTA General Meeting at 6 PM in the cafeteria
- 21st: Thanksgiving Luncheon- RSVP here respond by Friday, November 15th at 3:00 P.M.
- 25th- 29th: Thanksgiving Break: No School for Staff and Students
We are so excited to combine two excellent programs into one great focus for our Titans. We are using Leander ISD's Ethical Principles (Culture of Caring) and Leander ISD’s Graduate Profile to make our Titan Community leadership and learning focus come to life.
What are we doing as a campus community?
Each month, we will have a new focus and will introduce Titan Excellence during our Titan Time Assembly. Then at the end of each month our teachers will choose two students from their homeroom that have exemplified these qualities through learning and leading. We will celebrate these students at our end of the month, Titan Time Assembly.
Why the change?
We want to effectively integrate important values into our school culture and provide students with regular opportunities to be celebrated for their achievements. This approach should encourage positive behavior and a strong sense of community among our Titans. Our hope is that the monthly focus and the recognition at the end of each month will help keep students engaged and motivated throughout the year.
How can you help?
We encourage you to support this effort by talking about these things at home with your Titan(s), too.
Nominate a Teacher Today!
Pedernales Electric Cooperative invests in an array of educational programs to help brighten classrooms and communities across the Texas Hill Country. For a second school year, PEC will host a Teacher Spotlight Award to recognize the incredible work teachers do in their classrooms and communities. PEC is accepting nominations for the Teacher Spotlight Award through October 25, so please consider filling out the form online.
From the nominations received, PEC will select teachers from across the co-op’s service territory to receive awards. This round’s winners will be announced in November and PEC will visit the teachers at their schools to present them with a thank-you basket of resources and materials to support classroom learning.
Members can learn more details and nominate a teacher by visiting pec.coop/youth-programs.
Our event will be Friday, October 18th from 5:00-7:00pm in the school parking lot.
To make this event a success, our PTA needs a lot of volunteers including:-Volunteers to host a car for trunk-or-treating (two hours). Decorate the trunk of your car and hand out candy. Please sign up for a trunk or treat space below and add the theme in the comment section. Thank You!
Spots will be labeled on the ground with the number you sign up for. You are welcome to bring candy to hand out and some candy will be provided.
Vandegrift High School is hosting a Trunk or Treat on Wednesday, October 30th from 5:30-7:30 p.m. Join us for an evening of music, popcorn, games, and plenty of trunks filled with treats for the kids to safely enjoy. There will also be food trucks available. We hope to see you there for some fun at VHS!
The Family and Community Services students will be coming to each elementary school Friday with two posters and flyers for the students to be sent home in their Wednesday/Friday folders. If you have any questions or concerns please let me know.
Thank you for your continued support!
Join the Legacies Dance Team for their 2024 Fall Dance Camp & Workshop
November 5th, 2024 from 8:00 AM - 3:30 PM at Vandegrift High School 9500 McNeil Dr, Building 2
Innovation Lab and Quest is on Instagram!
Innovation Lab and Quest have been going strong for the last few weeks, and we'd love to share all the cool things your students have been working on! Please follow our new instagram accounts @rpeinnovationlab, and if your kids are in Quest, you can follow @rpequest. We've loved working with students during Enrichment, and can't wait to continue growing throughout the year!
*Feel free to email me (corey.zilli@leanderisd.org) or Ms. Solberg (allison.solberg@leanderisd.org) with any questions, or would not like your student included in any posts (it is a private account).
Counselor's Corner
Parent Teacher Association (PTA) News
Weren't Able to Make the First PTA Meeting? No Problem!
Here is the presentation that was shared with families from PTA and from administration. The sub information and literacy partners information is in this newsletter under "Leander ISD #1LISD Community News". Thanks, and hope you can make the next meeting on November 20th at 6 PM.
Join PTA TODAY because increasing our membership, even by one, makes it possible to:
- Get funds to teachers to supplement classroom needs.
- Connect with teachers, parents, and administration to voice needs for our school and our Titans.
- Fund library technology, guest speakers, playground equipment.
- Help plan community activities such as Fall Fest, Apex Fun Run, Book Fair, Mentoring
- programs, Field Day, Career Day & STEAM Night.
- Support Teacher and Staff Appreciation.
Myths Debunked!
- PTA does NOT require mandatory meetings or volunteer hours.
- PTA is NOT just for stay-at-home parents or for those who want to take on a large leadership role.
PTA is-
- for ANYONE who wants to be a bit more connected to teachers, principals and the Titan community. In sum, there is no wrong or right way to be in PTA!
- something that takes 5 minutes to join and if you join now your $10 membership will enter you in a monthly raffle for gift cards, free water bottles, and MORE!
- easy to join! ----------> https://riverplacepta.membershiptoolkit.com
SDM & Bus Rider Passes
While we deeply appreciate your effort in ensuring your Titan's SDM is updated throughout the school year to include exceptions, we kindly ask that you contact the office via email to get a bus pass written for any Titan that doesn't typically ride the bus to ensure that your Titan is able to safely board the bus with no issue when their SDM exception is Bus Rider. Best practice would be to register your Titan for the bus using this link if these exceptions are planned for an occurrence of at least once a week. For your Titans who do typically ride the bus, please ensure that you have registered your Titan for the bus using this link. Moving forward, students will not be allowed to ride the bus in any capacity unless they've been registered or have contacted the office for a bus pass. If you have any questions, please contact the front office. Thank you!
Further Information on Accounts from CNS
Links for CNS
Cost for Lunch
Free and Reduced Lunch Information
Families interested in being a part of the Free/Reduced lunch Program need to reapply each year. Please use this link to apply for the 24-25 school year if you haven't already done so. Also, if you are needing assistance with food for your student(s) for the weekend, you may use this google form to sign up for the Backpack Program. Your Titan(s) would receive a bag of food/snacks that they can put in their backpacks to take home each Friday. Please reach out to our school counselor if you have any questions.
Cafeteria Snack Restriction Requests
Administration was informed that families cannot put a limit on a student's account through My School Bucks as thought. Families will need to fill out this form to detail the snack limit and return it to the cafeteria manager, valorie.rameriez@leanderisd.org at your earliest convenience. Please let us know if you need this in print form, and we will work with you to provide it.
River Place Elementary Titan Community
Here are our Titan Community Communication Tools-
- River Place Elementary School Website
- Twitter Account
- PTA Facebook Page
- Remind App for River Place Insiders
Email: ContactTeacher@leanderisd.org
Website: https://riverplace.leanderisd.org/
Location: 6500 Sitio Del Rio Blvd, Austin, TX 78730, USA
Phone: 512-570-6911
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RiverPlaceElementaryPTA/
X (formally known as Twitter): @RiverPlaceTitan
Instagram: @riverplace_elem