Cedar Crest Intermediate
August 23, 2024
Message from Mrs. Williams
CCI Families,
As we wrap up our 13th day of school, I want to take a moment to emphasize the critical role that regular attendance plays in our students' success. Our school has set an ambitious attendance goal of 94% for this year, and we need everyone’s help to achieve it.
Attendance isn’t just about being present—it’s about ensuring our students have every opportunity to learn, grow, and succeed. Research shows that students who attend school regularly are more likely to perform well academically, develop strong social skills, and stay on track for graduation. Every day counts, and even missing just a few days can add up to significant learning gaps.
The Indiana Department of Education calculates our attendance rate by looking at each student attendance rate throughout the year. That means each student can miss no more than 8 days in the entire school year to help us meet our goal.
Parents and guardians, we understand that illness and emergencies happen, but we ask that you make every effort to ensure your child is in school whenever possible. Let’s work together to make this a successful year for all of our students!
As always, if you have any questions or concerns don't hesitate to reach out! cassie.williams@sedubois.k12.in.us
Every moment matters,
Mrs. Williams
New Visitor Check-In Process at SED
Grandparent's Day 2024
¡Celebremos el Día de los Abuelos!
¡Celebremos el Día de los Abuelos!
SEPTIEMBRE 6, 2024 1:15-2:15 PM
Los estudiantes que deseen irse con sus abuelos deberán entregar el formulario a continuación.
Por favor considere el transporte compartido, ya que el estacionamiento es limitado.
Anuncio de la Sra. Emily Hauser
¡Bienvenidos de nuevo al año escolar 2024-2025! Estamos muy felices de verlos a todos. Me gustaría aprovechar este momento para presentarles a la Sra. Tara Uebelhor como la nueva maestra de ENL en Forest Park y a la Sra. Alyssa Merkely en Pine Ridge. Actualmente están trabajando con los estudiantes para fortalecer sus habilidades en el idioma inglés. Los estudiantes tienen suerte de contar con un maestro tan dedicado que los guíe durante este año escolar. La Sra. Emily Hauser continuará trabajando con los estudiantes de la Primaria Ferdinand y la Intermedia Cedar Crest.
Algunos recordatorios:
-Cuando su hijo esté enfermo o ausente de la escuela, llame a la oficina al 812-817-0900 o a la Sra. Emily Hauser al 812-639-1653. Puedes dejar un mensaje o enviar un mensaje de texto. La oficina necesita recibir la información de un padre o tutor.
-Asegúrese de haber registrado a su hijo o hija en Harmony. Si necesita ayuda, pregúntele a la Sra. Emily Hauser.
-Si tiene alguna otra pregunta, llame a la Sra. Hauser al 812-639-1653.
El Festival Cultural Latino se llevará a cabo nuevamente este año en Market Street Park en Huntingburg. Vea la información a continuación.
Welcome back to the 2024-2025 school year! We are so happy to see everyone. I would like to take this time to introduce Mrs. Tara Uebelhor as the new ENL teacher at Forest Park and Mrs. Alyssa Merkely at Pine Ridge. They are currently working with students to strengthen their English language skills. The students are lucky to have such a dedicated teacher to guide them through this school year. Mrs. Emily Hauser will continue to work with students at Ferdinand Elementary and Cedar Crest Intermediate.
A few reminders:
-When your child is sick or absent from school, please call the office at 812-817-0900 or Mrs. Emily Hauser at 812-639-1653. You can leave a message or send a text. The office needs to receive the information from a parent or guardian.
-Please make sure you have registered your son or daughter on Harmony. If you need assistance, please ask Mrs. Emily Hauser.
-If you have any other questions, please call Mrs. Hauser at 812-639-1653.
The Latino Cultural Fest will be held again this year at the Market Street Park in Huntingburg. See the information below.
Service Club for CCI Students: K-Kids
We’re excited to offer our students a chance to be part of K-Kids, an awesome service club where kids learn leadership skills while making a difference in our school and community! K-Kids is all about having fun while working together on projects that help others.
K-Kids meets twice a month on Tuesdays during lunch and recess, so it’s easy for students to get involved. Miss Peggy, our club advisor, asks that students who sign up make a commitment to stick with the club and be active participants throughout the year. We’re looking for kids who are ready to be part of something special and who won’t quit when the going gets tough.
If your child enjoys helping others and wants to be part of a team that’s all about making our school and community a better place, K-Kids could be a perfect fit. We can’t wait to see what our K-Kids accomplish this year! Click the link below for sign up information, due September 1.
⭐Congratulations to our K-Kids Sponsor, Mrs. Peggy Huff, who was awarded the Excellence in Leadership Award at the Ferdinand Community Banquet this week!⭐
5th Grade Newsletter
Bus Information
For information about your child's bus route, please contact SED Transportation Director, Mr. Ryan Haas. Please call 812-817-0900 extension 4 or email ryan.haas@sedubois.k12.in.us.
Need Help with Harmony? Click the button below.
Mrs. Lueken
Mrs. Rogier
Ms. Sitzman
Ms. Schroeder
Mrs. Steczyk
Mrs. Welp
Mr. Atkins
Forest Park Cheer Clinic
Volunteer Information
School Calendar
- September 2: NO SCHOOL Labor Day
- September 6: Grandparent's Day
- September 18: NO SCHOOL Staff PD Day
- September 26: CCI School Pictures
- October 1 and 3: CCI Parent Teacher Conferences
- October 11: End of Qtr 1; CCI Walk-A-Thon
- October 14-18: SED Fall Break (Great Time for Vacation)
- November 1: NO SCHOOL Staff PD Day
- November 11: Veteran's Day Celebration (Please let your family Veterans know)
- November 27-29: SED Thanksgiving Break
- December 23-January 3: SED Holiday Break (Great Time for Vacation)
- February 5: NO SCHOOL Staff PD Day
- February 13: Fine Arts Night/Talent Show
- March 24-28: SED Spring Break (Great Time for Vacation)
- April 18: NO SCHOOL Good Friday
- May 9: 6th Grade Dance
- May 23: Last day of School
- May 24: SED Graduation