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Thundercat Weekly
#TPND = Thunder PRIDE Never Dies !
Thundercat Events At-A-Glance
8/15 First day of VB tryouts
8/19 RTMS Tailgate 5PM- 7PM
8/25 Volleyball scrimmages
8/29 & 8/30 – Football scrimmages/games
9/1 Open House 6PM- 8PM
FBISD Whole Child Health Back to School Mental Health & Wellness Fair
Provided By: SEL & Comprehensive Health & Wellness Division
Date: August 17th, 2022 6-7:30 PM
The Whole Child Health Back to School Mental Health and Wellness Fair will be held at Dulles High School. The fair will provide families with information on the resources the district has available to support and develop the mental, behavioral, social, emotional, and physical health of all students in FBISD. The purpose of the Whole Child Health campaign is to increase awareness of FBISD’s diverse and robust health services and supports and decrease the stigma, financial, and access barriers to mental health support. Our commitment to Whole Child Health includes making sure that each student is healthy, safe, engaged, supported, and challenged.
FBISD Breakfast & Lunch Services
- Free and reduced lunch forms open on August 1. It can be completed at www.schoolcafe.com/fbisd. Families must complete an application for each school year.
- Meal prices for 2022-23 School Year:
- Student Breakfast: $2.00
- Secondary Lunch: $3.00
- Parents may put money in student’s accounts PRIOR to the 1st day of school to avoid longer lunch lines at the start of school.
Volleyball Try-Outs
Volleyball tryouts will be held Monday, Aug 15- Wednesday, Aug 17.
8th grade will be in the morning from 6:45am- 8:15am and 7th grade will be after school Monday and Tuesday from 4:15pm- 6pm and BEFORE school on Wednesday, Aug 17 from 6:45am – 8:15 am. All athletes must attend all 3 days of tryouts. If you are trying out please make sure you have turned in a physical and filled out all rank one forms. You may not try out if they are not turned in and completed. Please fill out the following form if you plan to try out. https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=QWJ9SRo5d0KRrL3SqZ9wVBIbozaNT_JBvYJLflprR35UMzVFQTBZQU5WVllJUEdTR1lEQlg5SDlQNS4u
Please join our Thornton Athletics Group on SportsYou. Code is 4J5URAQH.
A Message from Fort Bend County Sheriff's Office
Arrival & Dismissal Reminder
The safety of our Thundercats is top priority and we appreciate everyone adhering to our dismissal process.
Parents please be kind to our RTMS neighbors and do not drop off or pick up students in those areas. Please use our car rider line. Thank you for your understanding in keeping our Thundercats safe and our neighbors safe too.
· If you plan to drop off/pick up your student by vehicle, please remain in the RTMS designated car rider line.
- When dropping off students for tutorials or clubs 7:50 - 8:15 am, please use the second lane crosswalk area, in the front drive, to drop off in the morning.
- Please have students exit and enter vehicles near the front curb of the campus.
Thank you in advance for following the car rider map.
Thank you for helping to keep our thundercats safe !
Please understand that we cannot honor requests for students to ride bus routes other than their own designated route. Students who do not have bus-riding privileges will not be able to ride the bus with their bus-riding friends. Therefore, please plan accordingly so that everyone experiences a smooth dismissal each school day.
Counselor's Corner
Welcome to Ronald Thornton Middle School!! We are so excited to have you here!! This year is going to be amazing!! So many exciting experiences will happen this year and together we can proudly say that we are a part of it all!!
The counseling office would like to take some time introduce ourselves to you and share some pertinent information with you.
At RTMS we are blessed to have 3 amazing counselors. Our 6th grade counselor is Mrs. Torres. She has extensive experience working with students in the mental health as well as educational arena.
Our 7th grade counselor is Ms. Green. She has wealth of knowledge in middle school and counseling.
Our 8th grade and lead counselor is Ayana Jefferson. She has worked in FBISD for over 20 years and in middle school for the past 10 years.
The counselors will be visiting classrooms within the first few weeks of school to introduce ourselves to students and to share information about our office and programming. We look forward to meeting and getting to know your student.
Elective Change and Level Up Requests
Many parents have begun inquiring about schedule changes. FBISD adopted a process for elective changes. We will begin implementing this process beginning on the first day of school. Students may now submit a request to change a course only during the first nine days of school. The RTMS counselors will be accepting requests from Wednesday, August 10 at 9:00 am through Monday, August 22 at 4:00pm. Please use the grade level appropriate link to request a change.
6th Grade Link
7th Grade Link
8th Grade Link
*This document is not to be used for requests for level down changes (Pre-AP vs. On-level). FBISD policy says that these requests can only be made after the first 3 weeks of school. We will send out a different email later explaining that process, as to not confuse you with 2 different processes.
RTMS Counseling Department
PE Uniform Order
Need a PE Uniform? Click link below to order. Uniforms will be distributed the first week of school in PE classes.
RTMS PE Uniforms | Fort Bend ISD
RTMS P.E. Shirts. RTMS P.E. Shorts. Home > FBISD Schools > Middle Schools > Thornton MS > RTMS PE Uniforms > FBISD Schools > Middle Schools > Thornton MS > RTMS PE Uniforms
RTMS Tailgate T-Shirt
Technology Usage: Electronic Devices
1. Electronics/ cell phone policy?
a. Cell phones should be out of sight in the student’s backpack throughout the school day.
b. Teachers will communicate when students can use their electronic devices to aid in the learning process.
2. Are smart phones/tablets required?
a. Smart phones/tablets are not required at school
b. All classrooms are outfitted with a class set of laptops or iPads.
District-Wide Parent Organization Collaborative Meeting
The Departments of Collaborative Communities, Business and Finance and Enterprise funds will be hosting the District-Wide Parent Organization Collaborative (DPOC) meeting on August 27th from 9 am to 12 pm. The annual DPOC kick-off meeting will provide an opportunity for new, existing and reactivated parent organizations and booster clubs to learn important information about getting started for the 2022-2023 school year. *Reminder! All required documentation for parent organizations is due to Parent.Org@fortbendisd.com by 9/1.
Thundercat Camp Parent Survey Question and Answers
1. Will 6th graders have designated lockers in hallways or in gym class?
a. All 6th grade students will receive lockers. Lockers will be distributed at the beginning of the school year during 6th grade Discovery class.
b. 7th and 8th grade students can reserve lockers. Please see the link below in this newsletter regarding 7th & 8th grade locker request.
c. Gym lockers for grades 6-8 can be reserved through the students PE teacher.
2. How will lockers and associated combinations be assigned?
a. Locker combinations are reset yearly by administration. Students will be trained on how to open lockers through their Discovery class.
3. What size lockers will the 6th graders be getting?
a. Lockers are standard size, which will comfortably fit the student backpack and school supplies.
1. How often is PE and how does it work in terms of changing into PE uniforms?
a. Students attend PE daily.
b. Students will dress out in the locker room.
2. Where are regular clothes kept during class, and where do sweaty PE clothes go after class?
a. Students regular clothes are stored in a locked designated area.
b. Many students deposit sweaty PE clothes in a draw string backpack and place in their locker.
1. When do 6th graders try out for soccer? Do they have an opportunity to observe the practices and games to decide whether they want to join?
a. School sports are only for 7th and 8th grade students.
b. RTMS sports schedules will be included in the weekly parent newsletter.
c. 6th grade students are welcome to enjoy all games. However, practices are closed to the public.
1. Where do I purchase uniforms if my child is in the Kickstart program?
a. Students in Kickstart will be fitted for their Kickstart uniform, during the 1st week of school.
b. Parents may buy the uniform after the fitting.
1. Are 6th graders allowed to join student council?
a. 6th grade students can join student council.
Arrival & Dismissal
1. What is the process for carpool drop-off and pickup?
a. Drop and Pickup occurs in the front entrance of the campus. (See diagram below in arrival and dismissal portion of newsletter)
b. RTMS doors open at 8:20 am.
c. Dismissal starts at 4:10 pm.
1. What will be your Covid-19 or vaccination and mask protocol for the upcoming school year? What precautions are taking place?
a. RTMS follows all guidelines determined by FBISD. Additional information regarding district protocol can be found at www.fortbendisd.com/healthandsafetyprotocols
1. What type of security measures does the school have in place?
a. RTMS has a full time FBISD officer on campus.
b. Practice drills are conducted throughout the year with student and staff
c. Additional safety information can be found at https://www.fortbendisd.com/site/Default.aspx?PageID=936
2. How is bullying or harassment handled?
a. Bullying and harassment are investigated quickly and efficiently by the grade level principal.
3. How will I receive communication in case of emergency or threats to the school? Is there a text alert system in place?
a. Communication is sent out to parents/guardians through a system called Blackboard.
i. Please ensure all telephone numbers and email addresses are accurate in skyward to guarantee the reception of the communication.
4. If my child has an emergency and needs to be picked up asap, will he/she be able to use cell to call me?
a. Students may report to the AP suite or nurse’s clinic to contact parents in case of an emergency.
1. Will kids receive an agenda notebook from school like in elementary school or do they need to buy one for themselves?
a. All 6th grade students will receive an agenda at the start of the school year.
1. Electronics/ cell phone policy?
a. Cell phones should be out of sight in the student’s backpack throughout the school day.
b. Teachers will communicate when students can use their electronic devices to aid in the learning process.
2. Are smart phones/tablets required?
a. Smart phones/tablets are not required at school
b. All classrooms are outfitted with a class set of laptops or iPads.
Dress Code
1. What is the dress code policy?
a. RTMS follows the dress code policy set out by FBISD.
b. Additional information regarding dress code can be found in the 2022-2023 FBISD Student code of conduct. https://www.fortbendisd.com/cms/lib/TX01917858/Centricity//Domain/91/2022-2023%20Student%20Code%20of%20Conduct.pdf
School Supplies
1. When will the school supplies list be released?
a. FBISD general school supply list can be found at https://www.fortbendisd.com/Page/1055
Transition/Bell Schedule
1. How much time do students have to get to their classes?
a. Students have 4 minutes to transition to class.
2. Does RTMS have block schedules for 90min for the classes they attend, or will they attend all classes Math, Science, ELA, History daily plus their electives daily?
a. RTMS is on a 7-period bell schedule.
Bus Transportation
1. How do we know if our child will receive bus service?
a. Bus service information can be found at https://www.fortbendisd.com/businfo
1. When will kids be notified of their schedules?
a. Students will receive their schedules during 1st period on the first day of school.
1. What time will they have lunch? Will 6th grade students have their own lunch separate from 7th and 8th grade students?
a. RTMS has 4 lunches.
b. A lunch starts at 10:50 am.
c. The majority of 6th graders are in 1st and 2nd lunch.
7th and 8th grade Locker Request Form 2022-2023
Please complete this form in its entirety so that it can be properly processed. RTMS cannot guarantee that all requests will be granted due to the limited amount of lockers available. Students will be notified through Schoology of the outcome of this request. Please submit this form only once.
Requests will not be accepted after Friday September 9th at 4pm.
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