Stingray Scoop
SHMS Information ~ Week of May 20-24
Dear Stone Hill community,
Greetings! I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. This week we gear up for the Math SOL test, and we want our students to be well-rested and to come to school with a charged Chromebook. Outline of our testing plan:
- Tuesday May 21st, Reading SOL Retakes and Make Ups will take place for specific students after Advisory.
- Wednesday May 22nd, all students will take their Math SOL. We will have no Advisory on Wednesday morning.
- Wednesday May 29th, Math Retakes will take place for specific students after Advisory.
Another reminder for our families who use the car line, please help us keep all children and staff safe by pulling your car forward as far up as possible in order to keep the flow of traffic moving.
Thank you in advance for taking the time to read through the Stingray Scoop with your family so you can stay up to date on all the amazing things going on at SHMS!
We are ONE, We are Strong, We are Stone Hill.
In service to you and our Stingray community,
Rohini Tohan, Principal
Week at a Glance
Monday, May 20th
- B-day
- Activity Buses
Tuesday, May 21st
- A-day
- Reading SOL Retakes & Make Ups
Wednesday, May 22nd
- B-day
- Math SOL (all grade levels)
- Activity Buses
- Chorus 7 Concert ~ 6:00 pm @ Stone Hill
- Chorus 8 Concert ~ 7:00 pm @ Stone Hill
Thursday, May 23rd
- A-day
- Activity Buses
- Band 7 Concert ~ 7:00 pm @ Rock Ridge HS
- Strings Concert ~ 7:00 pm @ Stone Hill
Friday, May 24th
- B-day
Important Upcoming School Dates
- May 27th ~ School Holiday: Memorial Day
- May 28th ~ PTO Meeting & Board Elections, 6:00 pm (virtual)
- May 29th ~ Band 8 Concert, 7:00 pm @ Stone Hill
- May 31st ~ 8th Grade Music Trip to Hershey Park
- June 4th ~ Strings 6 Concert, 7:00 pm @ Stone Hill
- June 6th ~ Guitar 7 & 8 Concert, 7:00 pm @ Stone Hill
- June 7th ~ 8th Grade Flight Night, 6-8 pm @ Stone Hill
- June 11th ~ 8th Grade Awards Ceremony, 6:00 pm @ Rock Ridge
- June 14th ~ Last Day of School for Students
Grade-Level Stingray Reports
Weeks of May 20th to May 31st
Stingray Reports are a snapshot for families of what students will be learning in class during these weeks. Don’t forget to check out the “Show & Tell” sections, which include great conversation starters to ask your student at home!
This Week's Stingray Shout-Outs
8th Grade/Virginia State Winners 2023-2024
1st Place: Stone Hill Middle School, Food Re-Users.
Sriram Chiripurapu, Harini Gudavalli, and Lina Lee
This team researched why it is so hot in summer and they dug deeper into climate change and greenhouse gasses. Their research looked for ways to increase the amount of carbon dioxide in the air and led to the idea of composting. Their proposal was based upon utilizing the 15,000 pounds of food waste in LCPS each week and then creating a blender type of machine that could generate a compost paste that could be sold to help them grow more plants successfully. The hope was to reduce food waste being thrown away, helping local farmers and families grow more successfully, and finally generating more plant growth to help with greenhouse gas challenges to the environment.
In addition to being state winners, this team also qualified as a Regional Finalist, presenting to scientists and engineers about their project. Each team member will receive $2000 savings bonds (at maturity) for their work. GREAT JOB, Food Re-Users!
2nd Place: Stone Hill Middle School, Exercise4Energy
Sahasra Godavarthi & Leana Paradkar
This team studied the feasibility of a solar powered gym and utilizing gym equipment to generate the power needed to run a facility. They studied workout routines and frequency to estimate how much power could be harnessed from client workouts and if that output would cover what is needed to power the machines within the facility.
Each team member will receive a $500 savings bond (at maturity) for their work.
6th Grade/Virginia State Winners 2023-2024
2nd Place: Stone Hill Middle School, the swift ants
Apurva Ram, Niharika Atluri, and Tanisha Bhusarapu
This team studied the obesity problem in youth, focusing on the negative physical and mental health effects. They identified dopamine as a source of concern in diet.
Each team member will receive a $500 savings bond (at maturity) for their work.
6th Grade Chorus Concert
Congratulations to our 6th grade chorus for a wonderful performance last Thursday! With a blend of songs from different genres, some incredible solos and groups, and even body percussionists, it was an exciting show! A special thank you to Ms. Kaiser and Mr. Uhlir for all of your support and guidance of our singers.
Stingray News Network (SNN)
FCCLA Cooks Up Breakfast Treats
The Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) club put their kitchen skills to work for some fun competition by cooking two DELICIOUS breakfast treats. Mr. Frye stopped by to taste French toast with chocolate and marshmallows (inspired by s'mores) and pancakes with cinnamon filling and icing (inspired by IHOP's cinn-a-stacks). Both teams did a phenomenal job! A special thanks to Ms. Hughes for everything you do to make cooking and other life skills engaging...and tasty!
PBIS Word of the Month
May's word of the month is responsible. Our Students of the Month will be nominated based on how they demonstrate being responsible throughout this month!
Counseling Department Information
Expungement Information
Middle school students who have taken a high school course while in sixth, seventh, or eighth grade may elect to have the course expunged (grade and credit omitted) from the student’s high school records. The high school credit courses available to middle school students include the following, Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra II/Trig, Robotics and World Languages. Student’s GPA and class standing will not include the grade from the expunged course, nor will the student receive a credit toward graduation for this course.
Students are not required to repeat a high school-credited course that has been expunged, unless it is a prerequisite and needed to fulfill a graduation requirement. LCPS requires that courses taken in mathematics and world language follow a sequence of courses that include prerequisites and no pre-requisite course may be expunged without repeating.
Course Progressions:
If a high school math course is expunged in 7th or 8th grade, the results will be one of the following:
- Student will retake the course in 8th or 9th grade or,
- Student will retake the course in the summer (if applicable)
If a high school world language course is expunged in 7th or 8th grade, the results will be one of the following:
- Student will repeat the course in 8th or 9th grade, or
- Student can switch to a different World Language Elective, or
- Student can switch to a different elective
- Student can retake the course in the summer (if applicable)
If a middle school student receives a grade of “F” in a high school credit bearing course, that grade and course will automatically be expunged by your student’s school counselor. No permission click response needed.
Students do have an opportunity to enroll in summer courses through Virtual Loudoun Online Learning. Summer courses taken following the promotion of 8th grade are not eligible for expungement.
Strong consideration should be given for expunging low grades in credit-bearing courses. Below are some additional examples to consider:
- Grades lower than a B- will equate to less than 3.0 GPA
- Mastered or feel confident with the content? Expunging and repeating gives students an opportunity to increase their understanding of the content and improve the grade
If you wish to expunge the grade for a high school course taken in middle school, the expungement form must be completed through Permission Click. Expungement requests should be submitted to the school counseling department no later than the end of the first quarter of the 2024-2025 school year.
Please note the following:
- If your student is a current sixth or seventh grader, please submit the form to your student's middle school counselor. This link can be found at the bottom of your Middle School Web site and is linked below
- If your student is a current eighth grader, please submit the form on or before the end of the first quarter of the 2024-2025 school year through your student’s home high school link. Please assure you are using the correct link.
- https://permission.click/B1AeA/int/9g6/signee-info
- If your student is attending a different high school, please reach out to your student’s school counselor to receive the correct link.
- Courses taken in middle school cannot be expunged after the end of the first quarter of the 2024-2025 school year.
- To successfully meet the prerequisite requirements for course sequencing students may be enrolled in the same course they are expunging for the upcoming school year,
- Example: Algebra 1 is expunged in 8th grade, must repeat Algebra 1 in 9th grade
Please be advised that the decision to expunge a grade is irreversible.
If you have questions, please contact your child's middle school counselor.
LCPS Mental Health and Wellness Presentations
Parents please see the flier for information about upcoming mental health and wellness presentations offered by the county.
Parent Coaching Resources
Loudoun County Public Schools is offering new resources for all staff and parents/guardians to use to support students through www.parental guidance.org. You can learn more about this initiative by clicking here.
These resources include easily accessible video-based courses on difficult parenting topics, individualized parent coaching for any LCPS parent/guardian, on their schedule in their home, and weekly interactive webinars to let parents know the mental health needs of our students are a critical concern of Loudoun County Public Schools.
Bus & Car Line Reminders
A reminder from LCPS’s Transportation Department
Bus riders should ride their assigned bus and always arrive at their bus stop five minutes early. Please help your student(s) get out of the door on time.
Car Line Reminders
Carline parents: We thank you for your patience and cooperation in helping to make our car line a safe and efficient area during the morning drop off and afternoon pick up.
Please follow directions displayed on signage and from all car line staff. Please pull as far forward as possible towards the stop sign in order to keep the flow of traffic moving.
Attendance Reminders
Being On-Time to School
We regularly generate an attendance report to monitor student attendance and identify any patterns of excessive absences, tardies, and/or early dismissals.
We have identified an increase in the number of tardies to school where parents are dropping off students after the start of the school day. Consistent school attendance is crucial for student success, as it directly impacts academic achievement and overall educational progress. When students are absent/tardy, they miss out on valuable instructional time and the opportunity to fully engage in their learning.
It is the school’s responsibility to keep parents informed about their student’s attendance. We ask for your cooperation to ensure your student(s) arrives promptly and is present in the classroom between 8:50 AM and 3:38 PM.
Reporting Attendance
We are encouraging all parents to report attendance, including absences and early dismissals, in ParentVue. We no longer have an absentee line and all attendance needs should be reported in ParentVue moving forward. Instructions with how to videos are available on our website or by clicking here.
Extended Absences
- In extended absence cases of illness, a doctor's note will be required and the absence will be documented as EXCUSED.
- In cases of bereavement, educational travel, religious travel, these will be documented in the student record as EXCUSED, and we continue to communicate and connect teachers with parents and students to lessen the academic impact.
- In extended absence cases of vacation, these will be documented as UNEXCUSED in the academic record and communicated to the Loudoun County Attendance Officer.
Tutoring Resources
LCPS is proud to provide free access to a suite of online learning resources available on the Varsity Tutors platform. To learn more about Varsity Tutors, a free, on-demand online tutoring service available to ALL LCPS students in Grades K-12, click here.
Required Immunizations for Rising 7th Grade Students
Upcoming Events & Activities
PTO Information
SHMS PTO Newsletter
Please join us for our next PTO general body meeting which will be held virtually on Tuesday, May 28 at 6pm. This will be the final PTO meeting for the school year. We strongly encourage parents to become part of the Stone Hill Community by becoming a Board member to provide the best collaborative school environment for your students. Please use the following link to join the PTO general body meeting:
SHMS PTO General Body Meeting
Tuesday, May 28 · 6:00 – 7:00pm
Or dial: (US) +1 806-410-3744 PIN: 614 806 806#
8th GRADE FLIGHT NIGHT DANCE – LET IT GLOW – Friday, June 7th, 6pm at SHMS, Tickets $15
All 8th graders come celebrate your last year of Middle School as you prepare to take flight on your new adventure! High School! Get ready for a night of fun with delicious food, great music, an airbrush tattoo artist, and a photo booth. Registration ends Tuesday, June 4th. Every student must be registered to attend. Please see attached flyer for more information with QR code to register. Or click on the following link: 8th Grade Flight Night Dance Registration
WE NEED PARENT VOLUNTEERS for 8th grade dance!!! - If there are not enough parents signed up to volunteer to help, this event will be cancelled. Parent Volunteer Link:
Should you have any questions or concerns, please email pto-board@shmspto.org.
We hope to see you there!
The PTO will be holding elections for the Executive Board for the 2024-25 school year on Tuesday, May 28th at 6 p.m. We are currently accepting nominations for Parent Teacher Organization positions for the 2024-2025 school year. If you are interested, or would like to nominate someone, please fill out the following form: PTO Elections 2024-2025 SY Nomination Form. A description of each of the positions is included on the nomination form.
NOTE: All parents who would like to be considered for a Board position are required to become members of the PTO prior to the elections. Please click on the following link: SHMS PTO Membership Registration Form 2023-2024 (google.com)
Keep up to date with the latest PTO events and meeting information!
Follow us on
Facebook: @stonehillpto
Twitter: @shms_pto
Parent Liaison Resources
Free Food & Clothing Distribution
SNAP Provides Eligible Families Access to Healthy Food
The SNAP in Schools initiative from the Virginia Department of Social Service, which is based on the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), helps develop partnerships to bridge the gap of food insecurity among school-aged children. The objectives of SNAP in Schools are to reduce food insecurity in school-aged children, to increase the number of students directly certified for free school meals through SNAP, and to increase the number of students eligible without application for the summer EBT program.
Please advise families who could benefit from this program to access the CommonHelp portal link to submit online SNAP applications.
Please also share the flyer below with your families:
Message from Ms. Tohan about Snacks
In an effort to support our parent liaison, Lauren McCreary, with the distribution of snacks to students in need, I am asking that you please complete this form if your family would like to request that snacks be made available to your student during the school day. As a reminder, snacks and meals are available for purchase during breakfast and lunch time in the cafeteria, and students may also bring their own food/snacks to eat in the cafeteria during those times. If you have any questions, please reach out to our Parent Liaison, Lauren McCreary, at lauren.mccreary@lcps.org and our School Social Worker, Rochon Moore Bumgardner, at rochon.moorebumgardner@lcps.org.
Fentanyl Awareness Message
Health & Medical Sciences Academy & International Baccalaureate Programs
- IB Information Night Flyer:
- Arabic, English, Farsi, Spanish, Vietnamese
- HAMSci Information Night Flyer:
- Arabic, English, Farsi, Spanish, Vietnamese
- Special Programs Interest Window PDF
Please help us encourage reading at home
Helpful Links
Stingray Scoop - Stone Hill Middle School's Newsletter
Email: rohini.tohan@lcps.org
Website: www.lcps.org/SHMS
Phone: 703-957-4420
Twitter: @StoneHillMiddle