Erieview News
Good afternoon Erieview families,
We will have our first early release on 9/25/24. Students will start their day at the normal time but will be dismissed from the elementary buildings at noon. Dismissal will be the same procedure that we always use, just at noon instead of 3:20 pm on September 25th.
All students will eat their lunches in their classrooms on the 25th. Lunch will start at 11:15 am and end at 11:45 am. Students will have an opportunity to pack or buy their lunch, just like normal. If your child wants to buy that day, there will only be one lunch option.
The lunch option for that day will be:
Scoops tortilla chips
After careful review, we will be adjusting the way we process student medication.
- Over the counter meds must be in a new/unopened container and can be received by secretary and/or nursing.
- Any prescription medication that requires tablets to be counted must be received by nursing. Parents will have to drop off this medication while a nurse is in the building (see form.)
Thank you,
Corrie Taips RN
Avon Lake City Schools
Eastview & Learwood Nurse
Calling all recyclers! The art room is always in need of the following items: Newspaper, plastic grocery bags, and styrofoam or plastic egg cartons (cant use the cardboard kind). If you have any of these items, please drop them off in the art room. Thanks so much!
Diane Chernisky
Art Teacher
Redwood and Erieview Elementary
Redwood- (440) 933-5145 ext. 6032
Erieview- (440) 933-6282 ext.
Tall Tales celebration in 2nd grade
Homecoming Parade - Saturday, September 21, 9:45 am Drop OFF
Erieview will have a float in this year’s Homecoming Parade and students are welcome to ride on or walk with the float! If your child will be riding on the Erieview float, please drop them off at Erieview in the front parking lot by 9:45 am on Saturday September 21. We will then head over to the high school to prepare for the parade line. The parade begins at 10:30 am heading West down Electric Blvd. to Glenview Dr. to Lakeview Dr. to Redwood Blvd. to Avon Belden Rd/State Route 83. The parade ends at the front loop of Avon Lake High School. Please pick up your child from the ALHS North lot when the parade is over.
SIGN UP!!! If your child or you plan to ride/walk in the parade - please submit your responses here [signupgenius.com] no later than next Friday, September 20! We need an adult volunteer to drive the float as well as accompany our students on the parade route.
*Our school's float theme this year is Maroon and Gold, and participants are encouraged to COME DRESSED IN your best Maroon and Gold/Avon Lake spirit wear. There's a 'homecoming' shirt on the spirit wear order form if you choose!
PLEASE BRING PLENTY of CANDY TO TOSS if you would like! Every year we have had enough room for students, but it is possible that more kids show up than what we can safely have on the float, in which case it is first come based on the order the children arrive. Please keep this possibility in mind and parents are welcome to walk with the float/school as well.
Spirit Wear Sale!
The spirit wear sale has been extended to 9/13/24!
Healthy Kids Club will begin on September 22nd. Permission slips have been sent home with students. If your student is interested, please return the permission slip and payment no later than September 18th. I look forward to learning and practicing healthy habits with Erieview students this year! ~Mrs. Sparkes
Employment opportunities at Erieview:
Recess & Lunch Monitor – Erieview (2 positions)
WORK: 2.5 Hours per day / 5 Days per week
HOURS: 10:30-1:00
SALARY: $16.42-$21.69
To view the External Job Posting, please click below and you will be directed to the ALCS External Employment page on our school website.
Upcoming events:
9/20-Homecoming football game
9/21-Homecoming parade 10:30 am
9/23-Kids in the Community
9/24-Healthy Kids 8:05 am
9/25-early release (noon)
10/1-Healthy Kids
10/4-Erieview Fall Fest 5:00-7:00 pm
10/8-Healthy Kids
10/9-Marco's Pizza Box Night~ K-2 grades
10/9-conferences 4:00-8:00 pm
10/10-conferences all day 8:00-3:00 pm
10/11- NEOEA~no school
10/14-18-ELA 3rd grade (OST -state testing)
10/15-Healthy Kids
10/22-Healthy Kids
10/25-end Q1
11/1-professional development day~no school for students