The Buzz
Summer Term - 20th April 2023

Message From The Head of School
Welcome back for the summer term. I hope everyone has had an enjoyable Easter break and spent quality time with families and friends.
Our summer term is extremely busy with Sports Days, transition opportunities, Arts Week, the King's coronation celebrations, Y2 SATS, Y1 Phonics Screening and lots of HISNA events to look forward to including the Summer Fair.
It was lovely to welcome all children back on Tuesday and to see their excitement as they came in through the gates in the morning. All the staff were so pleased to see them and you could feel a buzz of excitement as you walked through the school.
Please see all year groups Summer Term Curriculums 2023 further down the newsletter, click links for information.
Y2 parents should have received confirmation of their childs HJS space for September. If you haven’t and need some support please call the HJS school office.
Reception places have been offered. Due to falling birth rates in the locality we may not be completely full. If you have a friend or family member who has not secured a Reception place please advise them to contact Richmond admissions.
THANK YOU to everybody who donated to 'Wear it Red' for comic relief this year. The total raised across HPP is £913!
Claire Cook
Head of School
UK Emergency alert to all mobile phones on Sunday 23 April at 3pm
The Government will be carrying out an emergency alert on Sunday at 3pm. The alert will go off on all phones, including children's phones, elderly people's and other vulnerable people. You can opt out of emergency alerts, but you should keep them switched on for your own safety.
To opt out of Emergency and Severe alerts follow the links below:-
Iphone guide to opting out here .
Android guide to opting out is here
w/c 20.03.2023
The class with the best attendance w/c 20.03.2023 was RC
The class with the least numbers of lates w/c 20.03.2023 was 2D
The class with the best attendance w/c 27.03.2023 was 1C
The class with the least numbers of lates w/c 27.03.2023 was 1C, 2A, RK
w/c 20.03.2023
Before half term certificates were given out to children who focussed on the HPP principle of CHALLENGE
RC Alvaro
RDC Freddie
RF Nysa
RK Micah
1B Jacob
1C Viana
1H Hugo
1K Emilia
2A Milan
2J Juvan
2T Alexia
w/c 27.03.2023
Before half term certificates were given out to children who focussed on the HPP principle of RESILIENCE
RC Lexie
RDC Lily
RF Margot
RK Thea
1B Noah
1C Dervla
1H Sophia
1K Nathan
2A Jerome
2D Bruno
2J Tyler
2T Maya
Well Done
Senara class 2T, took part in Twickenham Rugby Club's annual tour and received 'Player of the Match' award.
Year Group Curriculum News Summer 2023
We hope you all had a wonderful Easter holiday. It has been great to welcome the children back this week and hear them sharing their holiday news.
Whilst we have been away our bean seeds have shot up much to the children’s excitement. We will be replanting them outside soon and continuing to care for them and making links to maths by measuring the beans as they grow. The children have also been incredibly eager to get out into our garden this week to explore our new mud kitchen set up. We saw lots of sharing, conversations and creative thinking as the children played together.
Other highlights this week have included retelling the story of the gingerbread man and using nature as inspiration for our creative work.
It has been so lovely to see all the smiling faces back in the classrooms and it has been wonderful to hear all the fun adventures the children have been on over the Easter break.
During this first week back, we have really enjoyed reading 'The Gingerbread Man' and have been re-enacting the story using puppets, making sure we get our favourite line in..."run, run, run as fast as you. You can't catch me! I am the Gingerbread Man!". We have been busy decorating our Gingerbread Man ready for his postal adventure to a friend or family member, and we are excited to hear all the wonderful things they have been doing on their journey.
In maths, we have been investigating our numbers to 20 and noticed that when we used a tens frame to construct these larger numbers they included the number 10 plus a few extra! We also made them out of numicon and thought about our number formation too.
As a little treat this week, RF and RDC took part in a 'Laser Lions' workshop and loved using laser blasters, and with their friends completed lots of challenging laser quests. We can't wait for RK and RC to have fun next week and hear about their laser missions too.
Welcome to the summer term!
The children have returned from the Easter break energised and ready for all the amazing learning that we have planned over the forthcoming weeks.
This week we have introduced our new text 'The Ugly Five' by Julia Donaldson and we have enjoyed exploring it and making predictions about what might happen.
Thank you for all your support in making our international day a success before Easter. Children looked wonderful in their costumes and we all learnt a lot. We enjoyed dancing, art, food tasting and learning to say greetings in different languages.
Year 2
English: We have started reading the Asian folk tale 'The Tiger Child' with a focus on descriptive language and suffixes. The children have used expanded noun phrases to describe tigers and will go onto write their own versions of the story later this half term.
PE: The children have been focusing on their ball skills and being able to control a ball to reach a target they are aiming for. Working independently, in pairs and as part of the group, the children have challenged themselves to roll and throw to a variety of targets, both still and moving.
Science: Our new topic in science is 'Living Things and Their Habitats'. This week the children were introduced to the 7 life processes for an organism to be alive. Then they thought of their own animal or plant to describe the processes for.
Year 2 at Kew Gardens
On Monday 27th March, Year 2 visited Kew Gardens. We were so lucky with the weather, having glorious sunshine all day. We had a Spines and Vines workshop in our class groups, where we learnt about cacti and plants which dangle down. We learnt about how cacti have long roots to collect water from way below the desert, and how there are some special glow in the dark flowers that attract bats in the night time! The Palm House was very hot and sticky, but we found all the different plants on our scavenger hunts. We also took a long walk to the Temperate House where we saw many beautiful flowers. One of the children's favourite parts was our special lunches! We had a wonderful picnic outside before having a big play in the gardens.
Year 2 had the best day at Kew Gardens, and after all that walking, we were all very tired. We want to say a big thankyou to all the parents that helped out on our trip and also to the children, for making all their teachers proud.
Before the Easter break classes 2T and 2J had their session with LazerLions. Everybody had so much fun lasering the targets on the floor; lots of running, jumping, ducking and diving from the children - a great workout!
HJS Orchestra
On Wednesday 29th March the HJS Orchestra performed for Year 1 and Year 2 children. They played some well known pieces of music as well as amazing solos. Everybody thoroughly enjoyed it. Well done Miss Burbage for conducting the orchestra so brilliantly.
Information for Parents below
Contact details
Email: office.hisn@hpp.school
Website: hpp.school
Location: Hampton Infant School and Nursery, Ripley Road, Hampton, UK
Phone: 0208 979 1815