CVE Friday Flash
December 6, 2024
Mr. Macken's Message
Centerville Families,
It has been such a joy to see the incredible growth happening in our classrooms! This week, I had the pleasure of visiting many kindergarten, first, and second-grade classrooms, and I was amazed by the progress our students are making as readers and writers. From sounding out words to crafting sentences and stories, it’s clear that their hard work and determination are paying off.
You can help continue this growth at home by:
- Reading together daily: Even 10-15 minutes a day can make a big difference!
- Asking questions about stories: "What do you think will happen next?" or "What was your favorite part?"
- Encouraging your child to write: Create grocery lists, write letters to family members, or keep a journal.
- Making reading fun: Visit the library, explore different genres, or let them pick books that spark their interest.
Thank you for your continued support in nurturing your child's love for learning.
Go Cougars!
Mike Macken
Dates to Remember
- Dec 9: Pajama Day
- Dec 10 - 16 - Scooter City After School Activity (See below)
- Dec 10: Silly Hair & Sock Day
- Dec 11: Twin Day
- Dec 12: Mismatch Day
- Dec 13: Hat & Cougar Pride Day
- Dec20: Lost & Found Items Donated
- Dec 23rd - Jan 1st - No School (Holiday Break)
- Jan 2nd - School Resumes
The Centerville Elementary Calendar is located on our school’s website at https://centerville.isd12.org/ under the Parent Hub. Here you will also find the 2024-2025 District Student Calendar and the 2024-2025 Elementary Student Letter Day Calendar.
Spirit Week
Join the Leadership Team in some fun next week!
- Monday- Pajama Day
- Tuesday - Silly Hair & Sock Day
- Wednesday - Twin Day
- Thursday - Mismatch Day
- Friday - Hat & Cougar Pride Day
Scooter City After School Opportunity - Limited Spots Available!
Scooter City is an interactive obstacle course where students can travel through Centerville’s gymnasium on 4-wheel scooters while experiencing a world made for scooters. Students can fish at the fishing hole, swim under the sea, play hockey, get wet in the car wash, shoot baskets, fill up with gas, dance in the disco room, watch a movie at the theater, and much more.
K-5 students will experience Scooter City during gym class but check out the below flyers below for an additional after school opportunity for students.
Proceeds will be used to purchase additional scooter city scooters.
Volunteer Opportunity - Scooter City
Scooter City is back at CVE and is a blast for students! We realize it is a busy time but if you are able to help please reach out to Judy Montain at 763.792.5800.
Schedule / Help needed:
- Monday, Dec. 9th at 12pm – 2 people – prep for Scooter City
- Monday, Dec. 9th at 4pm – ?? several people – set up Scooter City
- Tuesday, Dec. 10th - 4-5:15PM (2-3 people Scooter City Chaperones)
- Wednesday, Dec. 11th - 4-5:15PM (2-3 people Scooter City Chaperones)
- Thursday, Dec. 12th - 4-5:15PM (2-3 people Scooter City Chaperones)
- Friday, Dec. 13th - 4-5:15PM (2-3 people Scooter City Chaperones)
- Monday, Dec. 16th - 4-5:15PM (2-3 people Scooter City Chaperones)
- Tuesday, Dec. 17th - 3pm – Take down Scooter City – 5-10 people
Thank you in advance for your support!
Our Lost and Found is growing!
Is your child missing Boots? Jacket? Mittens? Sweatshirts?
- Parents can sign into the kiosk and look through the Lost & Found items from 8AM - 4PM.
Students can look through items before school or by asking their teacher.
Reminder: Unclaimed Items will be donated after school on Fri., Dec. 20th
Cougar Club Winners
We are so proud of the way these students show the 4 R’s every day!
Principal's Chair:
Zachary Johnson
Pizza Winners
Hadley Eichinger
Eli Thompson
Deacon Anderson
Quinn Kelly
First Grade
Emmy Clochie
Cody Ator
Second Grade
Alexia Wright
Penelope Anderson
Third Grade
Walker Handahl
Caden Selden
Fourth Grade
Morgan Parsell
CeCe Winters
Fifth Grade
Everett Kiewel
Blake MacDonald
Prize Winners
Jackson Cypull
Anders Strom
Jaxton Hodges
Jed Norton
First Grade
Ava Nelson
Zoey Christensen
Second Grade
Sofiya Abdulla
Ariana Rasmussen
Third Grade
Avery Richter
Owen Spangenberg
Fourth Grade
Alec Blaschka
Stacy St. Germain
Fifth Grade
Logan LaValle
Mia Richter
Centerville Parent Teacher Association
The CPTA would like to host a family spring festival again this year in May. But we need at least one more person to plan and coordinate the event. Can you help us make this happen?
Sign up here <
Thank you Centerville Lions Club!
A huge thank you to our Centerville Lions Club for donating books to our 3rd grade classrooms!
Just a few yearbooks left at the lowest price. Don’t miss out on this memorable book!
Click HERE to purchase.
Community Education
The Winter Activity Guide is open for registration! Go online now to view and register for all offerings for both youth and adults for winter through early spring!
· Archery Club
· Cougar Soccer Academy
· DASH After School Multi-Sport Camps
· Sunday STEM Fun: Build Your Own Board Game
· Fencing
· Karate
· Cheer Clinic
· Floor is Lava Adventure Challenge
· Canvas Fun: Spring Flowers… and much more!
More happening soon:
Dec. 14- Santa’s Holiday Workshop: Gingerbread House Making (ages 3-11 with adult)
LED’s, Circuits & Conductivity (ages 5-12)
Dec. 27- Video Production: “Top” List Creator (gr. 3-5)(virtual)
Dec. 30- Dungeons & Dragons 101: One Shot Minecraft Adventure (gr. 2-5)(virtual)
Go online to view all activities and to register, community.isd12.org.
Welcome to the Digital Backpack, the district’s central posting place for community flyers. If you have questions regarding these programs, please contact the organizations directly. Click HERE to browse the Digital Backpack.
Visit isd12.org/get-involved/hall-of-fame for nomination information. Note: Criteria and application process have changed. Deadline: January 6, 2025.
Weather-Related School Closings + Flexible Learning Day Information
Twin Cities television stations.
Information posted on the district website - www.isd12.org.
An "alert notification" will be sent to families by telephone and/or text through the District's SchoolMessenger communication system. A message will be sent to your home phone, cell phone, work phone, by text
- Flexible Learning Days
- Want to receive school closing and bus delay info by text?
Your support for the Powerpack program helps students
In the first three months of the 2024/25 school year Powerpack, a program which supports families by sending home a weekend bag of breakfast items, individual meals, and snacks for school-age children, has:
- Created 4,713 packs
- Number of weeks packs sent: 12
- Average of packs sent per week: 393
- Cost of a pack = $2.50; total spent thus far: $11,782.50
Thank you for you for your donations to the Powerpack program directly or indirectly (for example, by purchasing bags of food from local stores that are designated for Powerpack or donating to Powerpack) and to the schools, for their food drives which benefit the Powerpack program. If your school or organization would like to help fund Powerpack please contact Powerpack at powerpackdistrict12@gmail.com. Powerpack is a 501c3 nonprofit organization housed under Centennial Community Food Shelf. For information on the Powerpack Program. Ways to give monetarily: Powerpack Information and Centennial Food Shelf to learn about other ways to give.
Make a Difference and Substitute in our Schools!
Don’t miss this chance to get involved and make a difference in the Centennial School District! No experience necessary; training provided!
This is a great opportunity to:
- Be involved in your child’s education and help out in the schools.
- Turn your volunteer hours into extra income.
- Work a schedule that fits with your student’s schedule.
- Get paid weekly and take advantage of bonus opportunities.
Apply at teachersoncall.com; 800-713-4439 for the following positions:
- Substitute Teachers (To qualify, you must have bachelor’s degree with MN Teaching or Substitute License; you can obtain a Short Call License if you have a bachelor’s degree.)
- Substitute Paraprofessionals (To qualify, you must have a HS Diploma/GED.)
Substitutes are also needed for Kids Club, food service, custodial, administrative assistants, and nurses. More information can be found on the Centennial website.
Contact Information
Email: tbuescher@isd12.org
Website: www.isd12.org/cve
Location: 1721 Westview Street, Centerville, MN, USA
Phone: 763.792.5800