Farmington Elementary Newsletter
September 6, 2024
Message From Mrs. Petersen
Hello Farmington Families,
We are off to a great school year! A large part of this week was spent teaching and reviewing behavior standards in different areas of our buildings. These standards are also posted around our building for everyone to see throughout the day.
In addition to our building matrix (linked below), each classroom has their own standards and we have our student handbook and board policies. Anytime you'd like to review a board policy, you can do so by visiting Board Docs and click on "Policies" in the upper right hand corner.
One of the policies we follow closely is the Personal Communication Devices (po5136), which addresses students and items like cell phones, smart watches, and tablets from home. This policy states, "Students (K-8) may possess PCDs in school and on school property. PCDs must be powered completely off (i.e., not just placed into vibrate or silent mode) and stored in the student's backpack or locker. Students may possess and use PCDs during after-school activities (e.g., extra-curricular activities). Use of PCDs, except those approved by a teacher or administrator, at any other time is prohibited." If your child does bring a PCD to school, please remind them to have that device off and put away before the school day begins.
We are excited for a great school year! Please feel free to call or email staff if you have any question.
Take Care,
Angie Petersen
Farmington Principal
District Assessment Coordinator
Student Absences
Is your child too sick to come to school? Does your child have a medical appointment? Are you taking a planned vacation? We want your child to be at school as much as possible, but we know that things come up. Here are a few things to keep in mind:
- Parents have up to 10 days each year to call your child in absent to school, and be considered excused days.
- If you know your child will be out of school, please let us know as soon as possible.
- If your child has a medical or dental appointment, ask for a school excuse after the appointment and have your child bring it to school as soon as possible. If we have the written medical excuse, the absence doesn't count towards the 10 parentally excused days.
- We have automated letters that are sent out at 5 days absent and 10 days absent. If you think you've received a letter in error-please reach out to Mrs. Petersen or Mrs. Seiser.
- If your child has over 10 days of absence during the school year, Mrs. Petersen will be in contact to set up a time to talk about what we can do to positively impact your child's attendance.
Monthly and Yearly Drills
Throughout the school year we will have drills to help our staff and students practice safety procedures. These drills include fire, tornado, lock down, evacuation, and safety. Fire drills are most common and happen almost every month. Tornado drills happen at least twice a year. Lock down and evacuation drills will occur in the fall, along with two safety drills during the year where students and staff practice using either the evacuation or lock-down options depending on the situation. You can expect communication to come home through Skyward messages after the evacuation, lock-down and safety drills have been completed.
A Message From Our PTO
🎥Outdoor Movie Night will take place on Friday, September 27th featuring Inside Out 2! The movie will begin at 7:30pm Don't forget to bring your chairs and blankets! Candy and snacks will be available for purchase (cash only), and popcorn will be provided by the PTO.
🎃Mark your calendars for our new Halloween Event, Trunk or Treat, on October 25th! More info to come.
The next PTO meeting is October 8th at 6:30pm in the STEAM lab. Everyone is welcome! Childcare is provided.
FES Calendar
September 2024
12: School Board Meeting (KHS Library, 6:00)
23: Picture Day
27: PTO Outdoor Movie Night (FES behind gym, 7:00)
October 2024
18: No School for Students (PD Day for Staff)
28: Picture Retake Day
Routines and Procedures
School Day Times
For future reference, you can find the link on our webpage: >parents>volunteer>ADULT APPLICATION
Pick-Up and Drop Off Routines
Each family has been assigned a number to help with the efficiency of pick-ups. Cards will be handed out to most families at Open House with the student's last name and the family number on the card. If you need another card, please contact Mrs. Seiser. You can replicate the information on your own piece of paper, making sure the number and last name are large enough to be visible from 5 to 6 feet from your vehicle.
When you're in the vehicle line, please pull as far forward as possible-this allows us to get more vehicles off of the road.
If you will be picking up your child(ren) at the end of the day, please park in the right lane of the Pick Up/Drop Off area. stay in your vehicle, and have your card visible. The first car in the line should park at the end of the sidewalk on the right hand side. A staff member will come out read the cards, and send that information into the building. Next, those students will come out, load their cars, and a group of cars will be waved to leave. Then, all cars will pull as far forward as they can, and we will repeat the process. If everyone follows the same protocols the line will be efficient and most importantly, it will be a safe way to dismiss all students. Students will begin to be dismissed to vehicles at 3:40.
So, what can you do if you arrive and the pick up/drop off loop is full during pick-up at the end of the day?
- You could choose to park in the visitor's lot and walk to the front door with your family number to pick up your child.
- You could choose to drive around the block and come back at a later time.
- You could choose to plan to come to pick up your child anytime after 3:46 (by this time our first two sections of vehicles have been dismissed and there typically is no longer a line).
- You could choose to wait on the road-again, we are hoping vehicles only wait on the east shoulder of the road, (the side closest to the building) to create more space for traveling vehicles on the road.
**These routines may change during the year if we find the current procedures do not fit our school needs. Any changes will be communicated to you through a newsletter/Skyward message.**
If you have a child entering our 4k program, and would like that child to take our shuttle bus that takes students that arrive at FES to KES in the morning, please contact the Johnson Bus company for more information.
If you have any other bussing questions or requests, or if your bussing needs have changed, please contact the Terminal Manager: Lori Heisler at or (262) 626-4414.
As it was last year, breakfast is offered for purchase each school day. If you do not want your child to have the option to purchase breakfast, please let our building secretary, Mrs. Seiser know through email or a phone call. We recommend that you check in on your e-funds balance from time to time to stay aware of any charges that are being made to your account.
Recess Attire
Mental Health Walk-in Clinic for Children
Children's Hospital of Wisconsin recently opened the Craig Yabuki Mental Health Walk-in-Clinic for children ages 5-18 at their main campus. The clinic runs seven days a week from 3:00 PM- 9:30 PM. More specific information can be found here. If you know of someone in need, please share this information with them.
Resource Links
- FES Elementary School Website
- Breakfast & Lunch Menus (Click on the Farmington Tab)
- Bridges (Math) Math at Home
Principal, Angie Petersen
Location: 8736 Boltonville Road, Kewaskum, WI, USA
Phone: 262-626-3102