Jim Barnes Weekly Newsletter
February 14, 2025
Happy Valentine's Day
No School On Monday
Jim Barnes parents it has been a long 2 weeks of Interim Testing. Our students worked very hard and the information from these tests will allow us to make changes and adjustments that will help us guide our instruction up until the STAAR testing. Many students will be having their Toreador time adjusted and we will also have a special smaller intervention on Fridays to add some extra help for some of our students to help them be more successful. We are really looking forward to seeing how great our kids are going to do on STAAR testing this year. Tonight is our Valentine’s Dance fundraiser for PBIS.
Parents we will not have school on Monday 2/17 for President’s Day. We look forward for all of our students being back on Tuesday 2/18. Track season is in full swing. Our students will be having track meets on Thursdays starting this week with a meet at SHS.
Thanks again for helping make Jim Barnes Middle School a great place for students to excel. I hope everyone has a great weekend. Remember we are One Team, Learning Together, Elevating Excellence. ¡Ole!
No Glass Bottles
There has been several glass breaks in the hallways and we need to make sure that our students and staff remain safe. Parents make sure your stduents are not bringing any items in glass containers. Thanks
Calendar of Upcoming Events
What's happening
Feb 17 Monday. President's Day No School
Feb 18 Tuesday.
Feb 19 Wednesday. Madatory Cheerleader/Mascot Tryout Parent & Informational Meeting 6PM
Feb 20 Thursday 7-8th Grade Girls & Boys Track Meet
Feb 21 Friday.
Feb 22 Saturday
PBIS Volunteers Needed
We are looking for some volunteers to help support our PBIS Rewards. It would consist of labeling rewards with student names. sorting by grade level, and the occasional picking up lunch from local fast food restaurants. We also have a school dance and/or celebration event that needs some chaperones. Please complete the form if you are interested and/or have volunteered before. Thank you
Click on link below to volunteer. Thansk for your help.
JBMS Yearbook Time
Join PTC Today
Please don't forget to join PTC. Help us out and join PTC Today. See QR Codes in Pic Below.
Tutoring Schedule
Drop off Arrival and Parking Info
Remeber the street in front of Koenecke Elem is shut down. Please travel to Barnes by coming on off of 467. The outside line is a through lane and the left lane is the turn in lane to JBMS coming from 467. Please try and avoid Barnes drive as the construction vehicles will be using this entrance. Do not park in the circle drive around Barnes. This is a fire lane and the city of Seguin will ticket you if you leave your car in that driveway. Drop off time begins at 7:30. But students will not be allowed into the building until 7:50. All students will enter by the gym doors in the morning. Parents may go in the main entrance if they need to speak to anyone in the office, but students will be directed to the gym doors. Pick up will be in circle drive starting at 3:40.