Tiger News
News & Information for Tiger Families
Letter from the Principal
Dear Tiger Families,
We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who attended our Veterans Day Assembly. Your presence made the event truly special, honoring the brave men and women who have served our country. A special thank you to Colonel Andrew Lueckenhoff, USAF for being our guest speaker. Who will go? Send me! - Isaiah 6:8
A special thank you to our veterans. Your dedication and sacrifice have allowed us to enjoy the freedoms we hold dear. We are deeply grateful for your service and the example you set for future generations.
Thank you for joining us in honoring our heroes.
Just a reminder that there will be no school on Monday, in Honor of Veterans Day. We hope everyone enjoys the extended weekend and takes some time to rest and recharge!
As always, we thank you for sharing your student with us. We appreciate your trust, support, and partnership. TIGERS LEAD THE WAY!
Nicole Green
BE A SAINT TO ST. TERESA & Donate to the Annual Fund.
Want to stay up-to-date on what is happening at St. Teresa but not sure how.
Check out the St. Teresa School Parent Calendar. Click on the link below to check it out!
St. Teresa Catholic School Google Calendar
11th ~ No School Veteran's Day
12th ~ PTO Meeting 6:30pm Parish Center
School Board Meeting Speaker Request October - December
14th ~ Musical Auditions
15th ~ 2nd Quarter Progress
17th ~ Children's Mass 11 am
19th ~ School Board Meeting 6:30 pm
22nd ~ Early Dismissal No Lunch/No Extended Care
24th ~ Rite of Enrollment 11am Mass DATE CHANGE
27th -29th ~ No School Thanksgiving Break
2nd - 3rd ~ Santa's Kottage
2nd - 6th ~ Advent Giving Tree
5th ~ Christmas Concert 5:30 PreK-1, 6:30 2nd - 4th
6th ~ Early Dismissal NO LUNCH or EXTENDED CARE
8th ~ Children's Mass School Choir 11am
9th ~ All School Mass Immaculate Conception - NJHS Induction
10th ~ School Board Meeting Speaker Request October - December Due
17th ~ School Board Meeting 6:30pm Parish Center
20th ~ Christmas Parties 10:30
Early Dismissal 11:30 NO LUNCH or EXTENDED CARE
Pilgrimage to Rome Information
Mrs. Robinson is looking for team pictures of fall sports for the yearbook. Please email team pictures to her at lauren.robinson@stteresatigers.org
Jr. St. Vincent DePaul
Meeting Information:
Place: Mrs. Neville's room
Time: 3:00-3:30
Pickup: Back PC parking lot
JSVDP Dates for 2024-2025
Date & Grades
November 19 6th & 8th
January 14 5th & 7th
February 4 6th & 8th
March 11 5th & 7th
April 8 6th & 8th
May 13 5th & 7th
Hope to see you there!
Mrs. Neville and Mrs. Duncan
Scholar Bowl
The next Scholar Bowl practice will be Thursday, November 14th, from 3:00-4:30. Join us after musical tryouts in Mrs. Janes’ classroom where we will crown our toss up champ!
Article about St. Teresa Faith Family Activity in the ASC Newsletter
Scoreboard Worker Sign UP: (high school or college students)
Bingo Nights:
Girls Basketball Concession Stand:
Boys Basketball Concession Stands:
Faith Family / Field Day Shirts
We have great news! Rapid Expressions has launched an online perpetual order form, allowing families to order shirts anytime throughout the year—whether it’s one, two, or twenty!
No more waiting until May to get your Faith Family Shirt.
These shirts are optional for Field Day and also qualify as Spirit wear for Fridays!
Lunch / Recess Volunteers Needed – Must be current on ALL child protection requirements. If any questions, please contact Jackie Tewell at jackie.tewell@stteresatigers.org.
Volunteers especially needed Monday, Thursday, and Friday's! THANK YOU!
We thank everyone for the their willingness to help! Please note, that only parents who have signed up on the Signup Genius attached above will be permitted to help out in the cafeteria.
Please join us for a PTO dining fundraiser on Wednesday, November 13, 2024 from 4PM-10PM at Texas Roadhouse in Shiloh! Support St. Teresa Catholic School by dining in or placing a to-go order at the Shiloh location and Texas Roadhouse will donate 10% of your total food and/or gift card purchases back to our school! Please drop all receipts in the donation bucket near the host stand to ensure credit! Thank you for supporting St. Teresa Catholic School!
Do you have something to share?
We love to show all the great things St. Teresa Tigers do at school and in the community!
Doors will open at 7:30am in the front of school.
There will be no before school extended care for the 2024-2025 school year.
Please plan accordingly.
Dismissal Times:
PreK 3 & 4 - 2:50 pm
Kindergarten - 3rd Grade - 2:55 pm
4th - 8th Grade - 3:00 pm
Due to safety reasons, all parents/guardians who are picking up students PreK - 3rd grade must walk up to get their student. We thank you for your understanding and support.
Students who are not picked up by 3:10 pm will be walked down to Extended Care.
Extended Care fees are $13 per day, per child from 3:10pm - 5:30 pm
School lunches cost $3.80 per lunch with milk costing $0.75.
Students from Kindergarten to 8th grade will have four lunch choices; two rotating choices, a salad, or a sandwich.
PreK will have three lunch choices; two rotating choices, or a sandwich.
Lunches may be paid for through the prepay option of each students FACTS account or by cash/check in the St. Teresa School Office.
Parents/Guardians can deposit money for meals into their FACTS Management Account.
CHROMEBOOKS: 5th - 8th Grade
Please ensure your student is bringing their Chromebook back to school each day charged. Chromebooks that are not charged will be treated as the student is not prepared for class.
Water Bottles:
Students are allowed to have water/water bottles for daily use. Water bottles must be translucent in color. Water bottles should contain water only and should be stored in the student’s locker or in a place at the teachers discretion throughout the day.
Dress Code:
Students are allowed to wear ANY COLOR spirit wear on Fridays. All spirit wear must be in good taste and say St. Teresa School on it.
Ensure you are follow the Student/Parent Handbook on non-uniform days.
Children Mass Dates and Signup
Once a month at 11am Mass at St. Teresa Church, we have our "Children and Youth Mass" where our children/youth serve in the different ministries during Mass (altar server, greeter, usher, readers, gift bearers, choir). Please mark your calendars as the dates and sign ups are below. November 17th, December 8th, January 26th, February 23rd, March 23rd, May 18th
November 17th
December 8th
January 26th
February 23rd
March 23rd
May 18th
St. Teresa PTO Happenings!
“Important Upcoming Dates:”
Contact us:
PTO Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StTeresaPTO
Email: PTO@StTeresaTigers.org
BoxTops for Education – Did you know our school has earned over $23,000 from BoxTops?!?!
Whether you're ordering groceries for delivery or pickup–or if you requested an email receipt at checkout–you can still submit any digital receipt containing participating products and earn Box Tops for your school.
St. Teresa PTO meets the SECOND Tuesday of every month at 6:30pm in the Parish Center. Everyone is welcome!
Contact us:
PTO Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StTeresaPTO
Email: PTO@StTeresaTigers.org
St. Teresa Ladies of Perpetual Help ~ Happenings
*We meet the first Tuesday of every month at 6:30pm in the St. Teresa Parish Center. All ladies of St. Teresa School/Church are welcome to attend!
Visit our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/stteresaperpetualhelp
Child Care is available.
St. Teresa Spotlight
Know of a St. Teresa Alumni to Spotlight email nicole.green@stteresatigers.org
Althoff Catholic High School
Important Dates & Upcoming Events
- Shadow visit dates are now available for 7th and 8th graders. Info & Sign up can be found at: https://www.althoffcatholic.org/admissions/visit.cfm. More future shadow dates are added weekly.
Upcoming events, more information at https://www.althoffcatholic.org/admissions/visit.cfm
Diocesan Facebook Page
Here is the link to the new page:
Name: Catholic Diocese of Belleville
Please save the date for Luke 18 2025 Retreat..
We will be recruiting for the Retreat Leader Team as the next step. Below are also important dates. More to come.
Team applications close: October 16
Leader interviews start: October 23
Luker applications go live: 11/18 (early bird registration)