Nixon Elementary Weekly Update
May 13, 2024
The Nixon PTA Sponsored Spring Carnival is THIS WEEK!
Monday Updates
Calling All Donations:
Want to support our FREE Nixon Spring Carnival? Check out the flyer below to see what you can donate to our PTA to help keep our carnival FREE for all families. The only part of the carnival that would require cash/check is if families bid on one of the Silent Auction items. Thank you for considering a donation to our Carnival; every little bit helps!
Want to Volunteer?
We still have open volunteer slots for the Spring Carnival. Shifts run 45 minutes and include everything from set up, to serving food, to running games. We'd love to have you sign up to volunteer some time so all of our games can run the entire night:
Bikes, Scooters, and Helmets Needed:
Cadets (3rd Grade) and Apprentices (4th Grade) are taking a bike/scooter field trip tomorrow (Tuesday, May 14). We have learners without bikes and helmets, so if you have any you'd be willing to lend out for someone borrow for the trip, please contact Mrs. Goebel to set up a time to drop off. All bikes/Scooters will be housed in the gym during the school day, so no need for a bike lock. All helmets being lent out will be sanitized and returned along with bikes/Scooters. Thank you in advance for your support as we try out a new (hopefully annual) Nixon field trip!
Field Trip Season is Here!
As the temperature starts to increase, so does our number of school related field trips! In the upcoming weeks you'll receive more information from your child's homeroom teacher(s) about upcoming trips. Please be sure you have completed your Parent Permissions in Infinite Campus so your child can join us for the fun we have planned. If you aren't sure you've completed your permissions, please reach out to Ms. Tracy in the office to find out (319) 558-2188.
Important Dates:
We have several important days coming up, so be sure to mark these on your calendar:
- May 16: Nixon Carnival (5:00-6:30 pm)
- May 20: Kennedy Senior Walk at Nixon, 3rd Grade Fire House Visit
- May 21: Hiawatha Library Visit, Kernels Assembly
- May 24: May Learner of the Month Assembly
- May 27: Memorial Day (No School)
- May 28: Virtual Author Visit w/ Dan Gutman
- June 3: Buddy Classroom End of the Year Celebration
- June 5: Hiawatha Fire Department Visit (Keep Kids Kool)
- June 6: Field Day & Picnic Lunch
- June 6: Last day of school (2:20 Dismissal)
It's a great day to be a Bobcat!
Jeni Goebel, Principal
Nixon Elementary
Carnival News: Donations Still Needed & Silent Auction
April & Early May Field Trips
End of May & June Field Trips
Virtual Author Visit on May 28th with Dan Gutman!
On Tuesday May 28th, Nixon learners will get to experience a virtual Author Visit with Dan Gutman, author of the Weird School series. We are excited to not only engage learners in a One-Book Challenge as a school (everyone in the building reads the same Dan Gutman book over the course of 2 weeks here at school), but we'll also be sending 2 copies of Dan Gutman's books home with learners to enjoy over the summer AND have a fun virtual Author Visit to meet Dan and ask him some questions. Keep an eye out for future communication about this fun event, as well as some information on how you can order more of his books if you child loves the series. You can read more about the author from the flyer below.
Last Day of School Updated!
On Friday, all families received communication from the Cedar Rapids Community School District with notification about a change to the end of the school year. Our last day of school will now be Thursday, June 6. This day will be an early dismissal at 2:20 pm.
Nixon Handbook
Nixon Elementary School
Email: jgoebel@crschools.us
Website: https://nixon.crschools.us
Location: 200 Nixon Drive, Hiawatha, IA, USA
Phone: (319) 558-2188
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CRNixon