Hawthorne Happenings
Hawthorne Happenings
June 12th Summer Reading Assembly
June 14th Flag Day
June 14th HES Field Games (Rain date June 17th)
June 19th School Closed for Juneteenth
June 21st Second Grade Moving Up Ceremony
June 21st, 24th and 25th Early Dismissal 11:55 a.m. Lunch will not be served.
June 25th Last Day of School for Students
Quick Links:
HES Picnic
Hawthorne students had lots of fun today during their annual picnic. We had lunch in the courtyard, followed by dancing, bubbles, and a temporary tattoo station. Students made their own snow cones with Kona Ice. Thank you to our amazing PTA presidents, Ms. Lembo and Ms. Riccobono, who worked our watermelon and tattoo stations. Thank you to all our parents who gave their time to make this a special afternoon!
HES Field Games Next Friday
Next Friday our students will be celebrating the skills and sportsmanship they have developed in Physical Education this year as they participate in field games, team relays, and fun stations. Our PTA will provide water and ice pops. We will have our regular lunch and recess periods. Hot and cold lunch will be served. Students should wear sneakers and their HES t-shirts.
Second Grade Moving Up
We will host our Second Grade Moving Up Ceremony on June 21st at 9:30 a.m. on the playground field. If it is a rainy day we will host three ceremonies indoors in the gymnasium. We will update you as the date gets closer.
Indoor Ceremony Schedule:
8:45 Chiodi & Pirrotta, Schoener, Taylor
9:45 Bartucca, Boccio, Rush & Karnbad
10:45 Luzon, Biagiotti & Fennell
Additional parking will be available at Holy Rosary, and you will be able to enter Hawthorne through the side gate. We will be sending home four wristbands per family the week before the ceremony. Please have all adults wear their wristbands. Weather permitting, our PTA will host a party on the field for our second graders and their families immediately after the ceremony.
Safety in Warmer Weather
We will continue to go outdoors for recess as long as temperatures and the heat index remain in the safe range. We will adhere to the NYS guidelines for outdoor activity, and modify our time outdoors as necessary. We will also use the air conditioned spaces in HES to provide students with a break on warmer days. Currently our cafeteria, library, and STEM Lab are all air conditioned. Please make sure that your child is dressed comfortably and has a water bottle on warmer days.
HES is Nut-Free
Hawthorne is a nut-free school. Please do not send your child to school with products containing peanuts, tree nuts, Sun Butter, Nutella or any other products containing nuts.
PTA Corner
The deadline for ordering school supplies through A.Hartz is June 28th.
PTA Foam Fest 2024
Purchase tickets here!
Elementary PTA Baseball Night
Need some Spirit wear? Shop our Elementary PTA Store
AYSO Soccer
Please see the information below regarding AYSO soccer. You can register at https://www.ayso221.org Scholarships are available. Please reach out to playayso221@gmail.com for more information.
Mount Pleasant Recreation Department
Each year our Mt. Pleasant Recreation Department offers after school clubs at Hawthorne. If your child will be attending a club, please do not forget to update School Dismissal Manager with those dates. You can register for clubs at https://www.mtpleasantny.com/recreation-parks-department.