Mustang Tales
Parent Monthly Newsletter, Manitou Springs Elementary School
November 2024
Dear Manitou Springs School Community,
As we wrap up the first quarter of the school year, we want to update you on the success of our Core Behavior Support (CBS) system. Together, we can create a positive and supportive learning environment for all our students.
At the start of the year, our staff collaborated and created a philosophy around behavior. This guides our implementation and approach to our CBS program:
We believe all behavior is communication of a need.
Desired behavior is seen when clear expectations are adhered to by all;
in order for students to feel safe, learn, grow, and make healthy choices.
The foundation of our CBS system is built on regulation, relationships and reasoning. We continue to implement the best practices that have fostered community and positive behaviors: morning greeting, meeting and community circle; social contracts; self-regulation spaces; clear expectations through our STANG acronym; consistent routines that help students feel safe; class positive behavior celebrations; and positive office referrals.These strategies support students to navigate conflict productively and feel safe in our school community.
We are pleased to announce a significant reduction of major behavior referrals. This is a clear reflection of the dedication and hard work of our staff in enhancing our support systems and utilizing common language throughout the building.
As we begin Quarter 2, we will continue to strengthen our Core Behavior System through:
Ongoing professional development for staff;
Recognition of positive STANG referrals;
Effective communication with families;
Monthly focuses on STANG behaviors;
Addressing bus behaviors;
Developing a Mustang Might Action Team of 4th and 5th graders - a leadership team to support kindness and anti-bullying.
Additionally, we will introduce tailored interventions, such as respectful communication and bullying awareness learning, and provide opportunities for students to connect with our social worker for individualized and group support.
How can you support school behavior at home?
We encourage you to discuss expected school behaviors with your children, emphasizing kindness, respect, inclusivity, and personal boundaries. Reinforcing these values at home empowers your child to contribute positively to our school community.
Thank you for your partnership and support! Together, we can foster a safe and respectful learning environment. Please reach out with any questions or suggestions.
Warm regards,
Carolyn Leyes and Jenny Sueppel
Our preschool had field trips to the Fire Station and Flying Pig Farm this month. We learned about fire safety and said hello to the farm. We fed the animals with our hands, tried fresh strawberries and sorrel, planted seeds and harvested green beans. The morning class even spent time in the mud kitchen.
Kindergarten students are learning to read sight words and some simple words during literacy. This unit they are also learning about different characters' traits and perspectives. They have been practicing writing a response to our stories and then talking about it. Kindergarten mathematicians are learning to classify shapes by their attributes. Kindergartners can tell if shapes are open or closed, have straight lines or curved lines and if they are solid or flat.
1st Grade
In first grade we have been learning about "Many Kinds of Characters". We have read several stories that show us that in many stories, characters face challenges. Stories can teach us that families and communities work best when people make responsible choices and help one another. We are learning to make inferences about characters using illustrations and key details within the text. We are learning how stories all have a beginning, middle, and end. We are even practicing writing some of our own stories.
In math we are working on story problems and math facts within 10. We have been learning how to read the problem, draw the problem, and then write a number sentence that shows the information from the story problem.
Enjoying a Manitou tradition
2nd Grade
3rd Grade
Third grade has been working on strengthening reading and writing skills in Benchmark Advance. Skills include comparing and contrasting in both nonfiction and fiction texts. Wrapping up “Animal Adaptations” students wrote an essay about the adaptation of fur and fur types. “Ways Characters Shape Stories” is our new Benchmark unit. Students learned how to read and interpret poetry and vivid imagery and are beginning to write an opinion essay about which character in two poems is the most vivid image. In Math, we completed Module 1 on multiplication and division. Module 2 is Place Value Concepts through Metric Measurement. Students are continuing to work on mastering their multiplication and division facts.
4th Grade
In Math, we have been learning about Early Multiplication and Division Strategies! We started Module 2 by learning how to multiply and divide using multiples of 10, as well as how to calculate the area of a rectangle or square. We applied this prior learning as we stepped into 2-digit by 1-digit multiplication using various strategies, such as a Place Value Chart, the Distributive Property, or with Area Models. This week, we begin learning how to divide 3-digit and 2-digit numbers by 1-digit divisors using familiar and new strategies.
In ELA, we have begun Unit 2: Characters' Actions & Reactions. Students are reading dramas and prose versions of familiar fairy tales, such as Wizard of Oz and Peter Pan, to develop the reading skills of drawing inferences, summarizing, determining character traits, and making connections between different versions of the same story. In Writing, we are developing skills such as correct comma usage, using certain words/phrases for effect, and using precise language. We are learning about the process that goes into writing an opinion essay so that fourth graders will be able to write their own!
5th Grade
It's been an amazing month in 5th grade! We wrapped up our first units in Math and Literacy. The students worked hard on multi-digit multiplication and long division. They also completed a lot of work in Literacy on Corn! They wrote a paragraph about Corn production in the United States. Creek Week on October 1 was inspiring to see the students help our community keep our Creek clear of trash and debris. We also had an amazing trip to the YMCA Camp Shady Brook. The kids worked so hard together and made some amazing memories. Something they will never forget!
Local Artist, Melanie Audet, is working with Mrs. Dunlap and the second-grade artists at MSES, dying fabrics using Marigold flowers. Melaine is a working artist in Manitou Springs who is a fabric dyer and is most known for her work with Blue Hands and indigo dying. Melanie is teaching our second-grade artists about the processes of using natural botanicals to dye fabrics.
Each second-grade student uses traditional tie-dying techniques to create patterns on their fabric before placing the fabric in the Marigold bath. To get the beautiful yellow color from the Marigolds, the flowers need to be heated by placing the dried Marigolds in giant tea bags and simmered in hot water for about an hour. Once the students have prepared the design on their fabric using rubber bands, clips, marbles, and clothespins, we place their fabric in the Marigold bath for 10 minutes. The students removed their clips and bands to reveal their beautiful dyed fabric!
This opportunity to collaborate with our school and a local artist was generously supported and funded by a MACH (Manitou Arts Culture and Heritage) grant.
Third grade students working hard on their Winter concert repertoire!
Veterans Day Concert
On Beyond
First Quarter On Beyond classes had some review of Close Reading and Place Value strategies, but mostly involved new applications of our reading, writing and math skills. Below were some of the highlights, plus upcoming activities:
* 1st LA Group, Reading Scholastic News articles, Reader's Theater plays, and individual fiction and nonfiction stories; learning new words and using them; discussing content and recording ideas using graphic organizers; NEXT: understanding order of events and selecting the best events to summarize the sequence of a story
* 2nd LA Group, Reading about and then writing a letter to Jane Goodall; practice reading aloud a nonfiction text about endangered animals; practice paraphrasing for notes; take open book quiz; NEXT: reading a fiction text and comparing research facts with the story
* 3rd LA Group, Reading Scholastic News articles for the main idea and key supporting details; planning a persuasive argument, organizing and typing it; NEXT: Looking at the similarities and differences between nonfiction and fiction text structure; reading fiction to build a story map and summarize sections
* 4th LA Group, Using strategies to develop writing that matches a prompt; reading Scholastic SuperSTEM articles for key information; identifying text structure plus text features to describe how information is shared; exploring topics more deeply and developing creative products to share with peers; NEXT: Summarizing nonfiction and fiction; descriptive writing techniques; reading a novel together using Literature Circles
* 5th LA Group. Exploring self-selected nonfiction texts and taking notes by subtopic; reading a nonfiction article and responding about the topic with an expository writing; creating a rubric to support the task; revising/editing and typing the final copy; NEXT: The Westing Game novel study with a detective file and comprehension activities; discussions about text
* 3rd Math Extension, Solving for time with a missing part: start time, end time or elapsed time; writing, naming, and comparing large number values by using place value digits and sets or periods; strategies for adding large numbers; rules for subtracting using the standard algorithm; NEXT: Exploring and comparing other strategies for adding and subtracting; using "Read, Draw, Write" problem solving steps
* 4th Math Extension, Rounding numbers into the millions place; small group place value disc practicing trading-up by powers of ten; use Prime Factorization to find all of the factors that multiply up to a specific number; create arrays to show all of the different ways to multiply up to specific number; NEXT: design "Find the Error" story problems solved by using multiple steps and different models but only ONE mistake
* 5th Math Extension, Understanding positive and negative numbers using a vertical number line and coordinate grid; plotting coordinate points to create a drawing from another student's (x,y) list; practicing multiplication and division using the standard algorithm; multiplying positive and negative numbers; comparing measurements with different tools; solving for mean, median and mode using class data; NEXT: explore fraction values and decimal number sense
In PE the students have been working on good sportsmanship and teamwork. They have also been learning soccer skills and playing soccer games. Thank you so much for having your children wear good shoes on their PE days. It helps them run fast and keeps them safe!
Fifth graders studied classroom materials. Vocabulary: EN LA ESCUELA… AT SCHOOL, pencil/lápiz, eraser/borrador, scissors/tijeras, board/tablero, las crayolas/the crayons, la mochila/the back pack, pen/lapicero, marker/marcador, glue/pegamento, cuaderno/notebook, el sacapuntas/the sharpener, desk/escritorio, chair/silla, teacher/maestra, student/estudiante. They worked on the use of accents in writing and pronunciation (for example: papa/potato... papá/dad). They are also working on the topic of numbers from 1 to 300, and interrogative words (for example: where? how? why?). Culturally, they are learning about the Day of the Dead.
Third grade worked on the unit La Ropa/The Clothes. Example: What clothes do you have?/¿Qué ropa tienes? I have/Yo tengo, jacket chaqueta, pants/pantalon, shirt/falda, socks/medias. Students discussed and translated sentences into Spanish about colors and clothing, and studied numbers from 1 to 50. Culturally, they are learning about the Day of the Dead.
Second grade also worked the clothing unit. Example: Ponte/Put on, tus/your, zapatos/shoes, chaqueta/jacket, bufanda/scarf, gorro/hat, sombrero/hat. They are learning numbers from 1 to 30.
First grade and Kindergarten students worked on gestures and emotions in Spanish. They enjoyed reading the book "Tengo una Cara Feliz"/"I Have a Happy Face." They continue studying greetings and the days of the week.
The Scholastic Book Fair is here Oct. 21-25! Here's a link for more information: https://bookfairs.scholastic.com/bf/MSESBOOKFAIR Please be sure to scroll to the bottom and consider purchasing an e-wallet for your child, this way students won't have to worry about bringing money to school. If you happen to send cash, please send it in an envelope or bag with your child's name on it. Thank you in advance for supporting our school. Feel free to email Amy Bradbury with any questions: abradbury@mssd14.org
Holiday Help/Community Support
Would you like to request help or provide assistance with food and gifts during the holiday season? Please turn in assistance requests on or before Monday, November 18th. To provide assistance, contact the District Wellness Team no later than Monday, December 2nd. Please see the attached documents for more information.
Health Office
Just a friendly reminder from your school's health office - Flu and cold season is approaching quickly. Please help encourage hand washing with your little ones. Also remind them to cover their mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing to help reduce the spread of germs.
Tech Corner: Online Safety
It doesn’t have to be Halloween to come across scary things online. Here are some simple ground rules for kids from Internet Matters that will help keep the ghouls and ghosts away:
Make sure kids know that personal information (ex. address, phone number, etc.) should never be shared. Protect private information and stay safe.
Encourage your child to only chat with real-life friends or family. Even if they do not have access to social media, many platforms (ex. Roblox) have chat features.
Be a good online friend. Treat people like you would in person.
Let them know games, images, etc., should only be downloaded from secure and legal sites. Better yet, have them ask an adult for permission before clicking on something questionable or downloading anything.
Help them understand that not everything they see online is true or real. Steer them toward accurate, high quality information.
PAC: Maniboo
It’s that time of year again and Maniboo, our Family Fall Festival, is quickly approaching! It will be held at MSES on November 1st from 5:00pm-7:30pm. Please save the date and come join in on the fun!
As always, we need volunteers and donations to make this event a hit. Here are the signups if you are able to help with either. Volunteer Signup https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70A0948A5AF2BA3F58-52275279-maniboo and Donation Signup https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70A0948A5AF2BA3F58-44652852-maniboo.
Ticket sales will be cash only at the door. If you wish to purchase tickets ahead of time with a credit or debit card card through MySchool Bucks here's the link: https://www.myschoolbucks.com/ver2/prdembd?ref=ZZJJYF1YWH0RCDT_ZZ5WOTV48I6WMDD . If you do purchase tickets on MySchoolBucks, please bring either a printed confirmation or the email confirmation on your phone to pick up the tickets.
Upcoming Dates...
10/21-10/25: Book Fair
10/24: Parent Teacher Conferences, Noon Dismissal
10/25: Parent Teacher Conferences, No School
10/31: Halloween Parade
10/31: Merchant Trick or Treating
11/1: Fitness Friday
11/1: Maniboo
11/6: Late Start Wednesday, students arrive at 9:55 am
11/6: SAC Meeting
11/8: Veterans Day Concert
11/20: Late Start Wednesday, students arrive at 9:55 am
11/25-11/29: Thanksgiving Break
School and District calendars are available at https://mse.mssd14.org/calendars
Farm-to-Table Brunch: A Fundraiser!
Flying Pig Farm is thrilled to invite you to join us for a Farm-to-Table Brunch to feast on the abundance of the land and the sweetness of our community! It’s been an amazing year and an amazing decade of growth at Flying Pig Farm, and we are looking to the future of our organization. Please join us and support Flying Pig Farm’s epic beauty in to the future!
Farm-to-Table Brunch: A Fundraiser!
Flying Pig Farm
102 Crystal Park Road, Manitou Springs, CO
November 3, 2024
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Tickets are available here: https://www.eventcreate.com/e/flyingpigmanitou-fundraiser (use special code NEIGHBOR for MSSD14 staff and families to receive 30% off)
Manitou Springs Elementary School
110 Pawnee Ave. Manitou Springs, CO 80829
(719) 685-2195