EJMS Jaguar Weekly March 3 - 7
Keeping our School Community in the Know
From Principal Pickerill's Pen
EJMS Families,
I hope everyone had a good week. Our 7th grade students had a great time in Charleston and we are thankful for a safe trip for all involved. A special thank you to Mrs. Areaux for planning this fun trip!
Glow Dance - Friday, March 7th
Our next dance will be on Friday, March 7th from 6:00-8:00 and hosted by our PTO. Tickets are $5 and will be available for one day during lunch on Wednesday, March 5th. If you have an excused absence on 3/5/25 contact pto.ejms@gmail.com to purchase a ticket. Concessions and gym time are also available for additional purchase. See advertisement for details.
We are needing additional parent chaperones if you are willing to help!
- Friday, March 7 - PTO Spring Dance
- Monday, March 10th - SBDM Meeting at 4:30 PM in library
- 8th grade Washington DC trip March 13-17
- Sunday, March 16th - PTO Basket Bingo
Title 1 Parent and Family Engagement News
Here is another look at our school Parent/Family Engagement Policy and school compact that you signed at the beginning of the year. Read through these for any input or feedback you would like to give.
Parent Survey coming soon! Be on the look-out for your opportunity to give us feedback on our parent documents and activities.
Technology Insights Survey - Share your Voice
This year, we're replacing the Speakup survey with a new, shorter Technology survey to gather better data. The survey opens Monday, March 3rd, and closes Friday, April 4th.
The purpose of this survey is to inform our Technology plans and Ed Tech initiatives across the district. By collecting feedback from various stakeholders, we can better understand how technology is perceived and used in our schools. This insight will enable us to provide better support for teachers and remove barriers for students, ultimately maximizing student learning through technology.
We have set the following participation goals for each school:
- 60% of Teachers
- 60% of Students (Grades 1-12)
- 30% of Parents
Schools that meet these goals will be entered to win $5,000 of additional KETS funding.
EJMS Culture Fair March 21
What’s Happening at EJMS this Week?
Mon. March 3 -
🎼 4:00 School Musical Rehearsal - Music (full cast)
Tues. March 4
🎼 4:00 School Musical Rehearsal - Choreo (full cast)
🏐 5:45 Girls Volleyball @ Lincoln County
Wed. March 5
NO Beta Club meeting
🍨6:15 Girls Soccer fundraiser @ Bruster's
Thurs. March 6
🎼 4:00 School Musical Rehearsal - Run show (Purple Cast)
🏐 5:45 Girls Volleyball @ Mercer County
⚽ 6:00 Girls Soccer vs. BG United (A-Team) (home game)
Fri. March 7
End of third nine weeks
🚪 Black History Month Door contest judging
🪩 6:00 Spring Glow Dance
Sat. March 1
🎼 9:00 - 1:00 School Musical Set Building and Painting (all welcome anytime, drop in to help)
Upcoming and Ongoing
- March 16 - PTO Basket Bingo
- March 21 - Culture Fair
Yearbook Info
EJMS Athletics and Activities
In our Community
Stay in Touch - How Might We be of Service?
Email: Sheena.Roller@jessamine.kyschools.us
Website: https://www.jessamine.kyschools.us/o/ejms
Location: 901 Union Mill Road, Nicholasville, KY, USA
Phone: (859) 885-5561
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EastJessamineMiddleSchool
PTO Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ejpto