This Week @ PS 88Q
March 3, 2025
No School March 6th: Parent Teacher Conferences
A Message From Mrs. O'Shaughnessy
I hope everyone had a wonderful return to school this past week. And the weather cooperated!
As always, I want to take a moment to thank you for your you do, as PS 88Q families to support not only your children, but the school community. You all are ensuring, alongside our staff, that our school remains a safe, welcoming, and nurturing environment for all of our students.
Over the past few weeks, I know that many of our families have expressed concerns about potential changes to NYC Public School policies. This week, we received communication from our Chancellor regarding LGBTQ+ policy, and two weeks ago, we received guidance on Non-Local Law Enforcement policy in NYCPS. As instructed, all principals have backpacked the Chancellor’s letters home, butI want to take this opportunity to reassure you that your children are safe, valued, and loved every single day at PS 88Q.
Two weeks ago, during our Saturday Academy, our parent class asked me two very powerful questions, and one fun one:
- What is your opinion on gender diversity in the school system? Cuál es tu opinión sobre la diversidad de género en el sistema escolar?
- Cual es su opinión acerca de as política migratorias y de educación que ha tomado la nueva administración? What is your opinion about the migration and education policies the new administration taken?
- What do you enjoy doing in your free time? ¿Qué te gusta hacer en su tiempo libre?
Let me preface that our Saturday program is open to all of our families who would like to take part in English classes and Yoga. This meeting was a great time for me to discuss with our families what they wanted to ask me. My answers were as follows:
It is not the role of any member of PS 88Q, or the NYCPS system, to lead, teach or impose their opinions in any way in any aspect of the school. Every single staff member at PS 88Q upholds what we know to be true: That all students, families and community are part of a safe and supportive learning environment that is free from harassment, intimidation and/or bullying, sexual harassment, and discrimination on account of actual or perceived race, color, age, creed, ethnicity, national origin, citizenship/immigration status, religion, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, disability, or weight.
I personally shared how as the leader, it is my responsibility that there is no evidence of bias, and that we support all of our students.
I was happy to share that in my 6 and 1/2 years at PS 88Q, I have never once felt that a child, or family was not safe. When they enter through the doors of PS 88Q, I want them to feel as if they are in their second home, a place where they can be free of fear. Anything else, is not tolerated at all. Our students, their families, their safety is our first priority. I ensured them that I want all students and families affected by these policies need to feel safe, and if they do not, to reach out to me directly.
And for question number 3, well there isn't much free time these days, but I find pleasure in spending time with my two daughters. Each one keeps me busy in many ways (one is an NYC Public School teacher, the other a coach and PR intern). As I tell everyone, life is about time and place. Keeping it all together is easier these days, because it is the right time and right place for me. When they were younger, life was a lot more hectic. I give all of you credit for keeping all those balls in the air with elementary age kids. Believe me, you will look back at these years and realize through the hectic schedules, and stress, it all works out!
I hope this guidance helps to ease any concerns our families may have had over the past few months. If you’d like to review the latest guidance from NYC Public Schools, you can find it at the link below. i also added some pictures from this wonderful conversation.
Please know that I am always available. If you ever have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out to me (loshaughnessy@schools.nyc.gov) . I am grateful for the trust you place in us every day.
Wishing you all a wonderful week ahead!
Game Night Was Amazing!
Thank you for all who came out for Game Night on Wednesday! Our SEL Team planned a great night, and A DIGITAL FREE NIGHT! Everyone had so much fun with all of our board games. See, who needs technology!
Read Across America Week March 3-March 7
This week is designated as Read Across America Week. What a great time to kick off our Mets initiative "Ya Gotta Read". Students received a reading log, and a letter detailing this fun way to encourage reading. Be sure to send those logs in to you child's teacher for amazing prizes, including tickets to Mets Games!
Breakfast With Ms. Ivett
Please join Ms. Ivett, our Parent Coordinator, for coffee and conversation. This weeks topic is NYC Kids Rise, the Save for College Program. If you were unsure of this program, click here to read more https://nyckidsrise.org/
All students are automatically enrolled in this program when they enter kindergarten. Families must complete a form if they wanted to opt out. This is an important topic, as Ms. Ivett will show you how to log into your account, and view the balance and details.
Also take this time to log into your NYCSA if you have not. Ms. Ivett can help families access this account. This is so important as it has all information regarding your child. For more information, click here: https://www.schoolsaccount.nyc/
Join Us For Some Fun and Fitness!
Recess Fun
The opening of both school yards has been a game changer! The students are having so much fun, enjoying the freedom of using both spaces! Check out this week, as the students took part in some STEM activities during recess. They had a rocket launcher and had fun testing it out!
Early Childhood Parent Connections
Every Tuesday, our EC team meets with families regarding relevant topics. Join the team this week about this very important subject, what the kindergarten IEP process looks like.
Last week, the team presented about Screen Time for our littlest learners. See the presentation below.
I will be posting the link soon!
No Homework Pass For All Who Complete
NYC School Survey
2025 NYC School Survey:
Family Survey Instructions
Parents and Guardians: We want to know what YOU think about your child’s school. Take your NYC School Survey now.
● Your survey responses, along with those of other parents/guardians, teachers and staff, and 6th-12th grade students will be used to provide information that will help your child’s school improve its learning environment.
● This survey is confidential. No one at your child’s school will ever see your individual responses.
● This survey is voluntary, but we hope you will answer as many questions as you can.
● You can choose to complete the survey online OR to mail in your paper survey.
To take the survey online:
● Go to NYCSchoolSurvey.org
● Click on “Take the 2025 NYC School Survey”.
● Your access code is a lowercase f followed by your student’s OSIS number (ex. f123456789). The access code is also printed at the bottom of this page and on your paper survey.
● You can also find a link to your online survey by logging into NYC Schools Account (NYCSA).
● If you cannot locate your survey access code or have misplaced your survey form, please reach out to your child’s school for support.
To take the survey on paper:
● Use the green-and-white return envelope provided with your paper survey to mail in your survey free of charge. Include ONLY your completed paper survey. Please do not return blank surveys. Please avoid tearing or stapling your survey form.
● If you have misplaced your envelope, you can mail your completed survey in a stamped envelope to:
Survey Processing Center
PO Box 680490
Charlotte, NC 28216-9935
● You may also return your survey in an envelope to your child’s school.
Be sure to complete your survey by Friday, April 4!
Keep in mind…
● Your responses, combined with those of other parents/guardians at your child’s school, will be captured in the following reports:
○ School Quality Snapshot at tools.nycenet.edu/snapshot
○ Public Survey Reports accessible through NYCSchoolSurvey.org
● Parents are encouraged to fill out one survey for each child, even if you have multiple children at the same school, in order to capture the different experiences of each child.
● For more information about the NYC School Survey, visit NYCSchoolSurvey.org.
● If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to your school.
Be sure to complete your survey by Friday, April 4!
Summer Rising Information
Summer Rising
New York City Public Schools (NYCPS) is looking forward to partnering with the Department of Youth and Community Development (DYCD) once again for Summer Rising 2025. Summer Rising connects elementary and middle school students to fun, hands-on experiences that strengthen their academic, social, and emotional skills. Summer Rising is free, and open to any NYC student currently in kindergarten through grade 8.
Grades K–5: The program will run from July 2 to August 15, 2025, Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Grades 6–8: The program will run from July 2 to August 8, 2025, Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Students will be provided with free breakfast and lunch. Programming will include academics led by NYCPS staff and enrichment activities held by DYCD Community Based Organizations (CBOs).
Summer Rising MySchools Application
The application will open on March 4, and close March 28, 2025. As in 2024, families can apply for Summer Rising online using MySchools, our online directory and application system.
To apply, log in to MySchools.nyc (if you already have a MySchools account you do not need to create a new one). Your MySchools account, used for admissions, is different from the NYC Schools Account (NYCSA) that you may use to access your child’s health forms and update emergency contact information.
If you have applied to Summer Rising, 3-K/Pre-K programs, or NYCPS schools using MySchools before, your child may already be added to your account. If you do not have a MySchools account, you can create one at MySchools.nyc using your email address, your child’s 9-digit student ID number and a MySchools account creation code, which you can get by contacting your child's school.
Families can list as many programs as they would like on their application; we recommend that you list as many programs as possible to increase the likelihood of being placed in a program of your choice.
This process is not first-come, first-served; all applications received by the deadline will be treated the same. Families may make changes to their application at any point within the application period.
If you have any questions or need support with the application, please visit our website at schools.nyc.gov/SummerRising, contact Ms. Ivett Perez , or email summer@schools.nyc.gov.
Free Event: March 8
Community and Citywide Education Council Elections 2025
Let us hear your voice!
Apply to run for a Community or Citywide Education Council now!
Do you want to be a part of shaping policies and priorities for New York City Public Schools (NYCPS)? It’s not too late to apply to run for a seat on a Community or Citywide Education Council! The deadline to submit your application has been extended to Thursday, February 27, 2025!
Members of the 32 Community Education Councils and 4 Citywide Education Councils are advocates for New York City students and families. They help make decisions regarding education in their communities in important ways—including by reviewing educational programs, approving school zoning lines, and making recommendations to improve services to NYCPS students.
Submit your application today: just log in to your NYC Schools Account (NYCSA) at schoolsaccount.nyc to complete the quick and easy application and submit your brief recommended personal statement.
Don’t have a NYC Schools Account (NYCSA)? Create your account now at schoolsaccount.nyc; then, contact your school’s parent coordinator to complete the process and make sure your children are added to the account. To learn more about how to create and verify your account, please visit schools.nyc.gov/nycsa.
We encourage all parents in our school community to take this opportunity to make your voice heard. Don’t wait; submit your application to run for an education council seat before the new deadline on February 27,2025!
Want to learn more about Education Councils?
- Find an upcoming meeting to attend on the Council Meeting Calendar.
- Visit the Election Homepage for additional updates and information about participating in this year’s elections, including an Eligibility Checklist for potential candidates.
Community Education Council 24
Public School 71
62-85 Forest Avenue, Room 110
Ridgewood, NY 11385
From Our Chancellor
Dear Families and Colleagues,
We just returned from Mid-Winter Break, and true to its name, the week was bitterly cold and windy—so it feels like an especially important time to focus on health and wellness.
At New York City Public Schools, our approach to health and well-being is comprehensive and innovative. Did you know, for instance, that through our Office of School Health, formed in partnership with the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, we offer child dental care and vision screenings? And that in addition to our mental health work with over 130 community-based organizations, we support approximately 215 school-based mental health clinics—and are opening 20 new ones this year? Students also have access to school nurses or school-based health centers; you can learn more about the terrific work of our school nurses in our Chancellor’s Spotlight below.
In order for students to learn, they need to be physically and emotionally well. I've observed this firsthand, beginning when I was a teacher and principal and now as a New York City Public Schools parent. I encourage you to check out our website for tips on staying healthy this season, and as we move from winter into spring, let's keep health and wellness top-of-mind.
In partnership,
Melissa Aviles-Ramos