It's a Remote Learning Day!
Day 3 - Tuesday, January 14, 2025
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What's a remote learning day?
Inclement weather makes the roads slippery and not good for travel. Some days we will learn from home with a remote learning day. A remote learning day means that you will do your school work at home. Today is a remote learning day!
Today you will work on 3 MUST DO tasks - read, do math, and write. These are required for you.
Then, on the "CHOOSE 2" list below, you can pick 2 activities to complete. Write any written work on regular paper. Bring your completed work back to your teacher when you return to school.
We have kept the link to our SNOW MUCH FUN page below. This page has links to some good snow stories read aloud, some interesting science videos about snow, and some fun art activities. You can enjoy the activities here if you want to. The SNOW MUCH FUN activities are optional.
How will I get credit for school today?
Your teacher will contact your family via Remind or by phone call to check in and take attendance. She will contact your parents early in the day.
For you to be counted present for school, your family will need to respond to your teacher. Your family can reply to your teacher's message, send your teacher an email, talk by telephone, or send a message to your teacher to let her know that you are okay and know what to do for the remote learning day. Your parents should send this message early in the day by 10:00 if possible.
Your teacher will be available via Zoom at 9:00 am and 1:00 pm if you need help or want to check in. Zoom sessions are optional for students. You can join the zoom session using the link at the top of your teacher's page - which can be found on this week's Eagle Connection page. You need to scroll to the bottom to find your teacher's picture and page. Your teacher's Zoom link will be on the top of her page. If your teacher is out of school, you will not have a substitute and there will not be a zoom available.
Complete your work. Bring your work to your teacher when you come back to school.
Remote Learning Work for K-5th Students
Must Do All 3
1. Practice reading and telling.
Read aloud to someone else (or yourself) for 15 minutes or listen to someone read aloud to you.
then Tell...
- K - 2nd - Tell someone 3 details about what you read or heard. Try to tell details like who, what, when, and where.
- 3rd - 5th - Write 3-5 sentences summarizing what you read or sharing 3 details from your reading.
2. Practice math.
Count and practice math.
- K - Write your numbers 1-10. Draw a set of objects to match each numbers. Count.
- 1st - 2nd - List all the different numbers you can add to make 10 or 100 (your choice). Write as many number sentences that you can. For a challenge, try both!
- 3rd - 5th - List multiplication facts for #2-9 and write this way > 4x1=4, 4x2=8, 4x3=12...
I can build my math skills with practice.
3. Practice writing. Write your opinion.
Write Your Opinion
- K - 1st - Do you like snow? Why or why not? Draw a picture of yourself showing your opinion. Complete the sentence: I do/do not like snow because ________________.
- 2nd - 3rd - Do you like snow? Why or why not? Write a paragraph answering the question. Give at least 3 reasons to explain your opinion.
- 4th - 5th - What is the best part of a snow day? Write an essay to support your opinions with at least 3 reasons and details.
I can improve my writing with practice.
Now Choose 2 Tasks (from any of these 6)
Put an ice cube on a plate in a sunny window. Draw pictures as the ice cube changes states.
I can observe how matter changes state.
Social Studies
Draw a map of your home. Label all of the important spaces in your home. Be sure to include where you sleep, eat, take a bath, and play.
I can use a map to determine location.
Social & Emotional Learning
Play "Simon Says" with a friend or family member. Take turns being Simon. When you are Simon and say what to do, try to give two directions. "Simon says pat your head and shake your hips."
I can give and follow two-step directions.
Use things around the house (keys, drums, pencils, etc.) to create found sounds to drum along with the rhythm of a song. Can you keep a beat?
I can follow the beat in music.
Color hunt! Look around and find at least 5 items that are the colors listed below.
any other color of your choice
I can identify colors of various shades.
Physical Education - PE!
Find 10 small objects (like pennies) and a cup or bowl. Scatter the objects in front of you. Try to pick them up and drop them in the cup using...
both hands
one hand
your feet
your toes
Time yourself for a fun challenge!
I can play to build dexterity and balance.
If your teacher is out of school, you will not have a substitute and there will not be a zoom available.
Wilkesboro Elementary School
Email: spearsr@wilkes.k12.nc.us
Website: wes.wilkescountyschools.org
Location: 1248 School Street, Wilkesboro, NC, USA
Phone: (336) 838-4261
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wilkesboroelementary/
Instagram: @WilkesboroElementary