Middle North Weekly News
November 1, 2024
Dear Middle North Families,
As of November 13th we are almost 1/3 of the way through the school year. So far this year, we have made growth, memories, and strong relationships, but there still is much work left to do. Please remind your students to check PowerSchool and their grade level's online homework document to stay up-to-date on their assignments and responsibilities, as well as come to school each day with their iPad charged. Also remember that Tuesday, November 5th is a non-attendance day for all staff and students, and Friday, November 8th is our Snowflake event for all middle school students and families. We hope to see everyone there!
Until then, enjoy this wonderful weekend ahead!
Ms. Waggoner & Ms. Porzel
Important Dates
November 5th - Non-Attendance Day 🚫🏫
November 8th- Snowflake Night
November 13th- End of Trimester 1
November 14th Beginning of Trimester 2
November 21st- Picture Retake Day 📸
November 22nd- Report Cards Posted 📊
November 25th and 26th- Parent/Teacher Conferences 👪
November 26th-November 29th- Non-Attendance Days 🚫🏫
A Look Around Middle North This Week
Go Fish! 🎣
BOO! (Radley)
Medical Magnificence
Students in STEM Medical Detectives investigate different medical tools to discover how technology works inside of the physician's office.
Middle North Weekly Reminders and Updates
Fall Parent-Teacher Conferences
Last Friday you received information from your student's teacher regarding Parent-Teacher conferences on November 25th and November 26th. Please use the Sign Up Genius link by November 8th to select your preferred time. We look forward to seeing you all at MSN next month!
Snowflake Night 2024
The parent/guardian portion runs from 6:15-8:00 p.m., and student activities from 2:35-8:00 p.m.
There’s no cost to attend, and a pizza dinner will be provided for students.
Space is limited, so please register by Friday, October 25th. For full details and to register, please visit the links below.
Click here for more information about the event!
Click here to register for Snowflake Night!
Pickup and Dropoff Procedures
In an effort to keep our students safe at arrival and dismissal, please make sure you are dropping your students off and picking them up in the car line rather than dropping off or picking up your student from the parking lot. In addition, students may not be dropped off along Hawthorn Parkway, as busses and other vehicles are continuously in motion. Finally, our crosswalks are begin monitored by staff members to ensure students can cross streets safely. Thank you for your continued support in helping our students enter and leave our building safely each day.
Change of Transportation
If your student needs a change of transportation at dismissal (such as car rider, bus rider, or walker), please notify the office no later than 1:30pm on M/T/TH/F or 1:00pm on Wednesdays to ensure your student can be notified before the final bell.
Lost and Found
Our lost and found closet is growing by the day with sweatshirts, jackets, shoes, and other personal belongings. If your student has misplaced an item, they need to check the lost and found area in the cafeteria. Any items still left after conferences on November 26th will be donated to a local shelter. Please look through this folder of pictures to check if any of these items belong to your student.
Healthy Hawthorn
Cold and Flu season is upon us. If you are reporting an absence for your student, please indicate the reason why. If your student begins to feel unwell during the school day, they must visit the nurse to be checked out. It is important that we track symptoms to ensure that our students and staff are healthy and available to do their best. Finally, if there are any updates to your students' health or medications, please make sure you indicate that to our nursing staff. Let's work together for a healthier Hawthorn!
Securly Home Portal
Hawthorn School District 73 uses Securly to ensure students stay safe while using school-issued devices. Earlier this year, you should have received an email from Securly.com that will take you through the steps to access the Securly Home Portal or mobile app. From there, you can view your child’s online activity history. Click here to learn more information about this service.
Hooray for H20!
To keep our school clean and sticky-free, we ask that students only bring water into learning spaces in a closed container or water bottle. All other drinks must be consumed in the cafeteria or kept in lockers during school hours or thrown away prior to entering the school building.
No Phones
Please remind your child, no phones at school. According to our Student Handbook, phones must be powered off and out of sight throughout the entire school day. They can be turned back on once school is over.
If students need to contact parents, office phones are available. Phones seen during the school day may be confiscated by a staff member and kept in the office until the end of the day. These expectations also apply to smartwatches.
Office Hours and Reporting Absences
School office hours are from 7 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. If your child will be absent from school, please let us know by using the Report An Absence form on the website, calling the office at 847-990-4400 or by sending an email to msn-attend@hawthorn73.org. Please include any symptoms your child may be experiencing if they are absent because of an illness.