OLIS News & Updates
Week of June 4, 2018
OLIS is proposing the adoption of new Regulations for Public Library Construction Reimbursement and the repeal of existing regulations. A hearing is scheduled for June 20; the comment period closes July 10.
OLIS has posted a Request for Information, seeking public libraries that are interested in applying to serve as host for the Statewide Reference Resource Center (AskRI).
Alicia Waters will coordinate services of the Talking Books Library and the OLIS Library.
The State House was rockin’ on Saturday, May 19th with the kick-off celebration of the 9th annual Kids Reading Across Rhode Island (KRARI) program. Celia C. Pérez, author of the 2018 KRARI selection The First Rule of Punk, signed books, fielded questions from the KRARI Jr. Press Corps, and addressed children and adults in the Governor’s State Room...
URI Summer Institute in Digital Literacy
The URI Summer Institute in Digital Literacy has a track specifically for librarians (public, academic, and school). The 2018 theme is the importance of storytelling. The keynote address will be given by Len Cabral and his daughter, filmmaker Nuala Cabral. Librarians will learn how to understand and implement digital technologies into programming and practice...
2018 Census Test Enumeration for Providence County
From the U.S. Census Bureau: Census Enumerators have begun knocking on doors in Providence County. As a way to alert residents about this next phase of the Census Test, the Census Bureau created a short video (15 seconds) in English and Spanish...
Another Big Step Toward Marrakesh Treaty Ratification
Published May 22, 2018 by Carrie Russell Today, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee voted unanimously to send the Marrakesh Treaty Implementation Act (S.2559) to the full Senate for a vote. If passed by two-thirds of the Senate, the legislation will go to the President for final signature...
Upcoming OLIS CE Programs
Children's Sensory Story Time Support Group
Join us to learn about sensory story times at RI pubIic libraries. We will be discussing how sensory programs have been developing at various libraries, sharing ideas and tips to help improve services to children with special needs...
Tuesday, Jun 12, 2018, 01:00 PM
Greenville Public Library, Putnam Pike, Greenville, RI, USA
Adult Services Planning Meeting
Adult Services Planning Meeting
The Adult Services Roundtable (ASRT) relies on input from its members and other interested library staff to plan its future programs. Join fellow adult programming librarians to review and reflect on the previous year's activities, and help to plan the upcoming 2018/2019 continuing education discussion topics and program ideas...
Wednesday, Jun 13, 2018, 02:00 PM
Kingston Free Library, Kingstown Road, Kingston, RI, USA
RI Computer Museum Tour/DIRT Planning Meeting
Join the Digital Innovation Roundtable (DIRT) to review and reflect on the activities of the roundtable during its inaugural year, and help to identify topics for the next year's continuing education and other potential activities for the group. Following the meeting, the friendly and knowledgeable staff at the Rhode Island Computer Museum will show you the workshop at their Learning Lab...
Wednesday, Jun 20, 2018, 10:30 AM
RI Computer Museum Learning Lab, Ten Rod Road, North Kingstown, RI, USA
RI Office of Library & Information Services
Email: olis.webmaster@olis.ri.gov
Website: http://www.olis.ri.gov
Location: One Capitol Hill, Providence, RI 02908
Phone: 401-574-9300
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/olisri
Twitter: @olisri