Pioneer Press
November 15th, 2024
Principal's Message
Pioneer Middle School Partners with InvestED to Support Students in Need
Dear Pioneer Middle School Community,
Pioneer Middle School is proud to partner with InvestED, an organization that provides funding to support secondary schools throughout Washington State. Last school year, InvestED assisted nearly 25,000 students in over 600 schools across the state, distributing more than $900,000 in program support. InvestED’s mission is to offer immediate help to students in need, with the goal of encouraging school attendance, engagement, and graduation. The funds provided by InvestED at Pioneer Middle School will be set aside specifically to assist students who require educational support. These funds can be used to cover academic, sports, and club fees, as well as to support students in need of eyeglasses, warm coats, remote learning resources, physical education uniforms, or musical instruments. These small but impactful contributions play a crucial role in a student’s success by helping them attend school on time, stay engaged, and ultimately graduate. When the community steps up and donates to InvestED, specifically for Pioneer Middle School, we can qualify for a $500 match. Each partner school is eligible for one matching contribution per school year. Your additional donations will ensure that more students receive assistance when they need it most. Last year, we helped 50 students with InvestED funds, but we know that the demand is much greater.
To make a donations to InvestED, please use the link below.
Silver Sabotage - PTA Fundraiser UPDATE
Thank you to all who have donated to our Fall Fundraiser! Right now, donations stand at a little more than $1,000 so we have a way to go to meet our $15,000 goal. Money raised will help fund ASB-sponsored clubs, teacher appreciation events, and more!
As of Friday morning, here are the class rankings:
6th Grade:
1. Mrs. Byrd | $135.000
2. Ms. Guillen | $129.31
3. Mr. Byrd | $125.00
7th Grade
1. Ms. Nierman | $45.00
2. Ms. Vaccaro | $38.00
3. Mr. Blanchard | $24.25
8th Grade
1. Mr. Martin | $225.00
2. Ms. Mateus | $25.00
Please donate online here:
And bring cash and coins to sabotage next Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
Follow us on Facebook for more updates!
Coming Up!
Wednesday, November 27th - 1/2 for students and staff (11:40 am release time)
Thanksgiving Break - November 28th - 29th
Monday, December 2nd - Students resume school after Thanksgiving Break
Winter Break starts on December 23rd - January 3rd
Monday, January 6th 2025 - Students resume school after Winter Break
Wednesday, January 8th - ACE Day (1:40 pm release time)
Monday, January 20th - NO SCHOOL in observance of Martin L. King birthday
Tryouts for Girls' Basketball will resume on Monday, November 18th
Co-Ed Wrestling will continue practices Monday - Friday 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Games and meets are scheduled to start in December, stay tuned for more information.
Transportation schedules for athletes:
If you have any questions, call Mrs. Plumb at 253-583-7204 or email her at eplumb@steilacoom.k12.wa.us
Join the fun!
See the schedule of clubs below
Junior Student to Student (JS2S) Room A115 with Ms. Taylor
Gay Straight Alliance (GSA) Room C102 with Mrs. Iglesias
Christian Faith Club (CFC) Room B103 with Mrs. Vaccaro
Art Club Room C126 with Mrs. Palacios
Math Club Room B101 with Mr. Martin
Homework Club in the Library with Mrs. Hilton
Builder's Club in the Library with Mrs. Holyfield
Pokemon Go Club with Mrs. Elshire
Game Club Room C202 with Mrs. Nixon
Math Club Room B101 with Mr. Martin
Homework Club in the Library with Mrs. Hilton
All students participating in clubs are required to pay an ASB fee of $15.00
You can purchase your student's ASB through Mrs. Ruby
ASB fees collected go to funding clubs and sports activities at Pioneer MS.
For more information on the clubs we offer, use the link below:
Transportation is available on Tuesdays and Thursdays for students attending school clubs.
Use the link below for route information:
Student Drop-Off and Pick-Up IMPORTANT
If you opt to drop-off or pick-up your student(s) in the parking lot, please pull into a parking space and have them exit there, doing this helps traffic flow smoothly and allows everyone to walk safely to school.
Please remember that the handicap parking spaces and surrounding areas are not to be used for student drop-off or pick-up.
Also, please observe the posted speed limits in the school zone.
From the Main Office
Is your student arriving late to school?
Students start class at 8:10 a.m.
-If your student arrives at 8:10 a.m. or later, please have them stop at our check-in kiosk for a pass to class. Tardies need to be excused by parent/guardian.
Don't forget to excuse your student's absences and tardies!
Option 1: Call 253-583-7200, choose the attendance option.
Leave a message if we can't get to your call. The voicemail to the attendance line is checked several times a day.
Option 2: Email us at pioneermsoffice@steilacoom.k12.wa.us
Transportation Changes?
Option 1: Please call the office no later than 2:00 pm (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday) and 1:00 pm on ACE days (Wednesdays) to request transportation changes.
Option 2: You can also request transportation changes by emailing us at pioneermsoffice@steilacoom.k12.wa.us