CHIRPS Chatter
January 3, 2025
Important Dates
1/3 Wear Red!
1/8 Workout Wednesday
1/13 PTO Meeting 5pm
1/14 5th Grade Band/Orchestra Concert 6:30pm (snow date 1/15)
1/15 Danbury Hat Tricks in school assembly
1/16 Polka Dot Day
1/17 Danbury Hat Tricks MES Event 7pm (more info to follow)
1/20 NO SCHOOL Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Save the Date!
Thank you!
Kindergarten Registration Information
ACES at Chase (5th Grade Families)
MES is on Instagram! Please follow us
We will be posting plenty of pictures for you to stay "in the know!"
Contact Information
Location: 550 Whittemore Road, Middlebury, CT, United States
Phone: (203) 758-2401
Twitter: @MiddleburyES
Heather Pellicone
Heather is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters