Horace Mann/Roosevelt Elementary
September 2024
The mission of Horace Mann/Roosevelt Elementary School
We are committed to providing a safe, nurturing, and inclusive environment where students thrive academically, socially, and emotionally.
HMR Core Values
Respect, Belonging, Accountability, Creativity, Love
HMR Vision
Creating a safe learning environment where students can grow academically, socially, and emotionally.
Principal’s Message
Dear Caregivers,
As we continue to foster a positive and inclusive environment at our school, we want to emphasize the importance of our core values: respect, belonging, accountability, creativity, and love. These values are not just words on a wall; they are the foundation of how we interact with each other every day. To ensure that every student feels safe, valued, and loved, we need your support in reinforcing these principles at home. Engaging in conversations with your children about how every individual who walks through our doors deserves to learn in a safe and welcoming environment is crucial.
We believe that promoting a positive climate and culture begins with all of us, both at school and at home. By modeling respect, belonging, and love in your daily interactions, you help set the stage for a nurturing environment where every student can thrive. Together, we can create a school community where each child feels supported and inspired. Thank you for being our partners in this important mission.
Take Care,
Mrs. Ostrom
Principal HMR Elementary
Opt--In for Texts from FPS
Please opt-in to receive text messages from Fargo Public Schools. FPS has switched to a new mass communication system for the 2024-25 school year and you MUST opt-in to receive text messages from FPS. If you do not opt-in, you could miss important information from our school or the District. You can opt-in at any time by texting the word “YES” to 79041.
Families, if you do not opt into this service, you will not receive any district communication about emergency alerts. We HIGHLY RECOMMEND you to OPT -- IN!!! This is the main communication for ANY emergency event or event that we have going on at HMR. Communication will be lost if you do not OPT -- IN. PLEASE OPT -- IN. Thank you!
2024-2025 Meal Prices
Elementary Breakfast $1.65
Elementary Lunch $2.65
Middle and High School Breakfast $1.85
Middle and High School Lunch $2.95
Adult Breakfast $2.75
Adult Lunch $4.00
Extra Milk $0.45
All families are encouraged to complete the free/reduced meal application in their PowerSchool registration forms.
Free and Reduced Price Meals Application
Students attending school are provided breakfast and lunch through the USDA National School Lunch Program. Students may qualify for federal and state assistance to cover the cost of meals. Households may qualify based on income and size, participation in a federal assistance program (SNAP, etc.) or other criteria. This school year, North Dakota legislature passed a bill that allows families to receive free meals if they fall below 200% of the federal poverty line. Families must submit a Student Fees Assistance and Benefits Application (also known as a Free-and Reduced-Price Meal Application) every year.
If families qualify, households can receive free meals and additional benefits such as:
Waived (canceled) fees for school related activities such as band rentals, activity fees, exam fees, and others.
Increase funding to the district for educational programs through Title 1 funding, foundation aid, e-rate for technology grants, and others.
Households wishing to apply for Free or Reduced-Price Meals may apply by submitting a Student Fees Assistance and Benefits Application. It is only necessary to submit one application per household.
For more information about Free or Reduced-Priced Meals or the Student Fees Assistance and Benefits Application, visit the FPS Nutritional Services Department website. If you need assistance with the application, call FPS Nutrition Services at 701.446.1153.
Upcoming Events!
HMR School Pictures - SMILE Scherling Photography will be taking school pictures are Wednesday, September 11th. Please remember to turn in your picture envelope to your childs teacher prior to Wednesday.
PTA Sponsored HMR Color Run Fundraiser is Friday Sept. 13th. Please See the information that was sent home last Friday. Any donations help our HM Roos. PTA provides out of the classroom experiences for our students. Any fundraising is appreciated but not expected or required to participate in the Color Run this Friday September 13th from 6:30pm to 8:00pm at the Horace Mann Campus.
See you there!!
PTA News!
HMRoos. PTA will meet the first Monday of the month at the Roosevelt Campus. Meetings will begin promptly at 6:00pm and end promptly at 7:00pm. Please come and share your ideas, talents, and creativity with this fun and wonderful group as we continue to grow ideas and experiences for our HMR Spartan Scholars!
PTA Meeting Dates:
Monday October 7th Roosevelt Campus 6pm-7pm
Monday November 4th Roosevelt Campus 6pm-7pm
Monday December 2nd Roosevelt Campus 6pm-7pm
Monday January 6th Roosevelt Campus 6pm-7pm
Monday February 3rd Roosevelt Campus 6pm-7pm
Monday March 3rd Roosevelt Campus 6pm-7pm
Monday April 7th Roosevelt Campus 6pm-7pm
Monday May 5th Roosevelt Campus 6pm-7pm
*Some dates are subject to change. We will do our best to be timely with any changes.
Immunization Clinic!
Family HealthCare will again host events to provide immunizations for Fargo Public Schools students throughout the fall 2024 semester. Our event on September 27th will be held at (order of schools during this event)
Madison Elementary School
1040 29th St N
2. Roosevelt Elementary School
1026 10th St N
Horace Mann Elementary School
1025 3rd St N
Ben Franklin Middle School
1420 8th St N
Fargo North High School
801 17th Ave N
At this event, our mobile unit will arrive to the first listed school by 8:00am and aim to start seeing patients by 8:15-8:30am. We will then progress to the other locations throughout the morning as patients are available. The mobile unit will be set up outside a student door as designated by relevant school staff. Myself and our Immunization Nurse Dominique will do our best to communicate this beforehand with nursing staff present at the event.
Student Behavior
As we strive to maintain a safe and respectful learning environment for all our students, we ask for your continued support in reinforcing the expectations outlined in the FPS Character Code of Conduct and Support. This document serves as a vital guide for acceptable behavior within our school, ensuring that every Spartan Scholar has the opportunity to learn and grow in a safe, supportive setting.
We encourage you to take some time to review the Code of Conduct with your child and discuss its importance in our school community. By working together, we can help our students understand the significance of their actions and the role they play in creating a positive school environment. Your involvement is crucial, and together, we can ensure that our school remains a place where safety, respect, and learning thrive.
Thank you for your partnership and dedication to our shared goals.
Horace Mann Attendance
Roosevelt Attendance
We want to emphasize the critical importance of regular school attendance for your child's academic success. Unfortunately, we have already noticed a concerning number of students who are chronically or significantly chronically absent, having missed 7 or more days of school. Consistent attendance is essential for ensuring that our Spartan Scholars continue to grow academically and work towards closing the gap between below-grade-level performance and mastery at grade level.
If there are any barriers preventing your child from attending school regularly, we encourage you to reach out to their classroom teacher or our school counselors. We are here to partner with you and work together to find solutions that will help ensure your child is in school and ready to learn each day. Thank you for your attention to this important matter and for your continued commitment to your child's education.
Lunchroom Expectations-
We greatly value your partnership in helping our Spartan Scholars understand the importance of appropriate behavior in the lunchroom. Just as when dining out in a restaurant, it’s important for students to maintain a respectful volume of conversation, ensuring a pleasant environment for everyone. We also ask that our students show respect to the adults working in the lunchroom and in the lunch line, as this helps the process run smoothly and ensures that everyone receives their meal in a timely and efficient manner.
We kindly request that you speak with your children about the importance of good manners, such as raising their hands when needed and following the instructions given by the lunchroom staff. For example, when the lights are turned off and an adult raises their arm, this signals the need for a “Zero Voice” so that important instructions can be heard by all. Additionally, the last 3 to 5 minutes of lunch are crucial for students to finish their meal and settle down before heading back to their learning spaces. By reinforcing these expectations at home, we can work together to create a positive and orderly lunchtime experience for everyone.
Thank you for your ongoing support and collaboration.
Mental Health Supports
FPS is excited to announce its continued partnership with Together Counseling for Connect and Support. These support sessions are available to all staff and students of FPS focused on stressors of daily living that do not require a diagnostic assessment at intake. Sessions are capped at ten 30-minute sessions per person and must occur before/after school or during a free period. Sessions are available until June 13, 2025, or funding runs out. Please click the link below for more information
Society for Women Engineers
SWE (Society of Women Engineers) from NDSU will be hosting after school engineering opportunities for our 3-5 grades again this year. The dates are Oct. 16, Nov. 13, and Dec. 11 from 2:45-3:30 and these will be open to 20 students each session. Sign up in the Roosevelt Office if you are interested.
Title 1 Information-
In the Schoolwide handbook you will find our Parent Compact, Family Engagement Policy, Dispute Resolution Policy, and Elementary Resources. Our 23-24 data was shared in August’s Newsletter. We invite you to look back at the HMR Spartan Bulletin for August to review our Schoolwide data if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Administration at either campus.
We are looking forward to learning and growing together in the 24-25 school year. Please click the link to view.
Dates to Remember
Sep 11, 2024 - School Pictures (Both Campuses)
Sep 12, 2024 - Boy Scouts visit classrooms
Sep 13, 2024 - PTA Sponsored Color Run; Horace Mann 6:30-8:00p
Sep 16 & 18, 2024 - Grade 4 I wish the Hitting Would Stop
Sep 17, 2024 - Grade 4 Field Trip; Hjemkomst Center 9:00-11:20a
Sep 20, 2024 - Bus Safety; Horace Mann 9:00-10:00a
Sep 27, 2024 - Girl Scouts visit classroom
Oct 10, 2024 - Early Out day (2 hours)
Oct 11 & 14, 2024 - NO SCHOOL
Oct 17, 2024 - Grade 5 Field Trip; Plains Art Museum; Parent Teacher Conferences 3:00-7:00p
Oct 21, 2024 - Parent Teacher Conferences 3:00-7:00p
Oct 22, 2024 - Picture Retakes
Oct 31, 2024 - Happy Halloween
Horace Mann/Roosevelt Elementary School
Jackie Shultis, Assistant Principal
Website: www.fargo.k12.nd.us/HMR
- 1025 3rd Street North, Fargo; ND, USA
- 1026 10th Street North, Fargo, ND USA
Phone: 701-446-4600; 701-446-5300