CWE Newsletter
September 6th, 2024
Upcoming Events
9/9: Wave Riders Preschool begins
9/10: Self-Contained preschool begins!
9/17: PTA General Membership Meeting 4pm- CWE Library
9/23-9/27: Book Fair!
We are so excited to have our Orcas back in the building! 1st-5th started Tuesday and today we welcomed our KINDERS!
Next week our preschoolers start!
- Thank you for your patience and understanding as we work to ensure safety during drop-off and pick-up!
Dismissal begins at 3:10pm. If you are in the pick up line, please make sure your pick up number is displayed until your child is in your car! We are asking that tags be placed on the visor of the driver side and flipped down to be visible. Tags placed on the dash are difficult to see due to window tint, sun glare, and angle. This will help keep the line moving smooth if we can see the tags clearly! We appreciate your help with this! If you still need a pick up number, please let your classroom teacher know!
- If you have not paid your school supply fee, you may do so online, in the main office or over the phone! Exact cash, check or card payments are accepted.
Join us September 17th at 4pm in the CWE Library for our first general membership meeting of the school year! If you have not signed up for membership, we would love to partner with you to make this an incredible year for our students! Visit our website to purchase membership and learn more about the PTA! Spirit Gear coming soon!