Center Community Chat
August, 2024
Summer Update
Dear Families,
We hope everyone is having a wonderful summer; hard to believe it is August already. We will be sending a more detailed update the week of the 19th and wanted to share some pertinent information with you now.
We have opportunities to get together with our Center community:
Thursday, August 15: 9:00 AM- Kindergarten playdate on the Center playground
Thursday, August 15, 10:00 AM - Tour of Center School for new and in-coming kindergarten families
Wednesday, August 21, 4:00 PM- Tour of Center School for new and in-coming kindergarten families
Thursday, August 22nd, 8:30 AM Read Aloud at Center Campus
Staff Updates:
We would like to bid a fond farewell to Sarah Say and Roberta Deletesky, lunch and recess aides and to Kendra Henrikson, who served as our Student Support Administrative Team Chair.
As we look ahead, we are excited to welcome two new kindergarten teachers to our team, Next year, we will have five sections of kindergarten. Please note that Ms. Robson will be taking a full year of family leave.
Ms. Lallas, our school counselor, will be on a medical leave for the coming year. Please join us in sending well wishes.
Joining the Center community are Katie McKenna and Kat Pellerin as our new kindergarten teachers. Additionally, we welcome Sherry Brunealth and Sushma who will be joining our lunch and recess aide team.
Bus Registration
If you haven’t already done so, please register your student(s) to ride the bus. All students who desire to ride the school bus to or from school must register very year, even if they are not required to pay a fee.
Information pertaining to school bus transportation may be found on the Chelmsford Public Schools website at the following link: https://chelmsfordschools.org/departments/transportation/.
Enjoy the rest of your summer.
Dianna and Donna
First Day of School
Please find the CPS academic calendar below. The first day of school for grade 1-4 is August 27. Kindergarteners will have an orientation on that day, your specific time slot will be in your placement letter, and the first full day of kindergarten in August 28.
School Supplies
Once again, the Chelmsford Public Schools will be purchasing school supplies for students. These supplies include the traditional items families would buy in the past (crayons, pencil boxes, glue sticks, binders, etc.). Students will still require a backpack but our hope is that providing these supplies will assist families as we begin the school year.
Food Services Information
School meals are permanently and universally free. Please visit our school nutrition website at https://cpsnutrition.com/index.php?sid=1478035692058 for more information about our program and also a link to the free and reduced lunch application. Please fill out this forms even though meals are free as it qualifies you and the district for other services and supports.
Our bus registration is continuing this month and all students who will ride the bus are required to register. These registrations assist us in making the most efficient and safe bus routes. Please visit the transportation website at: https://chelmsfordschools.org/departments/transportation/ for more information on how to register for the bus.
Medication Drop Off
Nurse Felzani will be holding medication drop-offs at the following times:
- Friday, 8/23, 9-3
- Monday, 8/26, 12-3
- Tuesday, 8/27, 9:20-2:30
- Wednesday, 8/28,9:20-2:30
- Thursday, 8/29, 9:20-2:30
Medication Drop-off Checklist
- Medication in the original and/or pharmacy-labeled container, dropped off by a responsible adult.
- Small, recent student photo (Kindergarten only)
- Written medication order dated after July 1, 2024
- Completed CPS medication form.
Please visit the health page for additional information and medication forms at https://chelmsfordschools.org/departments/health-services/health-forms/