a day at the beach
August 21, 2024
انقر فوق الزر "ترجمة" أعلاه لقراءة هذا باللغة العربية
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Next week is soooooo close!
We've got less than a week before we get to welcome our 1st-5th graders to school for the 24/25 school year and we are so excited! The kinders will join us the following Tuesday and then we will finally have our whole community together for the year. Our entire staff are now back to school engaging in shared learning and planning for the start of the year and the energy is high.
This newsletter has lots of information that will impact you and your child(ren) at the beginning of the year. If you have questions, please don't hesitate to call the office at 503-916-6236 or email Esther Romero, our School Admin Assistant, at eromero@pps.net.
Community Care Day - Success!
Thank you to the 25+ family members that helped spruce up the campus last Saturday. The place looks amazing! I can't believe how much was accomplished in those two hours. THANK YOU!
Beach Daily Schedule
7:30 am - Main Office Opens
7:53 am - Doors Open & Breakfast
8:00 am - Instruction Begins (arrival after 8:00 is late/tardy)
11:00-11:40 - K Recess/Lunch
11:10-11:50 - 3rd Recess/Lunch
11:20-12:00 - 1st Recess/Lunch
11:30-12:10 - 4th Recess/Lunch
11:40-12:20 - 2nd Recess/Lunch
11:50-12:30 - 5th Recess/Lunch
2:30 pm - School Dismissal
3:00 pm - Main Office Closes
After School Transportation/Dismissal Plan - Action Item
To ensure all Beach students get home from school safely EVERY STUDENT (including 4th and 5th graders) must have an after-school transportation plan completed by 8/30. Please click the link or use the QR code to let us know how your child(ren) will get home from school each day.
A bus tag will be provided for all K-3 students who ride the bus. K-2 students must have a bus tag attached to their backpack at all times; 3rd grade students who ride the bus are required to have a bus tag for the first MONTH of school.
Morning Drop Off Procedures
Doors open for students at 7:53. Please do not drop off students prior to this time as we do not have staff supervision prior to doors opening. Instruction begins promptly at 8:00 so an on-time arrival is extremely important for student success.
K-2 students enter through the annex (lower building by the playground) and 3-5 enter by the main (upper) building entrance. Breakfast will be available to all students at no cost upon entry to school and will be eaten in the classroom. On the first day of school, all classroom teachers will be in their afternoon pick up locations outside to greet students and ensure they know how to get to their classroom. Multiple staff will be floating to support arrival and where to go.
In order to maintain the highest level of campus security, it is necessary to say goodbyes to students outside of the building. We know this is not ideal, and we would rather not have to take this measure, but this ensures we know who is in our building at all times. Parents and caregivers are very welcome to volunteer in our school (after following the volunteer process) and are invited to family events throughout the year. We absolutely want you to be in the school!
If a student arrives after 8:00 they report directly to the main office. It is necessary for caregivers to accompany them into the main office when late.
Afternoon Pick Up Procedures
Students are dismissed at 2:30pm.
K-5 students getting picked up will be met at their classroom’s designated outdoor location, please see the image below. The classroom teacher must see the adult that is picking up each student before the student is released.
K-2 students who are in SUN, YMCA or ride the bus will be picked up from class by a designated staff member and led to their destination.
3-5 Students who are in SUN, YMCA or riding the bus are dismissed to a designated location where staff meet and escort them to their destination.
4-5 students who have advance written permission to walk home are released by their teacher to do so.
Our after school programs use our playground and fields for planned programming after the school day. We appreciate your help in making sure these areas are available soon after student dismissal.
Are you eligible for transportation services?
Eligibility is defined by being more than a mile from attending neighborhood elementary school.
Transportation eligibility information is available in Synergy and ParentVue. There are three eligibility codes:
W - Walk - Not eligible for transportation.
H - Hazard - Eligible for transportation
B - Bus - Eligible for transportation
(Blank) - Not eligible for transportation
Please reach out the front office if you are still unsure if your child is eligible to rides the bus.
Newly Painted Lockers!
We are excited to share that lockers throughout the school have been painted this summer as much of the paint had been pulled off since they were painted five years ago. They look amazing (see before and after pics below)! This painting work was completed as part of the 2017 Health & Safety Bond. The money has now been allocated and so this paint will need to last for quite some time.
Much of the damage being repaired was the result of adhesive pull from previous layers of high adhesive packing tape, labels, stickers, and decorations that were applied and then pulled off of the lockers. As such, we have been told that no tape, stickers, labels or decorations are to be used on lockers. Each locker will have a magnetic name label provided by PPS to indicate whose locker is whose.
Student Absences
Do you need to report a student absence for the day? A future absence perhaps? Does your child have an appointment? Please use our attendance line if you answered yes to these questions. This way significantly helps reduce calls to the office in the morning thus creating the space to support bus/transportation issues, student and staff needs, and prepare the the building for arrival.
Attendance Email: beachattendance@pps.net
Building Access
The external doors to our school are required to be locked during and after school hours. All visitors and volunteers must check-in at the main entrance on Humboldt Ave. When you arrive at the main entrance, press the call button (near the bench) to be buzzed in by the school office. At the office you will sign in and receive a guest badge.
Thank you for helping to keep Beach a safe place to learn!
Free Breakfast & Lunch for Everyone
Portland Public Schools Nutrition Services is happy to announce all students will be able to enjoy breakfast and lunch at no charge for the 2024-25 school year. This opportunity is made possible in part by the expansion of federal eligibility and additional funds allocated by the state’s Student Success Act. All PPS students are automatically enrolled in this program. Access to nutritious meals is a crucial component of student success and well-being, and we are thrilled to be able to take advantage of this opportunity on behalf of our students.
School Communication - Action Item (Reminder)
Our goal is to do all we can to help you feel connected with and informed about all things Beach. The tools below are key in making that happen. If you'd like support, please call the office at 503-916-6236 or email Esther Romero, our School Admin Assistant, at eromero@pps.net.
First and foremost, we need to know that we can reach you. Many staff use this platform to communicate throughout the year. Set up takes about 15 minutes and involves a phone call or email to Beach and time on your device.
If you do not yet have an account, begin at step one. If you already have an account, begin at step two.
- First, you need an activation key provided by Beach. Please call 503-916-6236 or email eromero@pps.net and/or tmyers2@pps.net to get your code.
- Then you click this link and then click the link that is relevant to you.
- Then you follow the steps as outlined in this document.
Please complete the yearly student verification form to ensure we’re reaching you via the right contact information and in the right language.
Remind is the platform that PPS uses to communicate with you. This will look like texts and emails that have information related to PPS, in general, or Beach, specifically. The message can come from the Beach office or your child(ren)'s teacher(s). The great thing about Remind is that you can text right back so communication can go both ways. It's incredibly helpful for all of our families to be included in Remind so that you get the information that you need to stay in the loop. And guess what? The app is not necessary! You are welcome to simply provide your phone number.
Click this link for additional information about Remind.
This communication will typically be sent out the first day of every month via Remind and contains information relating to our schoolwide practices, upcoming school events, important updates, and much more. It is also posted to the Beach website.
School Supplies (Reminder)
We are happy to announce that we will continue to use the shared school supply process that we used last year for school supplies. This means there's no need to shop for pencils, markers and notebooks yourself! It also means that your child will not run out of supplies throughout the school year because we will have additional supplies available as needed.
We are asking for a $30 contribution for each student for their annual school supplies. Materials will be ready for all children on the first day of school. Please use the QR code above or click this link to pay.
Upcoming Events
- Tuesday, August 27 at 8:00am - First Day of School for Grades 1-5
- Monday, September 2 - Labor Day, No School
- Tuesday, September 3 at 8:00am - First Day of Kindergarten
- Wednesday, September 11 - Dental Sealants for Grades 2-3
- Thursday, September 19 from 5:30-7:30pm - Back to School Night
- Monday, September 30 - School Picture Day