CHS Media Center Newsletter
March 2025
This newsletter highlights a selection of our services, programming, and resources. In this issue:
- Celebrate this month's events with our resource collections and book displays: Women's History Month, Irish American Heritage Month, March Madness, National Craft Month, Optimism Month, National Nutrition Month, Expanding Girls' Horizons in Science & Engineering Month, Maryland Day
- Winter Reading with MCPL: Complete a BINGO board to be entered into raffle for an Xbox Series S bundle as well as a raffle for 2 tickets to a Wizards game
- Maker Monday: Pipe cleaner shamrock rings and succulents on March 17th
- Spotlight on Digital Citizenship: Countering Hate Speech
There is so much to celebrate in March! Click on a tile below to learn more
Winter Reading With MCPL
Congrats to Our February Media Center Contest Winners!
Grace Takeu (9th grader) & Anvesha Sachan (9th Grader) both pictured below
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Make shamrock rings & succulents in the Media Center during lunch on Mon, 3/17!
We're celebrating St. Patrick's Day and National Craft Month with a classic crafting material: pipe cleaners!
Sign up HERE or scan the QR code to the right to make pipe cleaner shamrock rings and/or a succulent garden in the media center during lunch on Monday, March 11. We'll provide the supplies, you bring the creativity.
Maker Monday
When: Monday, March 17th during lunch
Where: Media Center (blocked off tables near the front)
What: Make pipe cleaner shamrock rings and/or a succulent garden. The media center will provide the pipe cleaners and pom poms.
Spotlight on Digital Citizenship: Countering Hate Speech
Throughout this school year, students will participate in digital citizenship lessons during their advisory period. These lessons will focus on the responsible, ethical, and informed use of technology and the internet. Digital citizenship includes understanding how to interact safely and respectfully online, protect personal information, recognize and prevent cyberbullying, and respect the intellectual property rights of others. To find out more about digital citizenship and why it's important, explore the Common Sense Education website.
In March, students will participate in an advisory lesson on countering hate speech. To go deeper on this topic, use this family activity (en espanol) and/or these family tips (en espanol) at home.
Black-Eyed Susan Book Awards: Read. Vote. Party!
The Black-Eyed Susan Book Award is a student choice award for the state of Maryland that has been awarded each year since 1992. The award seeks to promote literacy and lifelong reading habits by encouraging students to read quality, contemporary literature.
Read three or more books in one of the following categories and you can vote for the winner of the state-wide award in April 2025:
Graphic Novels: High School Nominees
All students who vote will be invited to a party with food and prizes at the end of the school year.
For every Black-Eyed Susan book you read fill out THIS FORM.
Free Ebooks & Audiobooks on the Sora Reading App!
How to Access Sora
Contact Mrs. Blanchard
Questions? Stuck in your research? Looking for your next great read?
Find her in the media center or contact her via:
Email: courtney_blanchard@mcpsmd.org
Website: Coyote Information Hub
X: @CburgLibrary