Reeceville Raptor's MMM
September 9, 2024
Parent Drop Off/Pick Up
As a reminder, parents that are dropping off/picking up students should enter through the North Brandywine School loop. Parents will drive along the front of North Brandywine Middle School and loop around in front of the buses in their parking lot. Parents will line up along the grassy knoll and loop in the front of Reeceville Elementary by the flag pole. Staff members will be there to assist your children in safely getting into your cars. Please view the map below.
Creating a Parent Home Access Account
Please see the attachments for directions on how to create your Home Access Accounts
Reeceville Has Eagles Spirit!
Go Birds!
Ms. Clark's class has spirit!
Mrs. Markert's Class Wears Eagles Gear!
Patriot's Day!
In honor of those who lost their lives on 9/11, we will be having a ceremony with our Local Police and Fire Company. Please wear Red, White, and Blue.
Remember: Every Wednesday is Words Wednesday! Wear a shirt with words on it!
Matrix - This chart clearly communicates our school-wide expectations in all areas of the building for positive behaviors for students. It is displayed around the school for students to visualize their expectations. Students work to show that they are Respectful, Responsible and Ready in all areas of our school.
Raptor Tickets/Class Dojo - This is our individual reward system. This allows staff to recognize students who are making positive choices (being Respectful, Responsible and/or Ready). When students get Raptor Tickets, each ticket is equivalent to 1 point on Class Dojo. When students 'shop' at the Raptor Cart once a cycle, they use the points that they earned from their Raptor Tickets/Dojo points to get a prize!
Teacher Scorecard - This is our class wide reward system. When whole classes are recognized for making positive choices, they can receive a tally. During each trimester, classes have a 'goal' to reach and once they reach that goal - the class can have a celebration. Our Trimester 1 goal is to get 25 TALLIES! Your student's teacher will let you know when/what that celebration will be when the time comes if they reach the goal.
Ref the Raptor - Reeceville's Beloved Mascot!