Ventana Vistas
May 1st - 7th, 2024
Upcoming Events
2 - Bus Driver Appreciation Day
6 - 10 - Dibels Testing
8 - FFO Dine Out - 4 pm til 8 pm
9 - Executive FFO Meeting - 8:15 am
9 - Kindergarten Music Concert
10 - 2nd Grade Music Concert
15 - Incoming 5th Graders (2024/2025) Parent Meeting
16 - FFO Public Meeting - 8:15 am
16 - 3rd & 4th Grade Music Concerts
17 - 1st Grade Music Concert
21 - 5th Grade Promotion & Music Concert (PM)
22 - Last Day of School
2 - Come Meet the Teacher - Time to be advised
5 - First Day of School
Principal's Desk
If you have any input/information you would like to share with regard to placement for your child(ren)s upcoming SY please email abuick@cfsd16.org. Please note we do not accept teacher requests.
60-Day Review
The CFSD Core and Supplemental Resource Preview List can be viewed at this link:
Trait of the Month: Patience
Our character trait for the month of May is patience. We will be honoring students for the trait of patience and being a Bobcat at the end of the month.
5th Egg Drop! La CaĆda de Huevos
5th grade students had to create protection for their egg.
On Friday they tested their eggs for the egg drop. Many of the eggs did not break.
Congratulations to all that were able to keep
their egg protected.
Message for 4th Grade Parents
40 Book Challenge
Congratulations to London in 5th grade for being the first to complete the 40 book challenge.
The students are challenged to read 40 books in the year.
Kinder Robotics
So excited so see their robot move for the first time!
2nd Grade Celebration
Our 2nd graders did a fabulous job at their celebration.
Huge thank you to Sra. Barreda, Mrs. Garza, and Sra Gonzalez for preparing the 2nd graders for their celebrations.
Family Engagement
EduKit (School Supplies) on Sale Now for 2024/2025 School Year
Details for ordering EduKits for next school year are below.
5th grade families - be on the lookout for the EduKit flyer coming home in your student's backpack so you can order school supplies for middle school next year.
Please use the link below if you would like to order an Edukit for next school year. This is an easy and convenient way to have all of your school supplies delivered to Ventana Vista. EduKits can be ordered until June 9th.
FFO Corner
The Evening of the Arts was a success!
Thank you to all who were able to attend! We have framed artwork pickup this Thursday, May 2, at 8:15am in front of the school, look for Mrs. Fouts! If that time does not work for you, the framed artwork will be available for pick up in the front office.
For those who have not yet ordered their artwork, there is still time! You can order through this Friday, May 3rd!
Monthly Fundraiser
Our Dine Out this month is next Wednesday, May 8th, 4 - 8pm at the Chipotle at 4857 E. Grant Rd!
Online order for pick up use code: VVL7K84
Forgot to Order?
Yearbooks are still available for purchase! Late orders will be shipped to your home address.
For softcover orders: https://link.entourageyearbooks.com/view_account.asp?l=67024839-DCBB-4CB7-9D8E-890BC68D9C2E
For hardcover orders: https://link.entourageyearbooks.com/view_account.asp?l=F1088104-6BD1-4977-8A1F-C9D9CF7DEEB1
Please plan to come to VVFFO's next general meeting on May 16th, at 8:15am! We will be wrapping up the year and voting on the 2024 - 2025 Board!
We Need You!
Have you volunteered for the FFO this year? You're invited to our Volunteer Appreciation breakfast! It will be after the FFO general meeting on May 16th at 9:30am. Please RSVP!
Thank you to everyone who has contributed to the FFO's Staff Appreciation efforts!
Governing Board Member
Eileen Jackson, President
Amy Krauss, Vice President
Doug Hadley
Gina Mehmert
Dr. Mary Kamerzell
State of Arizona Legislative Representatives for CFSD
(please check www.azleg.gov for contact information)
Legislative District 18
Representative Nancy Gutierrez
Representative Chris Mathis
Senator Priya Sundareshan