Blue Jay Buzz
August 23, 2024
The First Week!
Hello Caruso Families,
The first week is officially in the books! It’s been a fantastic start to the school year, and we’re already seeing the energy, excitement, and potential in our Blue Jays. From meeting new friends to diving into learning, it’s clear that this year is going to be something special. Thank you for your support and for helping make the first week a success. We’re looking forward to all that’s ahead as we continue building this incredible community together.
In this addition you will find:
New Info
- Starting Undefeated
- Open Day Ceremonies Video
- Locker Day
- Spirit Days Update
- Coffee @ Caruso
- Open House Schedule
- Traffic Flow Update from our SRO Lauren Maldonado
- Help Train Scout, our New AI Chatbot
Reminders from Last Week:
- Medication
- Attendance
- Tardiness to school
- Picture Day
- Cold Weather Gear Order (Part 2)
- PTO Information (Marla's lunch)
Mark T. Schwarz - Principal - mschwarz@dps109.org
Donnie Castans - Associate Principal - dcastans@dps109.org
Marcia Klita - Director for Student Services - mklita@dps109.org
Starting Undefeated
A message I shared with your children:
As we kick off this new school year, let’s embrace the chance to start fresh and undefeated. Just like athletes stepping onto the field for the first time (Go Bears!), each of you has the opportunity to set the tone for a successful year—regardless of what happened last year. We’re all starting with a clean slate, full of energy and determination.
Remember, every one of you is undefeated right now. Whether you’re a returning student or one of the 11 new Bluejays joining us, you’re beginning this year with hope, potential, and the drive to succeed. Our goal is to help you discover your strengths, support you through challenges, and create a space where you can thrive.
Together, we’ll make this a year of growth, progress, and celebrations—no matter how big or small those victories may be.
Opening Day Ceremonies Video
Locker Day!
It was wonderful meeting lots of you during Locker Day! Thank you for your patience and flexibility as we navigated the day getting everyone what they needed. I loved energy in the building! Thank you to the Caruso PTO for co-organziing the night!
Spirit Days!
Grade Level Colors!
6th Grade: Gray
7th Grade: Blue
8th Grade: Black
Coffee @ Caruso
Thank you to the PTO for providing the coffee, and to the parents who joined us for an awesome event! We had some great conversations about how we can continue making Caruso awesome. Our next Coffee @ Caruso is 8-8:40AM on 9/26/24. Please RSVP by calling Caruso main office: 847-945-8430
Open House 8/29/24 5-7:15PM
Below you will find the Open House Schedule. As much as we love your kids, this is an adult only event. You will follow your kids CORE schedule, and go to the auditorium to hear from the Encore and the Admin team. Your child will be bringing home their schedule to follow. Please contact us with any questions Caruso-Office@dps109.org
Traffic Flow Update from our SRO Lauren Maldonado
Parking and Traffic Guidelines
Please be mindful of the surrounding residences when parking. This includes:
- Avoiding blocking driveways or fire hydrants.
- Parking close to the curb to ensure that school buses and emergency vehicles, such as ambulances, can easily pass through.
Additionally, U-turns at the end of Montgomery Dr. are not permitted to avoid entering the Caruso Circle around the school. This area experiences heavy foot traffic, especially during dismissal times, so please proceed with caution and be considerate.
Please note that school buses are on a tight schedule, so your cooperation is greatly appreciated.
The Anxious Generation
As a district, we’ve been focusing on finding new ways to support our community. Rob Wegley, the principal at Shepard, and I are collaborating to host a parent event centered around the topics in The Anxious Generation. This book and topic are especially important as they address the growing concerns around anxiety in our youth and provide insights on how we, as educators and parents, can better support our children’s mental health and well-being. Stay tuned for an event date.
If you don’t have time to read, I highly recommend this podcast as a quick and valuable resource. - The Anxious Generation with Jonathan Haidt
Help Train Scout, Our New AI Chatbot!
Have you checked out our new AI chatbot, Scout? Visit dps109.org, and Scout will appear on the bottom left-hand corner of your screen. Scout is on a two-month trial from now until the end of September. The more you help train him (ask him questions), the faster he learns and "scouts" our website to help find the answers to your questions! Please use the feedback button and star rating system to help us decide if Scout is here to stay.
Old News
Student Expectations
Cell Phones
Cell phones will be off and away in lockers from 8:00 am - 3:00 pm every day (8:00 am - 2:00 pm on early release Wednesdays). Here's the why: This will help our students focus on their learning, build relationships with those around them, and hopefully disconnect from the anxiety that comes from even just having a phone in the pocket, wondering what notifications they are missing.
If students are using their phones during the school day, they will be instructed to bring their phone to the main office. There will be a progressive response when this occurs that resets each semester:
First and Second Occurrence: Email home and student picks up phone at the end of the school day.
Third Occurrence: Parent/guardian must come pick the phone up from school. Student will serve a lunch reflection.
Fourth Occurrence +: Parent/guardian must come pick the phone up from school. Student will also drop phone off at office each morning. Student will serve an after-school reflection.
MUST be wired and are not used during passing periods.
A student who fails to meet the expectations will be asked to comply with them and may be subject to a verbal warning or behavior check in.
Backpacks & Lockers
Backpacks must be kept in students’ lockers throughout the school day unless it is a documented accommodation. They will not be traveling from class to class. Here's the why: We do not have room in our classrooms to safely store backpacks without having a tripping/fire hazard, and—by keeping backpacks in lockers—we have a wonderful opportunity to teach and reinforce important executive functioning skills with material organization, case-its, and other organizational tools.
Student Deliveries
Bell Schedule
Arrival and Dismissal
Arrival and Dismissal
If arriving between 7:30 and 7:45, students should enter at the north side of the building at the Athletics Entrance. Students will wait until 7:45 to head to class. If a student needs to see a teacher before school, they will need to present a pass/note/email from the teacher to do so.
After 7:45, students should utilize the following entrances:
All students riding the bus: Athletics Entrance (north side of building)
6th Grade - Front Door (south side of building)
7th Grade - 7th Grade Door, north side of building (walk down sidewalk towards building)
8th Grade - 8th Grade Door, west side of building
Students should enter and exit vehicles only on the passenger side and on to the sidewalk or grass, and once you drop off, please keep moving.
Respect the staff working and please follow their directions. They are doing all they can to keep all students and staff safe.
When the weather is beautiful, we have many students who walk or ride their bikes to school. When the weather is less than ideal, many more students are driven. Please ensure that you leave home early enough to account for the increased volume of traffic. It is expected that students are in class at 8:00 AM ready to learn.
Students entering after 8:00 AM must do so through the main office and will receive a tardy pass.
If you are picking up your student during the school day, please buzz the front door and we will call your student down for dismissal.
Please help us be good neighbors, and do not turn around in driveways in the neighborhood.
Medication, Attendance, & Tardiness to School
Please do not send any medication, over-the-counter pain pills (Tylenol/Advil/aspirin), or cough drops with your students. State law prohibits students from taking medication at school outside of the nurse's office with a doctors' note on file. We will confiscate any meds found outside of the nurse's office. Contact our school nurse Ms. Gwen Dowell gdowell@dps109.org
Attendance and Tardies
If your student will not be in school, please report the absence to the health office by phone ((847) 945-8430 x6103) or email (carusoattendance@dps109.org) before 8:00 am. If you do not contact our school nurse by this time, she will contact you at home or at work to ascertain your child’s whereabouts. Children must be fever free for 24 hours before returning to school. Students will only be dismissed to a parent or legal guardian, or to emergency contacts designated in Family Access.
Student Tardiness to School:
Students who arrive late are greatly disadvantaged because they miss starting the day with their peers and miss out on the instruction given at the beginning of class. This means that they are often unsettled and confused about tasks, resulting in reduced achievement, regardless of academic ability. It is also very important that students establish good routines and habits in preparation for the rest of their lives. Punctuality is a life skill that is important to develop.
Tardiness to school will be unexcused even if a family member brings the student(s) to school. Oversleeping, missing the bus, car/traffic problems, etc. are all unexcused. Tardies are excusable under the following circumstances: personal illness of student, serious illness or death in the family, a doctor/dentist/professional appointment (a note or phone call from a parent or a professional), family emergencies, and religious holidays.
School begins promptly at 8:00 am. Students are expected to be in class ready to learn by 8:00 am. If students are not in the classroom, they will be sent to the office for a pass. The consequences for tardiness are as follows:
Tardy #1: No consequence
Tardy #2: Warning and a phone call home
Tardy #3 & 4: Student will be assigned to the after school Reflection Room.
Tardy #5: Return with a family member. A family member must meet with a member of the administrative team and the student to discuss intervention measures going forward.
Please note: at the beginning of each quarter, students’ tardies will be reset to zero.
Student Tardies to Class:
Students are expected to be in class, in their seats, ready to learn at the start of class. Students who who don't abide by this will receive a check-in.
PE Cold Weather Gear Flier - 2nd Ordering Wave!
Caruso is pleased to offer cold weather gear options for ALL 6th, 7th & 8th grade Physical Education (PE) Classes. We want to emphasize that purchasing these items is entirely optional but highly recommended. Should you decide to acquire them, students will have the flexibility to wear these specialized garments both indoors and outdoors during PE sessions. They are great to have on our chilly weather days. Click here for more information and ordering link. Deadline 9/1/2024
Contact Ms. Signa (msigna@dps109.org) for any questions.
Marla's Lunch Ordering Instructions
PTO Membership Flyer
Follow on Facebook
Coffee @ Caruso
Join us for coffee @ Caruso; a way for the adults in our students' lives to build stronger connections with us at Caruso. Space is limited to 25 people per event, please RSVP by calling the Caruso Main Office at 847-945-8430. Thanks to the PTO for Sponsoring Coffee.
Important Dates
Mark your Calendar...
Thursday, August 29
- Open House 5:00-7:15 * (notice the time change. Schedule coming soon!)
Monday, September 2
- No School, Labor Day
Tuesday 9/3 and Thursday 9/5
- MAP Testing
- Picture Day
Mrs. Klita, Director for Student Services
School: Crawford Day School, Chicago, IL
Mr. Schwarz, Principal
First Year of Teaching: 2013
School: Holmes Jr. High, Mt. Prospect, IL
Mr. Castans, Associate Principal
First Year of Teaching: 2009
School: Hoffman Estates High School
Caruso Middle School
Email: cmsoffice@dps109.org
Website: https://www.dps109.org/Page/9
Location: 1801 Montgomery Road, Deerfield, IL, USA