Digestive System Rubrics draft
DAILY DIET - This project will take 1 week so plan accordingly
Your will need to title this project and have a clearly labeled section for each of the parts below. No main title or section title will result in lost points.
Part 1: Introduction 10/10points
In this section, include information about digestion and proper nutrition. You work should be in paragraph form. Make sure to use spell check and proper grammar. A minimum of 6 sentences is required. List any extra resources that you use.
Part 2: Diet for Today 14/14points
Record everything you eat for 24 hours. You will be recording this information in a table for your data section.
Enter the food into the Nutritional Analysis Tool 2.0 website to help analyze your diet intake. Include the analysis report after you enter your food.
Part 3: Improvements 6/6points
After analyzing your diet, think about how you could improve it. List three or more improvements that you will implement for one week.
Part 4: Results/Data 15/15points
Design a table to record what you eat each day. Include a section for recording how you feel. You should include qualitative and quantitative data.
Do you feel better, worse, or the same after you implemented the changes?
Part 5: Homeostasis 15/15points
How does diet relate to homeostasis? How does what you eat affect other systems that you have studied? Make sure you review what homeostasis is and use information we have covered in this course. Do certain foods affect hormone levels? Blood pressure? Sleep? etc
Part 6: Disorders/Diseases 15/15 points
Describe 3 diseases/disorders that result from not eating properly. Make sure to include the name, symptoms, and treatments.
Part 7: Presentation 10/10 points
Combine parts 1-5 into a presentation that you will share with someone else (i.e. a slideshow, brochure, poster, etc).
Part 8: Communication 15/15points
Share what you have learned with at least two other people. This can be classmates, family members, friends etc. Ask them to share their comments and include it in this section. Make sure to include comments about if you will you continue these improvements after you have completed the project? A yes/no answer is not enough to earn points. You must provide an explanation of how you plan to carry on your improvement and/or the challenges that you might face.
Submit your work to the Daily Diet dropbox
Digestive Disorders
Digestive Disorders
Download the DIGESTIVE DISORDERS CHART. Go to the MedlinePlus: Digestive Systemwebsite.
Review the structures of the digestive system using the interactive diagram on the site. When you click on each digestive organ, a list of disorders related to that structure will be displayed.
Complete the chart in the handout by matching the disorder with the structure involved with the disorder. Click on the disorder to get the description. Many disorders affect more than one structure so be sure to include all affected organs. Submit your work to the Digestive Disorders dropbox.
DIGESTIVE SYSTEM ASSESSMENT PROJECT - this will count as 1/2 a test grade
Digestive System Alternate Assessment dropbox.
Choice 1: Creative Story
- Write a creative story about the voyage of food through the digestive system.
- Make sure you include scientific facts in your creative story.
- Include 10 vocabulary words from this section in this story.
- Highlight or underline the words within your story.
Example: Henry Hamburger had just finished growing. He is now fully put together with hamburger meat, buns, tomatoes, cheese, and lettuce. Just as he was sitting back to relax, he felt himself being lifted off into the air. Little did he know he had just been taken off the plate and was heading straight into someone's mouth! Read more to find out his journey through Bobby Body……
Organ function: 40/40 possible points. (1pt for underlining organ name, 3pts-description of organ's function is evident and correct.
Presentation: 5/5 possible points. Is is creative?
Pictures Included: 5/5 points - consider a picture that illustrates your story. You should provide a sentence or 2 describing how this picture relates to your project.
You will loose points if you do not spell check, use proper grammar and/or site any resources used.
Choice 2: Analogy
Create an analogy about 10 organs involved in the digestive system.
Example: The mouth is like a gate because when it opens, it lets food into the body. When a gate opens, it lets things inside.
Organ Function: 40/40 possible points. (1pt for underlining organ name, 2pts-description of organ's function is evident and correct, 1pt- analogy makes sense- see example above- you must describe how the organ is like the common object that you choose to compare it too.
Presentation: Is is creative? 5/5 possible points
Pictures Included: 5/5 points - consider a picture that illustrates your different analogies. You should provide a sentence or 2 describing how this picture relates to your project.
You will loose points if you do not spell check, use proper grammar and/or site any resources used.