Nobles County Clover Digest
September 13, 2024

Welcome to our new 4-H Educator, Kerstin!
Kerstin Thoms will join the 4-H team in Nobles & Murray county starting on October 1. Kerstin previously worked for Iowa State University Extension & Outreach as a County Youth Coordinator with the 4-H Youth Development program.
Please share a welcome message for Kerstin. Share your name and some of your favorite memories from 4-H. Feel free to add a 4-H related photo if you would like! We will share these messages on Kerstin’s first day.
Join Nobles County Ambassadors
Thanks to Nobles County volunteers for taking a lead on our local ambassador program. If you are a youth member in grades 6-13 and are interested in supporting the county 4-H program through activities and leadership, please complete this interest form. The form asks for input on the first ambassador gathering. Please complete this form by Wednesday, September 18.
State Fair Projects are in the Office
General projects exhibited at the State Fair are now back in the Extension Office. Please stop by to pick up your project and evaluation sheet sometime during business hours (Monday - Thursday 8:00 am - 4:00 pm). If you need an alternate time to pick up your project, please email Anna. Projects should be picked up by October 1.
National 4-H Week: Youth Voices Needed
National 4-H Week takes place annually the first week of October. Each year, during this week, we work especially hard to promote 4-H within our community. Anna is creating a video to use on social media to share during National 4-H Week featuring Nobles County 4-H'ers, and would like your help! If you are interested in having a speaking line in our video, please email Anna by September 16 to express interest.
2024-2025 Club Charters
It is time to think about your 2024-25 club charter. This annual process ensures youth have a chance to lead and the club has a calendar of events planned. All information required for club charters is on the Extension website. All club charters and 2023-2024 treasurer books are due to the office on October 14.
Save the Date: Annual Volunteer Training + Federation Meeting
Be sure to mark Monday, October 21 on your calendars for annual volunteer training and our October Federation meeting. Annual volunteer training will take place from 6:00 - 7:00 pm. The Federation meeting will begin at 7:00 pm. A meal will be provided starting at 5:30 pm. Please RSVP for a food count. These meetings will take place at Minnesota West in Worthington.
Lost & Found
We have a few items that were found at the county fair. Please see the attached image. To claim your item, please email Wendy. Items not claimed by October 31 will be donated.
Sign Up for a Month to Host Cloverbuds
As clubs are working on their 2024-25 plans, please be sure to sign up for a month to host Cloverbuds. It is the expectation that all clubs host a Cloverbud event. Anna will help coordinate the details with each club.
Complete Your Records
Reflect on your project learning this past 4-H year and complete your annual records. All 4-H records will be due to the Extension Office by October 1. All links needed to complete records are available on the Extension website. You must use the record format available on the Extension webpage to be eligible for record awards in 2024. For your reference a judging rubric is also available.
Regional, State & National Events
4-H Fall Wildlife Event
Discover the wild side at our thrilling wildlife and outdoor learning event! The day will include hunting dog safety & vet checks; water quality exploration; GPS and geocaching adventures; naturalist plant identification; and so much more! Register today for this October 5 event in Morris.
Training for New Club Leaders
Join us for the New Club Leader webinar to learn more about the role of a 4-H Club leader, and be equipped with resources and techniques to develop your 4-H club. This 75-minute online training is open to Minnesota 4-H volunteers, potential volunteers, and youth leaders as part of our statewide volunteer development webinar program. While the content is geared toward new club leaders, anyone providing leadership and support to a 4-H members' experience will benefit from the material.
Topics include:
Roles of volunteers and staff
Essential elements of 4-H Clubs
Building a club support team
And many tools and resources to get you started!
The webinar training will be offered on:
Thursday, September 19 at 7:00 pm
Thursday, November 14 at 6:30 pm
Register by completing the online form.
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