Mountainside Weekly MAV EXPRESS
October 14, 2024
Hello MHS Families,
I told a staff member this morning that we are finally at cruising altitude for the 24-25 school year plane ride we are in! Things are in full swing, and our academic and behavioral expectations are established as we support our students in and outside the classroom. Each month, I host a Principal's Coffee, and as a means to provide additional opportunities for families to attend, these coffee chats will be held via Zoom every other month. Our first virtual principal coffee this school year will be held Friday, October 18th, at 8:30 am. Please use the Zoom link below, as this is an excellent opportunity to hear school updates and to ask general questions regarding MHS.
natalie labossiere is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: MHS Virtual Principal Coffee Chat
Time: Oct 18, 2024 08:30 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 893 8257 5451
Passcode: 308977
Our Homecoming ticket sales start this week! Before buying tickets, first check to see if you have outstanding fines and fees. You can check the online payment system. Please contact the main office if you have any questions or concerns,
#Go Mavs!
Monday, 10/14 - Odd Day
Tuesday, 10/15 - Even Day - Extended 1/2
Wednesday, 10/16 - Odd Day - The Great Oregon Shake Out / Fire Drill
Thursday, 10/17 - Even Day - Advisory Only
Friday, 10/18 - Odd Day - Virtual Principal's Coffee; Bus Evacuation Drill
We will be participating in the statewide Great Oregon Shakeout earthquake drill on Wednesday, October 16th at 10:00. All schools in the Beaverton School District will be participating in this drill at this time. Immediately following the earthquake drill we will hold our monthly fire and evacuation drill.
The Principal's Coffee is an informal opportunity to hear school updates and to ask general questions regarding MHS. This year we are alternating in-person meetings and virtual meetings. The next Principal's Coffee meeting will be held virtually on Friday, October 18th at 8:30 a.m.
Zoom link information:
Topic: MHS Virtual Principal Coffee Chat
Time: Oct 18, 2024 08:30 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 893 8257 5451
Passcode: 308977
In order to comply with State regulations, we must complete a Bus Evacuation Drill within the first five weeks of the school year. Due to our last evacuation drill being cut short due to placing our building in a Secure, we will need to complete this drill with an extension being granted. We will have our Bus Evacuation Drill on Friday, October 18th at 9:20 am. We realize that it will be disruptive to classes and sincerely apologize for this disruption.
Outdoor School still has spots for 10th - 12th graders to be Student Leaders this fall. Volunteer a week between Oct 14th - Nov 8th at an Outdoor School site, where you can earn community service hours. Mountainside HS students are especially desired for the dates of Oct 28th - Nov 1st (Mon-Fri) at Camp Trickle Creek and Camp Arrah Wanna, to be leaders for sixth-graders from Highland Park Middle School. Interested students should register online at nwresd.org/studentleader or visit the Counseling Office for information as soon as possible. Interested students should have a minimum GPA of 2.5, 85%+ attendance, and C's or higher in current classes.
PSAT - OCTOBER 28, 2024
Mountainside will be hosting the PSAT on Monday, October 28th. We will be offering the PSAT to 200 students in our Main Gym. Juniors will be eligible to register for the PSAT from September 30th until the end of the day on Friday, October 11th. Sophomore students will be eligible to register for the remaining seats from Monday, October 14th through Friday, October 18th at the end of the day. To register for the PSAT students will need to see the bookkeeper at MHS and pay a $20 PSAT fee. Students will then need to take their receipt to the Counseling office and see Ms. Bennet in order to complete the registration process. We will send reminders to students who have registered as well as pertinent information for test day. Please let me know if you have any questions.
For the week of October 14th - 18th
Weekly Challenge: Wear Pink every day at school and at all sporting events + find your ribbon in the commons!
Event of the Week: October 16th- Varsity Cross Country at Mountainside @4:30pm
● JV Volleyball won their tournament two Saturdays ago.
● Football beat Southridge!
● Mountainside’s Marching Band took 1st Place with a score of 84.30 at the 2024 Sunset Classic at Sunset High School this past Saturday. In addition, they swept all the sub captions including High Auxiliary, High Percussion, High Music, High Visual, and High General Effect.
Announcement 1: Pink Week THIS WEEK!
This week is our Metro League Pink Week! Pink Week is to raise awareness for Breast Cancer. Pink Lemonade is dedicated to the fight for anyone living with breast cancer. We will be hosting a Miracle Minute during both lunches this Thursday, October 17th. All kids are welcome to bring any change they would like to donate during the Miracle Minute. All the proceeds earned are donated to The Pink Lemonade Project. To spread awareness, participate in the Pink Week actions below, and wear pink to school and all sporting events!
Pay special attention to Tuesday's action! You may notice pink ribbons hanging up along our windows in the commons starting MONDAY. Please look for your name this week and take the ribbon that is yours. Wear it around or tap it to your backpack for the rest of the week - ESPECIALLY TUESDAY - to share your support! You can tag @mountainsidehs on your Instagram with your ribbons so we can repost it.
Announcement 2: Homecoming Ticket Sales and Approved Guest Passes
Hey Mavs! Homecoming ticket sales start this week! They are 15 dollars this week, 20 dollars next week, and 25 dollars at the door! They will be sold in the SHUBOX during both lunches, cash and check only.
Before buying tickets, first check to see if you have outstanding fines and fees. You can check the online payment system. You can also check with our Administration at the Box Office first across from the main office. Once cleared you will receive a cleared slip to purchase your ticket at the SHUBOX. You can purchase up to two tickets.
Students bringing a guest: make sure you have completed a guest pass. Check the list to the right of the SHUBOX to see if you and your guest are on the list of Approved Guest Passes.
Announcement 3: Homecoming Court Final Voting
Hey Mavs! The final voting form for Homecoming Court goes out this week! Check your emails for the form and vote for your top two for each category!
Announcement 4: Homecoming Song Suggestions Form
Hey Mavs! With Homecoming just around the corner, we need your song suggestions, fill out the form attached or check Instagram for a QR code!
Song Suggestions Form: https://forms.gle/eTVs22wugjhw6hyG6
Announcement 5: Pumpkin Carving Contest!
Hey MAVS! We are now introducing our pumpkin carving contest here at MHS, we would like your participation by submitting a pumpkin you carved this October! For submissions, we ask you to send in a photo of you and your pumpkin. If you don’t like the idea of potentially getting posted as a winner, you will need to send us another photo of just your pumpkin. First, Second, and Third place winners will receive a Boo Basket! Submissions must be sent to 419188@bsd48.org via email. We can’t wait to see what you guys come up with!
Announcement 6: Socktober and Chemo Bags Continue!
Hey Mavs! Until October 22nd, Socktober and Chemo Bags will take place! Students can donate new socks which will be donated to Beaverton Clothes Closet and Monte’s Closet! They can also donate hand sanitizer, bandanas, lotion, crosswords, puzzles, and notepads for Chemo Bags! There are bins labeled by grade at the front entrance. Students can earn 1 service hour in total no matter how many socks they donate. Fuzzy socks are worth 2 points and regular socks are worth 1 point. We hope you participate as it will be a grade-level competition for spirit points! On October 23rd, there will be a service hour where we’ll put together bags of goodies for cancer patients with the supplies gathered from these 2 drives!
Currently, the rankings are:
1st: Frosh with 125 points
2nd: Seniors with 65 points
3rd: Juniors with 47 points
4th: Sophomores with 33 points
Announcement 7: Outdoor School Opportunity
Outdoor School still has spots for 10th - 12th graders to be Student Leaders this fall. Volunteer a week between Oct 14th - Nov 8th at an Outdoor School site, where you can earn college & high school credit, as well as service learning hours. Mountainside HS students are especially desired for the dates of Oct 28th - Nov 1st (Mon-Fri) at Camp Trickle Creek and Camp Arrah Wanna, to be leaders for sixth-graders from Highland Park Middle School. Interested students should register online at nwresd.org/studentleader or visit the Counseling Office for information as soon as possible. Interested students should have a minimum GPA of 2.5, 85%+ attendance, and C's or higher in current classes.
Announcement 8: Alumni Homecoming Event-Invite our Alumni!
Hey Mavs, our yearly Homecoming Alumni Event has arrived! All Mountainside High School graduates are invited to attend our Homecoming game on October 25th (for free), to come back and socialize with former high school peers and enjoy a free meal. There will also be special seating on the track. Please help to spread the word to invite any former Mav to this event!
Unified Basketball Needs You Sign-Up Info!
Come Play with Us!!! Mountainside Unified Basketball is starting already (games will start after Winter break) and we need YOU! Unified sports is an inclusive sports program that unites Special Olympics athletes (individuals with intellectual disabilities) and partners (individuals without intellectual disabilities) as teammates for training and competition.
Join the FUN competing with other Unified high schools in the area. We need YOU to join our Mavs Unified Basketball team this year!!!
*Earn Community Service hours for supporting our Mav Unified Sports athletes!!
Contact Mrs. Helm in room 274 or email valerie_helm@beaverton.k12.or.us for information and to enroll as an athlete or partner this season!
We hope to see you soon, Go Mavs!
Homecoming Guest Passes!
Hey Mavs! Homecoming guest passes are now available. You can pick them up to the right of the SHUBOX. Be sure to fill out all the required information and return the pass by Wednesday, October 23rd, so your guest can attend Homecoming!
Maverick Wrestling (Boys & Girls): Pre-Season wrestling will be starting on Tuesday October 1st for anyone not out for a Fall Sport. Workouts will be Tuesdays & Thursdays from 3:50-5:20 PM until the start of the season on November 18th. There will also be a Girls Only practice on Wednesday October 2nd from 3:50-5:00 PM. You must have all forms turned in prior to participating (Online Registration Directions). Please email Coach Phillips (brett_phillips@beaverton.k12.or.us) or Coach Matthews (Girls Head Coach)(michael_matthews@beaverton.k12.or.us) for more information. All preseason dates can be found on mountainsidewrestling.com GO MAVS!
Student Spotlights Wanted!!
Nominate your friends and peers to get them posted on the MHS Instagram! We are looking for exceptional students who show off their skills inside and outside the classroom. Please fill this out to nominate someone to get Student Spotlight of the Week!!
Preferred Name For Birthday Post And Birthday Grams
Hey Mavs! Do you go by a name different from your name on StudentVue? Fill out this form Click here so that your preferred name or nickname will be posted on our weekly Birthday Posts and written on your Birthday Gram!
Lunchtime Song Suggestion Form
Please enter any songs you want to be played during lunches!
IB TEST REGISTRATION: October 1 - October 25, 2024
This 2025 IB EXAM INFO slide presentation is intended to help parents understand how IB testing works, which students are eligible to test (based on their grade level and course), the benefits of testing, and the registration process. We have a cohort of students who are full IB Diploma candidates, but we also have hundreds of additional juniors and seniors opting to take anywhere from one to five IB courses who may also be eligible to test. We encourage students to consider and discuss IB testing with their teachers, especially if colleges they apply to give credit for passing scores.
If your questions are not fully answered in the slide deck, please contact me and I will be happy to talk more about your student’s specific situation. For questions regarding the nature of the test itself, your student’s teacher will be the most informed about the details of the exams.
Juveria Khan, IB DP Coordinator juveria_khan@beaverton.k12.or.us
If you could learn or do something new that has always interested you but you never had the time, what would you do? This month, 10th grade students will set out on their Personal Project path to explore and learn a new subject, topic, skill of their choice.
Past Mountainside students have educated themselves and accomplished amazing objectives on a range of topics including:
Learning how to snowboard, sew, crochet, wrestle, play electric guitar
Rebuilding, maintaining car engines
Getting officially certified to referee fencing
Writing a letter in a new language to communicate with a family member
Founding a t-shirt design business
Composing and recording original music with a new instrument or software
Painting still life with water colors; writing and illustrating a graphic novel
Below is a time frame of the project from the IB MYP Personal Project Handbook. Students will start by working closely with their Advisory teachers to research, workshop ideas, and determine what the best objective will be for their project. In November, some of our 11th grade students will share their experiences from last year and answer questions for the 10th graders to continue the process of preparing their projects.
The Personal Project is an incredible opportunity for students to practice the skills they have been developing at Mountainside and to prepare them for lifelong learning beyond the classroom. Ask your 10th grade student what they’re thinking about for their Personal Project!
Feel free to email me with any questions you might have: nicholas_godsmark@beaverton.k12.or.us
Each year, Mountainside hosts a Career Fair during Advisory for all of our students in grades 9-12. This event is a fair-style event held in our gym with the various participants hosting tables to share information with students about their profession, the educational path they took for that profession, and to offer general advice about professional skills needed in the workplace. Our goal for this event is to help students learn about the wide range of post-high school career opportunities available to them.
The Career Fair will be held this year on Friday, November 1, 2024. If you are open to talking with students about your profession, we invite you to sign up to volunteer at the Career Fair through the Raptor volunteer system.
When: October 24th, volunteers needed from 5pm-8pm
Where: Scholls Heights Elementary School
What: Get ready for a spooktacular time at the annual Monster Mash Bash, where fun, frights, and festive activities take over Scholls Heights Elementary School! We’re on the hunt for enthusiastic volunteers to help bring this Halloween extravaganza to life and support the planning team on the day of the event. Costumes are highly encouraged, just avoid real/fake weapons and no masks.
How to Sign Up: Please join the Scholls Heights Community Group and sign up to volunteer for this event via ParentSquare (select the "High School Volunteers" shift).
Questions: If you have any questions, please reach out to volunteer@shpto.org
Nancy Ryles has a carnival coming up on 10/18 and could use some student volunteers. Click here for more info: https://nancyryles.my.canva.site/mhsvolunteers. Please make sure you are signed up to volunteer in Raptor: apps.raptortech.com.
When you do Community Service activities such as Wednesday Service Hours, MHS Drives, or volunteering at places such as elementary school carnivals, you must record your hours (directions below).
Please see the below information on how to document your completed Community Service activities.
The google form is located in CANVAS, on the MHS Students Course page.
See; Key Links for this Course; Community Service Information Link.
Go to your Class of ____ page on Canvas and then go to GRADES.
Dear Mountainside Community,
We are beyond excited to announce that tickets for Mountainside High School’s fall production of Seussical Jr. are NOW ON SALE! 🌟 Join us from November 7-10, 2024 for a delightful adventure through the whimsical world of Dr. Seuss, filled with unforgettable characters and vibrant music that will captivate audiences of all ages!
Performance Details:
Dates: November 7-10, 2024
Location: Mountainside High School Auditorium
12500 SW 175th Ave, Beaverton, OR 97007Ticket Prices: $10 General Admission
Staff & Student Code: MHSSTAFF or MHSSTUDENT at Checkout for $2 Discount!
Seating: Tickets are GENERAL ADMISSION, and seats will not be assigned for this production, so arrive early to snag your favorite spot!
This year, we are thrilled to share that our sets and costumes have been designed by industry professionals from renowned theaters such as Broadway Rose, Portland Center Stage, and the Oregon Shakespeare Festival. Their expertise is sure to bring our students’ performances to life in a truly spectacular way!
Don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity to support our talented cast and crew while enjoying a magical experience in the theatre. Grab your tickets now and be part of this unforgettable experience!
Click here to purchase your tickets!
We can’t wait to see you there and share the joy of Seussical Jr. with our amazing community!
The Mountainside band program is holding auditions October 21st-24th for our Jazz Orchestra and Jazz Ensemble. Jazz Orchestra is our most advanced jazz band, and Jazz Ensemble is our second jazz band, which is intended for students who may be newer to jazz. Jazz Band is a zero-period class which meets before school from 7:30-8:30am several days per week.
Both jazz bands include musicians who play guitar, bass (upright or electric), piano, drum set, saxophone, trumpet, and trombone. An audition is necessary for anyone who wishes to be in Jazz Orchestra OR who plays drums, guitar, bass, or piano and wishes to be in either ensemble.
If you’re interested, find Mr. Zander in the band room to sign up! For questions, see either Mr. Zander or Mr. Kuroiwa.
The Class of 2025 Newsletter is live! You can find a recap of the senior meeting, information about Grad Night and details about ordering Graduation regalia from Jostens. Click the big blue button below to access the newsletter.
Grad Night Tickets
Grad Night tickets are on sale now. All graduating seniors from Mountainside High School are invited to participate in this alcohol-free and drug-free party presented by MHS parents and volunteers. You will not want to miss the Best. Night. Ever! Get tickets now for just $65. Confidential scholarships are available - Reach out to your counselor to receive a special code.
For more information or to get your tickets, visit: https://www.mountainsidepact.org/grad
MHS Grad Night 2025 on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mhsgradnite/
The Beaverton School District does not sponsor or endorse any activities related to Senior Grad Night.
Senior Photos & Quotes
Senior photos and quotes are due on Friday, December 20th, 2024. No exceptions. Class of 2025, in sticking with tradition, seniors are invited to submit a senior photo and a quote to be featured in this year’s yearbook. The photo does not have to be professionally taken and two quotes can be submitted for approval. Submit your senior photo and quotes here: https://tinyurl.com/PhotosQuotes2025
Please follow these photo and quote requirements:
Vertical portrait. No angled photos.
Head And shoulders only no horizontal poses.
Front-facing photos only.
Color only.
No selfies or photos pulled from social media accounts with obvious filters. We will not use these if they are submitted.
Indoor or outdoor background is okay.
Props are okay as long as the face is visible.
It is not required that a professional takes the photo, but the resolution of the photo needs to be at least 300 dpi (8000x8000 pixels MAX).
Make sure the photo is not blurry.
Make sure the photo is bright enough to clearly see your face.
Senior Quote Requirements:
- No inappropriate language or references.
- No emojis.
- No social media handles.
- Please submit two quotes just in case the first one doesn't fit our requirements.
Senior photos and quotes are due on Friday, December 20th, 2024. No exceptions.
Senior Ads
Senior ads are a great way to recognize your Class of 2024 senior! Ads usually feature a variety of photos and a congratulatory message. Starting in the fall, these can be purchased at www.jostensyearbooks.com
Senior ads prices:
⅛ page: $35
¼ page: $45
½ page: $60
1 full-page: $85
Senior ads sales will close on Friday, December 20th, 2024 at midnight. No exceptions.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact Mountainside’s Yearbook Advisor: kathryn_noah@beaverton.k12.or.us
Or, contact us on our Instagram or email:
Email: mhsmavsyearbook@gmail.com
Instagram: @mountainsideyearbook
MPACT (Mountainside Parent And Community Team)
Dining for Dollars - Panda Express
Dine out at Panda Express on Nimbus and 20% of event sales will be donated back to MPACT in support of the students and staff at Mountainside! All you need to do is order your favorite food and then show them the flier or use fundraising code 379026 when ordering online or with their app.
Date: Wednesday, October 23
Location: Panda Express located at: 8400 Sw Nimbus Ave Beaverton OR 97008
Flier: https://www.mountainsidepact.org/dine-out?lightbox=dataItem-lzw5b776__item-m0ekmqdk
Website: PandaExpress.com
Fundraising code: 379026
Homecoming Dance Chaperones Needed
We are looking for several volunteers to chaperone the Homecoming dance. You can help by handing out water or checking coats. Sign up in Raptor.
Date: Saturday, October 26
Raptor: https://apps.raptortech.com/Volunteer/Login/ODkwNTpWb2x1bnRlZXI6ZW4tVVM=
Winter Market
Save the date! Our annual Winter Market is a fun opportunity to shop local artisan and pop-up vendors. This popular event takes place just in time for holiday shopping! Follow us on social media for the latest information and vendor sneak peeks!
Date: Saturday, December 7th, 10am - 4pm
Location: Mountainside High School
Winter Market Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61551185402296
Winter Market Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/?hl=en
Join the MPACT Board
Mountainside's Parent and Community Team is recruiting for open Board positions. Take on a leadership role or shadow someone to take over the position next year. Whether you like to plan events or keep track of the budget, we have an opportunity for you! Email us for more information.
MPACT is Mountainside’s Parent Teacher Organization, serving to enhance the Mountainside student learning experience, support school staff, and build community connections. MPACT’s work extends beyond the school budget to fulfill grant requests, award senior scholarships, promote staff appreciation, support student-centered programming, coordinate volunteerism, and much more! We need all the help we can get! Read on for more details on how to get involved.
MPACT General Meetings 2024-2025
MPACT holds bi-monthly General Meetings that offer a great opportunity to hear from the principal, ask questions, and get involved with the school community. For more information on meeting dates and times, follow us on Facebook or watch for updates in the Mav Express!
Make Your iMPACT!
VOLUNTEER: All new and existing volunteers must apply and consent to an Oregon criminal records check through Raptor, the new volunteer management system used by the Beaverton School District. For more information and to get the process started, visit this link: https://apps.raptortech.com/Apply/ODkwNTplbi1VUw==
DONATE: Your generous support helps to fund scholarships, activities, educational resources, enrichment opportunities, and more! MPACT is a registered charitable organization; donation tax receipts are available.
For PayPal and Square links, visit: https://www.mountainsidepact.org/write-a-check
In Person or By Mail: Write a check payable to “MPACT” and drop off at the office or mail to: MPACT, 12500 SW 175th Ave, Beaverton, OR 97007
Check with your employer! Some companies offer things like donations through payroll or match funds for donations or volunteer hours. For questions, contact: treasurer@mountainsidepact.org
SHOP: Make a purchase with purpose that gives back to MPACT!
MOUNTAINSIDE MERCHANDISE/SPIRIT STORE: Show your Mountainside pride with Mountainside Mavericks spirit gear! Visit our online store at: https://mountainside-merchandise.square.site/s/shop
DINING OUT! Throughout the year, MPACT partners with local restaurants for a delicious way to fundraise. Watch for announcements in the Maverick Express or visit our website for details: https://www.mountainsidepact.org/dine-out
Ways to Connect!
Website: https://www.mountainsidepact.org/
Facebook: Mountainside PACT
Instagram: mountainside_mpact
Mail: 12500 SW 175th Avenue, Beaverton, OR 97007
It’s calling season! Between October 7-15, over 300 Beaverton School District high school students will volunteer their time and energy to reach nearly 20,000 community members during the Beaverton Education Foundation’s annual student-volunteer calling event.
Students participating in Answer the Call enhance and refine communications and marketing skills during all five call nights. These practical life and work skills are a bonus that students and future employers both value.
If you see “Beaverton Education Foundation” on your caller ID in October, please answer the call!
As we enter October, I want to review how students and parents might address questions or concerns with teachers, coaches, or advisors. Our district does have a protocol that allows teachers and coaches to respond to concerns first and enables them to clarify any misunderstandings or problems.
Steps to take:
- Please have your student address their concerns with the teacher/coach first. Our goal is for MHS students to become advocates for their education and experience. This is especially true of our juniors and seniors.
- If your student's concerns are not addressed how you would like, then we would ask the parent to contact the teacher/coach to discuss those concerns with the student/player.
- In most cases, the questions/concerns are handled at this point. If those concerns are not addressed, contacting the department administrator or Athletic Director, Bryan Sorenson is appropriate.
- Principal Natalie Labossiere - Athletics, Activities, Counseling, Social Worker, Visual Arts, IB/MYP Coordinator
- Assistant Principal Colby Neal – CTE, Social Studies, PE/Health, Resource, SLPs, School Psych
- Assistant Principal Juan Carlos Gomez - Math, Science, Performing Arts, ELL
- Assistant Principal Rebecca Bair - Specialized Programs, World Language, Language Arts, Success Seminar
If you have any further questions or need clarification on any of this information, please don't hesitate to call the main office at 503-356-3500. We're here to help.
To report your student absent or tardy, please contact the attendance secretary by calling 503.356.3508 or emailing stephanie_marr@beaverton.k12.or.us. The online contact form on the MHS website is no longer accepted for reporting/excusing absences or tardies. For more information, please visit the Attendance page on the MHS website here. Parents/Guardians have 48 hours to excuse tardies and absences.
Attendance Helpful Hints
Checking a student out of school? Here are some tips to make it easy!
- Call or email attendance early in the day we will write a pass for your student to leave at the designated time.
- Students may pick up their pass before school, during passing periods or during lunch.
If students have any of the following classes, they often wander the school working on projects and are difficult to locate. Please call ahead so we can make sure they are excused at the right time!
- Digital Filmmaking
- Intro to Digital Filmmaking
- Photography
- If your student is being dismissed during a PE period, it can be difficult to locate them in a timely matter as they can be in different locations during the class period. Please call ahead, if possible!
REMEMBER! Students do not have access to their phones during class time, so calling/texting them will not help find them. Making sure they have a pass ahead of time will ensure they leave on time!
- Attendance Phone: (503) 356-3508
- Attendance Email: stephanie_marr@beaverton.k12.or.us
Traffic during the beginning of a school year can be very busy as new parents and new student drivers learn our system. PLEASE BE PATIENT with one another. You can help by leaving the house early and following the directions below:
Adults who wish to drop off students in the morning, or pick students up in the afternoon, are asked to do so using the student parking lot entrance off of 175th Ave. Please stay in the outside lane as your car comes toward the school and continue to pull forward until you reach the drop-off area located by the exit doors of the auditorium. Pulling all the way forward is critical as those who stop and drop off short of the zone end up causing backups behind their car. This creates a safety hazard, as other cars will be coming in from the light and won't have a place to go. Within the first 100 yards of the entrance to the lot, there is a red curb fire lane. There is no stopping or parking in this zone. If cars are backed up to that area, please pull around and circle back through the parking lot. Reminder, this is the STUDENT PARKING lot. PLEASE DRIVE SLOW AND BE CAUTIOUS.
PLEASE DO NOT USE THE STAFF LOT for pick-up or drop-off. The Staff Lot is reserved for Staff and for school buses.
We appreciate your assistance in keeping our parking lot safe for our students and community.
FRIDAY, 10/18: Principal's Coffee (Virtual)
FRIDAY, 10/25 : Grading Day - NO SCHOOL
SATURDAY, 10/26: MHS Homecoming Dance, 7:30 pm to 10:00 pm
TUESDAY, 10/29: Picture Retakes
MONDAY, 11/11: Veteran's Day - NO SCHOOL
MONDAY, 11/25 - FRIDAY, 11/29: Thanksgiving Break
MONDAY, 12/9: Staff Development DAY - NO SCHOOL
MONDAY, 12/23 - FRIDAY, 1/3 - Winter Break
Mountainside High School
Website: beaverton.k12.or.us/schools/mountainside
Location: 12500 SW 175th Ave, Beaverton, OR, United States
Phone: 503-356-3500
Facebook: facebook.com/mountainsidehs
Twitter: @mountainsidehs
A – BR/AVID: Andrew Witt
BU-GO: Mary Monahan
GR-K: Kimi Ito
L-N: Kainoa Sandberg
O- SL: Jacy Jukkala
SM - Z: David Nelson
College & Career: Emily O'Quinn
A - G: Colby Neal
H - N: Juan Carlos Gomez Giraldo
O - Z: Rebecca Bair