Wattles Park Parent Connection
Growing LEADers May 27, 2024
No Early Release Wednesday May 29th Half Days Thursday and Friday
Students will dismiss at 3:45PM this Wednesday. Thursday and Friday are half days and students will dismiss at 12:00 noon each of those days.
Field Day Volunteers Needed
Our field day is set for Wednesday, May 29th from 9:00AM-3:00PM. Mr. Cotts organizes this event and he is in need of additional volunteers for any length of time based on availibility. Set-up will start at 8:45AM near the Wattles Park Men's Club concession stand. Lunch will be provided for the volunteers of this event. Please email or call Mr. Cotts if you are available; cottsp@harpercreek.net or 269-441-5883.
4th Grade Clap Out May 31st
Parents are invited to join our 4th grade clap-out on May 31st. This event will start at 11:30AM. Parents can line the sidewalk starting at the main entrance and extending to the playground gate.
Harper Creek Track Teams
Congratuations to the Harper Creek boys and girls track teams for their amazing seasons! The boys won the state title last Friday. This is the first state title for any Harper Creek sports team in the history of the district. The girls team finished in 7th place at state and capped an undefeated dual meet season. They were many former Wattles Park elementary students on these teams.
Wattles Park Career Day
Thank you to all the presenters that volunteered their time and expertise to make this event a success! See some pictures below.
A Kids Heart Challenge Thank You!
On behalf of the American Heart Association, Wattles Park Elementary would like to thank our families for all the donations received for the 23-24 Kids Heart Challenge. $11,862.94 was raised this year! We had 156 students register.
Volunteers Needed
We are looking for a few parents that would be willing to put up a sign for our 4th grade students. We have fence cups that we use to create this sign. It would take 2-3 people about an hour to put this together. Please call Corenna in the office if you are able to help. 441-5850
Upcoming Events
May 28th-1st Grade Family Picnic 11:30AM-3:00PM @ WPMC
May 29th-Field Day 9:00AM-3:00PM
May 31st-4th Grade Clap-out 11:30AM
Birthday Message on the WPE Sign
Parents can pay $5 and put their child's birthday on the electronic sign in the front of the school.