Welcome Back! - August
Let's Get Students Talking & Debating This Year!
Don't Skip the Thrash-out!
Students who dialogue and debate the content write better essays. Period!
Check out this 3-minute video of Clayton County, GA students explaining how the Thrash-out
(Step 5 of The DBQ Project Method) makes all the difference in their thinking and writing!
YOU ARE MAKING A DIFFERENCE, and DBQ is here to support you every step of the way!
Don't Skip the Thrash-out
The DBQ Project
"Helping ALL students to read smart, think straight and write clearly"
Email: info@dbqproject.com
Website: www.dbqproject.com
Location: 1234 Sherman Avenue, Evanston, IL, USA
Phone: 847-475-4007
Facebook: facebook.com/dbqproject
X (Twitter): @dbqproject
Caroline Lambert
Caroline is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters