The Raven's Call
Raven Homeschool
June 2024 Edition
Dear Raven Families,
Welcome to Raven's Call, your digital newsletter to keep you up to date on all things Raven. This quarterly newsletter via SMORE will have an overview of highlights from each of our 6 Raven offices. Within this electronic version of our newsletter, you have easy-access to your local office news and resources.
We are looking forward to another successful year and hope you will share pictures of your learning adventures with your local offices to be included throughout the year.
If you have questions, please contact Maegan, mmascagno@yksd.com.
- Raven Homeschool
From the Director's Desk:
Dear Raven Families,
As our summer is just starting, I would like to express how grateful I am to each of you for your role in our amazing community of learners, parents, and staff. It has been a wonderful year! I am so proud of all of the achievements and accomplishments of our students and parents! This would not be possible without your support, dedication, and teamwork.
Reflecting on the past school year, we have had so many opportunities to make great memories and participate in exciting activities with others.
Looking ahead, we have a full slate of wonderful opportunities and field trips for the coming year. If you have something special you would like us to consider, please reach out to your local office.
We are always focused on improving all aspects of our school. In the coming year, we will continue to focus on reading, math, and being ready for life after high school.
It is important for me to share with you that our Raven students did very well on their state assessments. For both the AK STAR and AK Science assessments students scored above their peers in the district and across the state. We still have room to improve but know that the work you and your child(ren) are doing is above average.
We will continue to look to and support parents as our partners in your child’s education as we know you are their first and most important teacher.
A final word to students: Thank you for all your hard work throughout the school year. I am so honored to serve you and your family; you make all of us proud. You keep me laughing and young at heart. I am grateful for your joy, astute insights, and amazing talents. Best wishes to our graduates, whom we will miss greatly!! Please come back and visit as you are always welcome. We love to hear about your accomplishments!
A final word to parents: A special heartfelt thank you to you for all the things you do small, large, and unimaginable! Thank you for your partnership which is so important to homeschool. We appreciate all you do each and every day for your children!!!
Please be sure to take time as a family to talk, play, and READ together.
I look forward to seeing you in August. To those of you who are leaving us for new places we wish you all the best and will be here if you need us in the future.
Until next school year, here’s wishing you love, laughter, and lots of fun summer learning.
I know there is some level of uncertainty in regards to the homeschool lawsuit. Please know that we will continue to send out updates as they become available.
We are excited for the 24-25 school year!!
Kim Bergey
Raven Homeschool Director
May 29th Raven-Wide Meeting Recording:
Congratulations, Class of 2024!
Graduates, you have worked hard to complete your graduation requirements and showcase your exceptional abilities this year. You are now ready to move on to grand new adventures! CONGRATULATIONS!!
- All Raven Homeschool Staff
Anchorage Graduates:
Delta Graduates:
Eagle River Graduates:
Fairbanks Graduates:
Juneau Graduates:
Wasilla Graduates:
Counselor's Corner:
Congratulations to all our seniors who graduated during the 2023/2024 school year. For those high school students re-enrolling with Raven for the 24/25 school year, we want you to know that we are here to guide and support you every step of the way in earning your high school diploma. We understand high school credits and career planning can be daunting, but we are well-equipped to help you navigate it. Please don’t hesitate to reach out. Our primary role is to equip you with the necessary tools and knowledge for a successful future, and we are committed to your success.
When should you meet with a member of your counseling team? The answer is simple: whenever you feel the need. Whether starting high school or preparing for graduation, we are here to help and support you. You have the power to decide when and how often you need our guidance.
7th - 8th - 9th Grade or Any High Schooler New to Homeschooling
Understanding the basics: We understand that each student's high school journey is unique. That's why we are here to help you understand the basic requirements of high school. If we cannot attend your Individual Learning Plan (ILP) meeting, we strongly encourage you to participate in a workshop or schedule time with us. In ILP meetings, our role is to provide guidance and support, ensuring you have the best opportunities in high school. We will help you set academic goals, plan your course schedule, and explore career options. Your unique needs and circumstances are always our top priority.
Credits - required vs. recommended
Course names
Alaska Performance Scholarship (APS)
UA Scholars
National Honors Society
10th & 11th Grade
Stay in touch: Plans change, and new opportunities emerge. These could involve new courses, extracurricular activities, or career exploration opportunities. For example, you might discover a new interest or passion that you want to pursue, or you might find a scholarship or internship opportunity that aligns with your goals. Remember, we are just a call away. Arrange a meeting with your career counseling team at least once a year to stay informed and make the most of these opportunities. We can help you navigate the application process, provide resources for further exploration, and offer guidance on how these opportunities can enhance your high school experience and future prospects.
11th and 12th Grade
Home stretch: Focusing on finishing strong and preparing for the next phase in life, which could include college, trade school, military service, or entering the workforce, we recommend that 11th graders meet with us at least twice a year. This will ensure they are on track and well-prepared for their chosen path. Senior year can be CRAZY busy, so start early:
Graduation requirements
Dual credit - earning high school & college credit
Financial aid/FAFSA/Alaska Performance Scholarship (APS)
College/trade schools/military service
Important dates and deadlines
Senior Year
Senior/graduation meetings: Attend your office's graduation meetings and stay on track with your classes. It is highly recommended that you check in with your counseling team at least every other month during senior year. This is a crucial period where you'll be making important decisions and finalizing your plans for the future, and our support can be invaluable during this time.
If you find yourself falling behind your peers, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We are here to assist you in identifying and overcoming any obstacles you may be facing.
By the end of 9th grade, students should have earned 5-8 credits
By the end of 10th grade, students should have earned 10-15 credits
By the end of 11th grade, students should have earned 15-20 credits
Kalvin Scott | Anchorage, Eagle River, Wasilla | kscott@yksd.com | 907.644.8590
Ryan Tilbury | Delta, Fairbanks, Juneau | rtilbury@yksd.com | 907.374.9432
Megan Rosendall | Graduation Coach | mrosendall@yksd.com | 907.622.6631
Raven Scholarship Recipients:
Every year, the Yukon Koyukuk School District and Raven Homeschool offer six scholarships to our graduating students. These scholarships, a testament to our commitment to supporting Raven graduates in their pursuit of post-secondary education, are awarded based on a rigorous selection process. Students are evaluated on their GPAs and essays that highlight their leadership, community involvement, and educational goals and objectives. We are delighted to announce the six students who have been recognized for their exceptional qualities that set them apart from a competitive field of 27 applicants.
Congratulations to the following students:
- Thomas Clifton - Juneau office
- Kateri Everard - Anchorage office
- Charlotte Hart - Fairbanks office
- Alexis Juergens - Juneau office
- Hailey Luder - Juneau office
- Ruthie Mitchell - Wasilla office
Anchorage Office:
Wow, the end of the fourth quarter really snuck up on us! We’ve had a great time this school year with activities, workshops, field trips, parties, The Play, and spending time with our amazing families! Writing Club, D&D Club, Spanish Lessons, Little Learners, Beading Club, Monthly Art Club, Reader’s Theater and more wrapped up this month after meeting all year long. Deb Fancher taught exciting workshops about the Panama Canal and whales. We already have the next year of science workshops planned so keep an eye out for an announcement to sign up for those in the fall! Our family liaison led field trips to fire station #1 and the zoo! The fire station tour was so popular that we ended up adding a second day so more families could participate. We had an amazing demonstration and activity with Bird TLC where they brought Kenriiq, a short-eared owl, to the office! Kenriiq amazed participants with his flight through the office, then students dissected owl pellets to learn about their diet, habitat and lifestyle.
A huge congratulations to the class of 2024! We held a beautiful graduation ceremony at Grace Christian where 29 of our hard-working students walked across the stage and received their diplomas from a loved one.
We are hosting our kindergarten graduation and end-of-year party in early June at the South Anchorage Sports Park. Families will have the opportunity to join us for a picnic lunch and enjoy the playground at the park.
What a fun and exciting year we’ve had! We already have some fun things planned for the 24-25 school year!
D&D Club
Zoo Field Trip
Bird TLC Demonstration
Bird TLC Pellet Dissection
Fire Station #1 Tour
Mother's Day Craft Surprise
Mother's Day Craft Surprise
Delta Office:
State Testing in April went smoothly. Thanks to all who came and worked their brains! Students worked on pushing Spring to begin with a planting day with Ms. Heidi. April finished up with a Boys Night Out. The boys and their dads/grandpas visited the State Troopers Station for a tour of the Station, talk with the Fish and Game Trooper and check out the Trooper's vehicles. Our Tok Group visited UAF with our Counselor, Ryan Tilbury on the 24th. This was followed by an Open House where families could come to learn more about Raven and what we offer.
May started off with a bang for our 3rd – 8th grade students. They participated in a three-day AMP IT UP Camp. (Amazing Math Plus Information Technology Understanding Programming) Bobbie Jo Erb brought ways to look at Math that helped students understand concepts better. Jakobe Boyd then used games to help students learn Information and Technology as well as basic Computer Programming. You definitely had to watch your step with all the Ozobots zooming around!
Students went to the Livengood Greenhouse to put together hanging planters to give to Mom for Mother’s Day. Our Craft for Mother’s Day included homemade cards and a sugar scrub to pamper Mom. We had our traditional walk to the Drive In on the 9th. It was a little cool out. We were grateful that it didn’t rain! The Lego Club held its final play day with the Space set up followed by the Challenge and End of Year party! Nicholas and Liana had spectacular builds for their entries! Congratulations Nicholas for winning the competition with your Moon Based Underwater Alien Zoo!
Planning meetings were held to make sure all was ready for the High School and Kindergarten graduations. Six students walked in the High School Ceremony. Congratulations to Alesya, Julia, Oran, Calista, David and Michelle. Congrats to our December graduate, Sarah Fendich, as well. The Kindergarten graduation ceremony will be held on May 30th.
Looking ahead, we have a Father’s Day Craft planned for June 6th, our End of Year Celebration is scheduled for June 10th and a hike with a craft planned for June 13th.
Decorating for Graduation
Decorating for Graduation
Oran the Brave
2024 Boys Night Out
2024 AMP It Up Camp
Eagle River Office:
The 4th quarter in the Eagle River office saw the wind-down of our usual clubs and our science workshops, but we kept the fun going with some pretty epic events!
Geography Club held an extra special last meeting with International Night. Families were invited to share a presentation on their heritage and bring a dish from that culture. We had a big turnout and everyone enjoyed a variety of dishes. It was held in the evenings so both parents were able to attend.
We invited a participant from the Alaska Native Games to show us some of the games she performs in. Everyone had a blast watching her moves and then everyone got a chance to learn how to perform the activities.
For Eagle River's final field trip of the school year we decided to go BIG! We invited Anchorage families and together we took over the entire ship for an Orca Quest Cruise in Seward for an afternoon that was truly unforgettable. Mother nature was showing off as a mother humpback whale and her calf played, beached, waved, and splashed for us. Calm waters and clear skies allowed us to venture to the orcas’ favorite feeding spot and we found ourselves surrounded by a pod of orcas, some even swimming under our boat. Steller sea lions by the dozens adorned their favorite rock on the shore nearby, and they sure had a lot to say! You know it was a once-in-a-lifetime trip when the captain and the crew were also snapping photos with their jaws dropped. It was the perfect field trip to kick-start summer vacation.
We ended the year with a pool party (indoors, of course!). We had a huge turnout of families who swam, had snacks, and some kids even ventured out onto the diving boards. It was a great way to spend a few hours wrapping up the school year and saying goodbye to friends until fall when clubs and field trips start up again.
Pool Party
Pool Party
Native Games Presentation
Native Games Presentation
Native Games Presentation
Fairbanks Office:
As the Fairbanks Office wraps up another year, we are busy and having fun as usual. March and April were filled with activities for students and parents. We offered Line Dancing to families. They learned the go-to line dance moves like The Cupid Shuffle and Wobble Baby. A gun safety course was offered to a handful of students by the Tanana Valley Sportsman Association. Testing had taken up a big chunk of time in March and April with AKSTAR and DIBELS. On April 16th, we hosted an open house for the community to learn more about us. Along with information, we had a petting zoo, face painting, and BBQ for families that stopped by. We also participated in the Military Child Appreciation event that took place at Pioneer Park. We made Mother’s cards with the families that stopped by our table and talked to potential families about homeschool. On April 24th we did our Mother’s day craft. Students gathered here at our office and planted flowers and decorated flower pots for their moms. Kindergarten Graduation was held at our Raven office May 21st at 11:00 with14 students participating. Graduation for our seniors commenced on May 21st at Hering Auditorium. 51 seniors crossed the stage and received their diplomas. Thank you to all that helped make this celebration happen for our Raven Seniors! Overall 77 graduated from our office so far this year and many more potential graduates are in the works! This past school year has been filled with excitement and joy. Everyone at the Fairbanks office is looking forward to what next school year has to offer.
Juneau Office:
Like the rest of the school year, the final quarter was packed with fun events! We continue to post information about events in the weekly newsletters, Raven website/calendar, Facebook, and Instagram, so it is easy to find details about all the fun to get involved in daily. We are collecting feedback and ideas for next year, and always appreciate collaboration with families, so if you haven’t been attending our monthly PAC meetings, we encourage you to start joining us. Every voice matters!
Our IditaRead Race finished up very well with 28 kids out of 40 participants crossing the finish line by reading and tracking 8 hours (PreK-2nd) or 16 hours (3rd-12th) along the Iditarod trail.
Our Adventures in Bookland Book Club continued to read great books this spring including The Vanderbeekers of 141st Street in March, Island of the Blue Dolphins in April, and Charlotte’s Web in May. Katie did an amazing job this year with all of the thematic food, activities, and take-home goodies to make this club a huge success! We will miss her next year.
We have a great time at Lego Club each month building creatively, sharing projects, and enjoying time together. In March, we had a broad theme of “green” and challenged the kids to creatively incorporate something green into their build. April saw us building a mini city block, and May was filled with insects as we enjoyed a spring theme. It is fun to see the creations displayed for the month for students to enjoy viewing between club meetings.
Middle school students enjoyed the hands-on activities at Math Club each month, including a fun escape room in April where they had to solve mathematical problems to get the clues they needed to break out of the room.
The kids have a good time every other week during Pokemon Club where they get to trade cards and battle together. They even have tournaments with prizes regularly.
Chess Club continues to be a lively group each week and we expanded our club to include an online component so kids can play together even if they can’t come into the office for the meetings. They learn strategies and practice skills, as well as enjoying playing matches together. It is a good opportunity to hone your skills if you like this game.
Marvelous Mondays/Science Fridays
Our spring Marvelous Mondays were well attended and we had a lot of fun with a variety of activities. In March, we did escape rooms with each of the groups which proved to be no match for the skilled puzzle solvers that we have at Raven. For April, we continued and expanded on the coding theme from our AMP IT UP Camp to give kids more opportunities to practice these skills while having fun doing so. May was a very energetic theme of photo scavenger hunts around the office where students raced to accomplish tasks to earn points for their team, then we enjoyed viewing all the photos and videos at the end of the activity.
The kids get to do super cool projects and experiments every other week during Science Fridays. In March, the kids learned about flight through building paper airplanes, making paper rockets, and shooting balloon rockets through hoops. April continued the flight theme with kites, then morphed into an assortment of fun projects like building a solar eclipse viewer, watching colors separate on a coffee filter, and mixing up their own slime. May finished up the science fun as students learned about light reflection/refraction as they built their own periscopes, and even gave a nod to “May the 4th be with you” when they assembled their own hovercraft using balloons and CD’s. We really appreciated all the time and effort that Donna put into these fun activities each month and they will be missed next year.
Other Recurring Activities
A number of our regularly occurring activities continued through the spring including Girls’ Gathering, Lunch Bunch, monthly Popcorn and Pajama Movie Parties, Morning Mug Parent Book Club, monthly PAC Meetings, and Senior Meetings. These are all great activities to encourage connection between students and parents alike.
This year’s DARE class taught by JPD officers wrapped up this spring and was a valuable class for all those who attended. We were excited to celebrate Oliver earning the medal for the best essay for their final project.
Field Trips/One-time Events
Pi Day is a tasty activity that we enjoy in March, and this year was no different. We had a good sized group of kids celebrating this mathematical marvel, and we enjoyed a whole assortment of interactive activities together on this special day.
Our three-day Amazing Math Plus Information Technology and Understanding Programming (AMP IT UP) Camp went wonderfully at the end of March. We had thirty-six K-8th grade students participating along with several high school helpers and parents as we studied numbers, shapes, coding, science concepts, and many other topics in fun hands-on ways. The snack and lunch breaks were even a blast as students got time to socialize between organized activities, and they earned cool brag tags for each of the sessions that they attended.
We got two special visits in April. One was from High school counselor Ryan who came down for a week to work with students individually to help with their high school and beyond planning. He also hosted an Intro to High School Workshop for prospective and current families with students nearing high school, and took a group of students on a tour of the Juneau Job Center. Another visit was from our superintendent and some of our school board members, and it was fun to get to show them around our new office with our added space for activities.
During our Spring Open House, we got to visit with a number of prospective families who are considering homeschooling for the 24/25 school year. It was also a great opportunity to have representatives from UAS and the National Guard set up informational tables to share their offerings with students.
Another special event in April was a tour organized by our new family liaison for families to tour a Coast Guard cutter. Many questions were asked and answered as two groups of students were guided through the ship. It was a very exciting experience for many of them.
At the end of April, we celebrated the completion of standardized testing with a Friday Family Fun Day. First we had a pizza party at the pool where we got to play games and chat while the food settled, then we headed next door to the Field House for some fun free-play together. We finished off the day with a movie party at the office complete with comfy seats and lots of popcorn and treats. It was a huge event that was a likewise huge success.
NOAA hosted two Sea Week events for us for both elementary and middle school students, and we had a record turnout for both. The kids enjoyed learning about many different sea creatures while exploring the facility and engaging in hands-on activities. It was a big hit!
Of course, one of our biggest highlights of the spring is our High School Graduation where we get to celebrate the accomplishments of our students who have completed their coursework to earn their diplomas. This year, we had 21 students participate in our ceremony which was our largest group to walk from the Juneau office to date. We had about 250 people in attendance, and broadcast the ceremony so that many more were able to watch virtually even though they couldn’t make it in person. One special aspect of graduation this year was that our graduation speaker was a Raven 2004 graduate, encouraging this class of students 20 years after he graduated through an assortment of celestial body analogies to remember that “it’s all about you” and “it’s not all about you.”
Student Recognition:
Ian Moller
Ian plays hockey and received the Crimson Bears Warrior Award for the battle in every game, effort on and off the ice, good character, and never complaining.
National Honor Society
We have a great group of students involved in our National Honor Society and they did several service projects this spring including litter pickup, Bartlett Art in the Halls, and making hats for those in need. We are very proud of this exceptional group of students.
Kainoa Thole
Kainoa submitted a film that he made to the 2024 HIFF 'Ōpio Fest: Future Filmmakers Showcase Competition in Honolulu, Hawaii and won the middle school award. Kainoa was 1 of 48 finalists, out of over 200 film entries.
Accelerated Reader
Our students are excelling at Accelerated Reader and are earning fun rewards as they level up their reading! If you haven’t started using the program yet, be sure to get signed up and help your kids log in so they don’t miss out. It is a great way to encourage reading on a daily basis.
Thomas Clifton
Thomas earned his private pilot certificate through the Civil Air Patrol’s Cadet Wings program which was a major accomplishment.
Kezia Verebasaga
Kezia participated in the Native Youth Olympics Traditional Games on April 6, 2024 in Juneau, Alaska. She placed first for high-school girls in the Inuit Stick Pull event.
Meet our new Family Liaison, Tonya Luder!
Hi! I am Tonya, the newest family liaison for our Juneau office. My homeschooling journey started in 2020 when my husband Robbie and I decided it was time for a change in how our children would be educated. In 2023 the Coast Guard brought us to Juneau where we found Raven. Our four children--Lucy, Jackson, Lucas, and Hailey--range from 1st to 12th grade. It’s safe to say that we’ve got all the stages of homeschooling covered. Over the past year here in Juneau, I have spent time attending many Raven activities and getting to know some of you. As the family liaison, I expect to plan and attend many more field trips as well as host new and old clubs. I am very much looking forward to transitioning into this new role where I can provide support to the staff, families, and students. Some things I love are DIY projects, yardwork, crafting, and being outside. Basically I like to stay busy and I’m always open for an adventure. Feel free to say hi the next time you see me in passing.
Graduation Rehearsal
Graduation Ceremony
Superintendent Visit
Pottery with Louise
Intro to High School
AMP it up Camp - Computer Science
AMPT it up Camp - Lunch Break
Family Fun Day
Science Friday - March
Science Friday - May
Science Friday - April
Lego Club - March
Lego Club - Apr-May
Coast Guard Cutter tour
IditaRead Finisher's Party
IditaRead 2024 Finishers
Adventures in Bookland
Wasilla Office:
The Wasilla office clubs continued to meet this last quarter, with an upcoming break in June. The culinary crew participated in a pasta cook off in April and a cinnamon roll bake off in May. We have some budding cooks and chefs and look forward to “taste testing” their continued contributions next school year. Our local military recruiters and different community members have made up the judging panel- for which we are very thankful! ARTiculate and crafternoon continue to be well attended workshops. Book club, chess club, D&D club, games club and bowling club were offered with students participating in the ones that they enjoy. Deb Fancher’s last science class, Panama Canal and whales was amazing. Classes for next year are in the works- stay tuned for more on that! We are working on our activities for next year and will keep families updated.
Congratulations to our 2024 graduates! They worked hard and finished strong. There were 54 graduates who participated in the graduation ceremony at Wasilla Bible Church on May 17th. This was the largest number of walking students we have ever had!
Our kindergarten graduation was a sweet little affair, with students receiving their certificate from their parents, taking pictures, and eating cupcakes.
As families take a break before starting the new school year consider the following:
*Keep your feet on the floor
…but let your love for learning soar.
*Keep your nose clean
…but soil your hands with hard work.
*Keep your good common sense
…but don’t forget to use it.
*Keep doing your work
…but remember the difference between “done” and “well done”.
*Keep yourself in your own space
…but let your thoughts mingle with those of others.
*Keep your area clean
…but clutter your mind with knowledge.
*Keep your sense of humor
…but share it when it will make someone else feel better.
*Keep turning in your library books on time
…but never stop checking them out.
*Keep striving for answers
…but never stop asking questions.
~ And just like that 4th quarter has ended, the school year winds down… And then winds back up again as we look forward to the 2024-2025 school year!