Red Pride Weekly - Family Edition
Week of February 3, 2025

RES Red Pride Weekly - Family Edition - 2/3/2025
Principal's Message
Greetings Gladiator Families!
I hope that you have enjoyed your weekend and a return to more seasonal temperatures. Today is Groundhog Day and unfortunately Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow so according to "groundhog lore", we can expect 6 more weeks of winter. Fortunately, Phil only has a 35% accuracy rate over the last 20 years, so we should take his prediction with a grain of salt and still hope for a speedy return of warmer weather.
Two quick reminders for families...
- If you are picking up your child at the end of the school day, please park in the front parking lot rather than the side lot. Our buses begin lining up at 2:30 and will block the side parking lot. Parking in the front lot will allow you to exit safely and will avoid vehicles trying to drive around the buses.
- Our front door security has changed. Visitors will be buzzed in from the front door rather than the inside office door. Please press the button and be prepared to state your name and business before being buzzed in. Once the door is unlocked, enter the front door and report immediately to the office.
Important Dates
- Monday, February 3 - No School for PreK Students
- Friday, February 14 - Progress Reports Distributed
- Monday, February 17 - No School for Students
- Tuesday, February 25 - Title I Annual Meeting; 5:00 pm, Cafeteria
- Tuesday, March 4 - No School for Students
- Wednesday, March 5 - Spring Pictures
- Monday, March 10 - No School for PreK Students
- Friday, March 21 - Career Fair
- March 24 - 28 - Spring Break
Shout Out
Thanks to our amazing community for their support of our Spirit Week and coin drive. Our staff and students were decked out all week long and as of mid-day Friday, we have collected just over $2,000 to share with the family.
Title I Annual Meeting
You are cordially invited to our Title I Annual Meeting scheduled for Tuesday, February 25 starting at 5:00 pm. Come eat a snack and learn about Title 1 funding, support for students, parent engagement opportunities and more! We would love to hear your ideas on how to make RES even better!
RSVP by Feb. 19th using this link.
Make Reading Fun with Beanstack
Mrs. Moser has been introducing our students to Beanstack as a way of engaging students in reading. It is clearly working because I had a young man stop me at lunch to ask of I knew about it and he was sharing all that he had already read.
You can learn more about Beanstack and connect with your child by following the directions here:
Good News Gladiators
Each morning our Gladiators are asked to live up to our Red Pride Pledge by being safe, respectful, responsible, caring learners. Students who live up to our Riverheads Expectations for Success have a chance to be nominated by their teacher or another staff member for the honor of being a Good News Gladiator. Students who earn this honor are given a shout out over the announcements and are allowed to choose a book from our book vending machine.
Please join me in celebrating these Gladiators for showing their Red Pride!
We have been busy recognizing students all year, so be on the lookout for more Good News Gladiators each week.
Good News Gladiators
Congratulations to these Gladiators for being safe, respectful, responsible and caring learners.
Good News Gladiators
Congratulations to these Gladiators for being safe, respectful, responsible and caring learners.
Scenes from Riverheads Elementary
Spirit Week Pictures
We are proud of our staff and students for showing up for our Rally Spirit Week. We raised more than $2,000 thanks to the generosity of our families and community.
Wild Style Wednesday
Glow Day
Dress to Impress
Construction Zone - 3rd Grade Math
Our 3rd graders had the chance to do measurement construction to practice for the test! They had four stations.
1. Finding the perimeter of shapes taped on the board
2. Building task cards for area with unifix cubes
3. Measuring tools to the nearest half inch and inch
4. Capacity war!
Construction Zone
Enter the Construction Zone
Construction Zone
Mock Trial - 3rd Grade
Some of our 3rd graders held a mock trial to end Unit 4! The students were split into two sides and had to defend their character from multiple points of view and with text evidence. They had so much fun and it was a real world experience for them that matched our story “The Trial of Rabbit”.
Check Out The New Library Books
Mrs. Moser put together two displays of books for our students to let them see the wide variety of books they can choose from. One display focuses on a variety of biographies they can choose from (biographies were Mr. Matherly's favorite when he was growing up) while the other highlights a series of rich picture books.