The Scoop
May 29, 2024
Congratulations 2nd Graders
Our 2nd grade classes did an excellent job this year with their attendance. Each week a grade level is given an award for getting the higest attendance that week. The 2nd grade class won 10 weeks this year. They received a treat today to celebrate this. As you know, we are working hard as a district on attendance and we want all of our students to be at school so they can learn and grow!
Staffing Changes at Roxboro Elementary School for Next Year
Next, Ms. Smith, our Kindergarten aide in Ms. Musgrave's room, is retiring this year. She has been a wonderful assistant to the the students in the class and to other students in our school. We will miss seeing Ms. Smith's smiling face and wish her well as she spends more time with her family.
We are welcoming Mr. Steward as our Guidance Counselor next year and look forward to having him transition into our school. Mr. Steward has worked at the HS the past three years as a 9/10 grade seminar teacher and prior to that time he worked as a Dean of Students in Clevelend. He has visited Rox El a few times these past two weeks and is excited to join the Rox El Family!
Ms. Cox is transitioning from our Building Substitute into the Kindergaren Aide position in Ms. Musgrave's class. We are happy she is staying with us next year as the Building Substitute positions were eliminated in our district. Ms. Cox is excited to join the Kindergarten team.
We are opening up a Cross-Categorical unit at Rox El next year and welcoming Ms. Howell into the class. Ms. Howell has worked at Oxford this past year with many of the students who will be in this class. Ms. Howell has also visited Rox El and is excited to become part of our team.
We look forward to seeing our new staff transition into our school. I know the Rox El community will make them feel welcome!
Open Doors Academey for 6th Graders
Yearbook Orders
It is now time to order your yearbook for this year. Please use the following link to order https://ybpay.lifetouch.com/Order/LookupJob?jobNumber=15043724.
Lunch on the Lawn TOMORROW
All families are invited to attend our annual Lunch on the Lawn on the Thursday, May 30, which is our last day of school. The classes will be eating lunch for the first 30 minutes with their families and their teacher and then they will have the next 30 minutes to dance and listen to the DJ. The times for this are the following: Kindergarten and First Grade 11:00-12:00, Second Grade 11:30-12:30, Fifth Grade 12:00-1:00, Third Grade 12:15-1:15 and Fourth Grade 12:30-1:30. Classes will come out at their lunch time and stand in their lineup on the playground at the beginning and end of lunch. This will help our teachers take attendance at the beginning and end of lunch. A permission slip is going home next week that allows families to take their child home at the end of lunch. Teachers will have a checklist to ensure the students are signed out. That is why we are lining up at the beginning and end of lunch. Thank you for your help with this.
Families can bring a blanket and/or a lawn chair to sit on. Please look for the sign with the classroom teacher's name on it and find a spot in that area. We sent home a flyer for families to fill out on whether they are attending or not to help us know who to expect.
This is a really fun event that our staff, students and families look forward to every year. Not just because it is the last day of school, but it is a great community building event!
Have a Wonderful Summer!
I hope everyone has a wonderful summer vacation! This was a fantastic school year because of all the support from the Rox El community. We appreciate all you do for us!!
The District has adopted a plan for communications with persons with disabilities, which is available at the following link: Communication Plan. The plan establishes procedures to ensure that the District's communications with persons with disabilities, including applicants, participants, members of the public, and companions with disabilities, are as effective as its communications with others.
Upcoming Events
May 30 - Last day of School - Lunch on the Lawn
August 21 - First Day of School
September 2 - No School, Labor Day
October 3 - No School, Rosh Hashanah
Roxboro Elementary School
Roxboro Elementary School’s IB Mission:
Our mission at Roxboro Elementary, in partnership with our families and the community, is to encourage our students to become respectful, positive, and compassionate lifelong learners.
We challenge our students to become involved in our world and engage in rigorous, inquiry-based curriculum. We will provide diverse forms of assessment and participate in reflective learning.
Our students will find their passions, have confidence in their decisions, and develop the leadership skills to act for the good of all
Email: s_pulling@chuh.org
Website: CHUH.org
Location: Roxboro Elementary School, Roxboro Road, Cleveland Heights, OH, USA
Phone: (216)371-7115
Twitter: @CHUHRoxEl