Nauset Regional Middle School ROCKS
A Weekly Update from NRMS - January 24, 2025
Reminders & Headlines
Save the Date - School Dance/Social
The PTO and Student Council are planning the WInter Wonderland Dance/Social for NRMS students in Grades 6-8. Friday January 31 at NRMS 6pm-8pm. Please complete the Winter Social Permission Slip.
Superintendent Finalists Update
Please view the videos of the Superintendent Candidates and complete the google form for feedback. The finalists will have a final interview with the School Committee on Tuesday January 28.
Stay connected to NRMS - Tech Tips & Tricks
Please review these helpful ways that you can stay connected to our school and be equipped to support your scholar. Parent Technology Tips including where to find important info on the Nauset App and Nauset Website.
Follow/Like Us on Facebook
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Download and install the new Nauset App on your Mobile Device Today.
Updates From The Principal
Hello NRMS Families,
As we approach the halfway point of the school year and the end of the second quarter on January 31, it is a great time of year to support students in making plans to be set up for success at school. At home, you can take a few steps that will help students stay on track for the second half of the school year. This week, I had the opportunity to join a conversation with a student and the student's grade level team of teachers. The student's grades have been trending in the wrong direction during the second quarter. The student shared that they often stay up well past midnight on their phone and/or playing video games. It was a good reminder of how distracting access to technology is for our students.
At home, please establish a distraction free zone in your house for your student to be able to complete homework and read nightly. Please assist students with creating a routine while at home that includes time for completing school work. We recognize that many of our students have many responsibilities in the afternoons and evenings. This may include household chores, caring for younger siblings, sports, dance, music rehearsals/practices and more. This is why it is essential to help students create a schedule that allows them to manage their time well. We strive to provide time in school to complete school work. If/when students use their time well in class, they end up with minimal amounts of homework to complete.
In Nauset Time this week students are completing a digital schedule to identify when they are in school, sleeping, participating in extracurricular activities, and unstructured time. Reflecting on this schedule together allows you to learn more about your student's goals and sleep habits and help them strategize how they can use their time to best achieve their goals, both in and out of school.
We also strongly encourage families to limit time on phones/video games and establish a bedtime that leads to students getting the sleep they need to be at school on time and ready to learn. We encourage parents/guardians to charge phones and mobile devices outside of student bedrooms so that they are not tempted to get on these devices overnight. Each of these steps can help set students up for success in school and we truly appreciate your support.
This weekend our Drama Club presents Alice in Wonderland. See the flyer above and check out the show.
Enjoy the weekend. Hopefully we get some warmer temperatures.
Peter Cohen, Ed.D.
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@NausetMS - Nauset Middle School
Location: 70 Route 28, Orleans MA 02653
Phone: 508-255-0016