The Gator Gazette
August 19 - August 23
Buy your GATOR gear TODAY! Use the link below...
Gators, Welcome Back to GMS!
New North Gym floor...
...and bleachers! Looks Great!
Hello Gators!
Glenview Gators are off to a great start! Students are doing a fantastic job navigating the building and learning their way throughout the building. Gators are also enjoying the beginning of the Fall Athletic season with Cross Country, Football and Volleyball all under way.
This week will be the final week of "practicing getting to class on time". All Gators have been learning their best route through the building and have done an amazing job getting to classes. With two and a half weeks of practicing getting to classes we will begin practicing "Hallway Sweeps" this Thursday and Friday with tardies beginning on Monday, August 26.
You may ask yourself, "What is a Hallway Sweep?"
A hallway sweep is a process where school Safety Monitors patrol the hallways after the start of class to identify students who have not made it to their classroom on tome.
How it works:
- Timing: Immediately after the bell rings signaling the start of class
- Process: Safety Monitors support students that have not made it to class on time, marking them as tardy and providing a tardy pass to enter the classroom
The goal of hallway sweeps is to:
- Reduce tardiness
- Create a more focused learning environment
- Improve classroom management
We want to remind you about the importance of being on time to class as every minute counts!
Why is being on time so important?
- You won’t miss out: Valuable information and activities are shared at the start of class
- Better focus: Arriving late can disrupt the learning environment for everyone - INCLUDING YOU!
- Respect for others: Starting class on time shows respect for your classmates and teachers
Being on time is an important life lesson so, let’s make a pact to be punctual! Your future self will thank you! #BeOnTime #MiddleSchoolRocks
Have a GATOR Week!
Mrs. Hawley
- Monday, August 19 at 5:30pm - Athletic Parent Meeting
ATHLETIC PICK-UP: Families picking up athletes after practice, please be at GMS by 4pm to ensure prompt supervision and safety of your student. Thank you!
GMS Student Chromebooks - Have Been Returned!
GMS students received their Chromebooks last week. If you have any questions please contact the GMS Tech Bench at 309.755.1919 x227.
MTSS Interventions
GMS is currently providing 112 interventions to improve student learning. Students were identified using Spring data and will be closely monitored to ensure student progress. Let us know if you have any questions.
Mark you Calendars
- Labor Day - No School - Monday, September 2
- EMSD In-Service Day - No School - Tuesday, September 3
- GMS Picture Day is Wednesday, September 18
GMS Menus
The Counselor Corner
Welcome Back - We are excited for the new school year!
We are excited to welcome Mrs. Debaene to our Glenview family as the new Grade 5 Counselor. Mrs. Debaene is familiar to many of us as she is coming from Ridgewood Elementary. Welcome to GMS - it's always great to be a Gator!
- Mrs. Debaene - 5th Grade - 309.755.1919 x232
- Mrs. Gallagher - 6th Grade - 309.755.1919 x231
- Mr. Palmer - 7th Grade - 309.755.1919 x214
- Mrs. Wieland - 8th Grade - 309.755.1919 x213
Gator Athletics and Activities
- Reminder All Fall sports Parent Meeting Monday August 19th, 2024 at 5:30PM
- Our Football Team Gear Store is now Open
- Shop Now: https://bsnteamsports.com/shop/RPeczUqdmx
- Store Open From: August 15 - August 28, 2024
- School Code : RPeczUqdmx
Visit our GMS Athletics page at https://www.emsd37.org/o/glenview-athletics
The Glenview Band
- Instrument rental night will be Thursday, August 22 with meetings at 5:00 and 6:00 in the GMS Band room. This is a great opportunity to meet local music stores and have your questions answered.
- Attention all actors and crafters! Do you want to become a famous actor or want to learn about the behind-the-scenes experience? Come to our Gator Guild Interest Meeting on Tuesday, September 3 in the Cafeteria at 6:30pm. All students need to be accompanied by an adult, as there will be information packets and a sneak peek of what we do. See you there!
- Who said learning was boring? Come to our Trivia Night event to spend the evening laughing and learning while supporting The Gator Guild! Hosted at the East Moline American Legion Friday, September 27 from 7:00pm-10:00pm. To reserve a spot, please email Mrs. Parrott at mparrott@emsd37.org. See you there!
From the Nurses Clinic
Attention 6th grade families: Physicals and Vaccinations are due by Tuesday, October 15, 2024. If they are not received by that date, your student will be excluded from school effective Wednesday, October 16, 2024. If you need assistance finding a provider, please contact the BMS Clinic at 309.755.1919 x220 or 221.
Scan the QR Code for Glenview Breakfast and Lunch Menus!
Need Assistance? We can help!
GMS Main Office...
- Mrs. Hawley, GMS Principal - 309.755.1919 x207
- Mr. Ryan, Associate Principal of Curriculum and Instruction - 309.755.1919 x208
- Mrs. Christensen, Associate Principal - Grade 5/6 - 309.755.1919 x209
- Mr. Evans, Associate Principal Grade 7/8 - 309.755.1919 x210
- Mrs. Keim, Attendance Secretary - 309.755.1919 x201
- Mrs. Gryp, Registrar - 309.755.1919 x222
- Ms. Carson, Nurse - 309.755.1919 x220
- Mrs. Martinez, Nurse - 309.755.1919 x221
- Tracy Greer, Special Education Facilitator - 309.755.1919 x216
- Mr. Singleton, Athletic Director - 309.755.1919 x160
- Mrs. Debaene - 5th Grade - 309.755.1919 x232
- Mrs. Gallagher - 6th Grade - 309.755.1919 x231
- Mr. Palmer - 7th Grade - 309.755.1919 x214
- Mrs. Wieland - 8th Grade - 309.755.1919 x213