HMS Newsletter
February 7th, 2025

HMS Writing Fair Winners!!
HMS District Spelling Bee Winners!
Meet Abby! Here is her Be Here!
Valentines Day Deliveries
Outstanding Falcon Award Goes To...
HMS Attendance Challenge!
Perfect Attendance Challenge!
HMS has a challenge for you! If HMS has 100% perfect attendance on February 12th, we are going to celebrate with a HMS Teacher Swap!
HMS Upcoming Events!
Upcoming Events:
February 12: Quiz Bowl competes in Capitan
February 14th: In-School Valentines Day Dance
February 17: President’s Day - No School
February 19: Board Meeting @ 6pm
February 28: Los Alamos Challenge Van visits HMS
March 12: Quiz Bowl competes in Carrizozo
March 13: 3rd Quarter Celebration-Going to the Movies!
March 19: Board Meeting @ 6pm
March 24-28: Spring Break
April 5: Color Run!
April 5-10: NM ASR Science Assessment-8th Graders
April 15-16: NM MSSA Cognia State Test
April 23: Quiz Bowl competes in Mescalero!
May 8: 4th Quarter Celebration-Going to the Zoo!
May 13-15: IMSSA Cognia EOY Assessment
HMS PTO Staff Appreciation
HMS PTO Staff Appreciation
February's HMS PTO Staff Appreciation will be a Soup Bar. Please consider signing up to help provide our wonderful staff with a delicious lunch! Please bring items to the office on the Morning of February 5th by 10am. If you are unable to drop off at that time, just let us know and we can pick it up! Please click on the link below to review the available slots and sign up. If you have any questions please reach out to Megan Selten 832-213-6799.
February Staff Appreciation
February's Staff appreciation will be a soup bar. Please consider signing up to help provide our wonderful staff with a delicious lunch! Please bring items to the office on the Morning of February 5th by 10am. If you are unable to drop off at that time, just let us know and we can pick it up!
HMS Yearbook is On Sale! Get Yours Now!
Order Now!
Holloman Middle School Yearbook Pre-Sale is Now Open!
The 2024-2025 HMS Yearbook is available for pre-order now! Secure your copy at the best price before deadlines pass.
Order here: HMS Yearbook Order Link
Pricing Schedule:
- $32 – Now through February 23
- $37 – February 24 to March 30
- $42 – March 31 to May 8
- $52 – After May 8
Don't miss out on this full-color, hardbound keepsake of an unforgettable school year. Order yours today!
HMS Basketball Banquet. Thank you for an amazing season!
HMS Lunch Menu:
This Week:
Monday: Crispy Chicken Bowl or Hot Dog
Tuesday: Shepards Pie Made from Scratch or New Mexico Grown Beef and Cheese Fold over Quesadilla
Wednesday: Cheese or Pepperoni Pizza or Cheeseburger
Thursday: Sweet and Sour Meatballs/w Brown Rice or Ham Panini
Friday: Frito Pie or Chicken Tenders