The Paw Print
Volume 3 - August 28, 2020
Thank you!
Good evening, Surfside Families,
We did it! We had an amazing first week of school. There were some bumps in the road but our teachers, students and parents were resilient, patient and steadfast. I cannot say how thankful I am for the entire team contributing daily to the success of our kids.
Mrs. Seibert and I have had the pleasure of meeting so many of our young panthers this week. We continue to be so impressed with their manners, kind words and welcoming spirits. They greet us in the morning and share laughter and jokes with us at lunch. Your kids are spectacular and we are thankful you are sharing them with us.
Below is some important information regarding music, safety, medications and arrival.
Please enjoy this weekend. We are excited to see everyone on Monday.
Warmest Regards,
Mrs. Erenstoft
Medication and Clinic Reminders
- Please remember that students may not self-carry any medication without principal approval and a note from a doctor. If you have a student who needs to self-carry medication, please call the front office. Cough drops, pain relieves, cold medications etc. are not allowed in student backpacks for the safety of all children on campus.
- If a student is sent home because of an elevated temp (100.4 or higher); they must be fever free for 24 hours (without medication) before they return to school.
- If a student is exhibiting any covid-19 symptoms and is sent home with instructions to isolate the student for 10 days, the student cannot return to school for 10 unless the student has provided a negative covid test or authorization from their doctor (stating they are covid free).
Safety Tips from Assistant Principal, Mrs. Seibert
Arrival Reminders
- The only students on campus before 8:00 are those getting breakfast. We have a lot of students coming in early and not eating. In order to maintain social distancing, be cannot permit students to simply wander campus. Parents, please assist us by not having students bike, walk or get dropped off before 8:00 if they are not having breakfast.
- Please do not drop off any students prior to 7:45. Gates will not open until 7:45 and students will not be supervised prior to 7:45. Panther Den still has openings if you would like to register your children. Please email or call Lisa Pais.
Music Update
Hello, Grade 4-6 families,
I hope everyone had a healthy and safe summer. I wanted to let you know that the chorus (gr.4-6) and orchestra (gr.5-6) programs are currently on hold for the immediate future. When we get more detailed information as to when they will return, we will send notification out to parents. Thanks for your patience during this time. I am looking forward to the start of the school year. Wishing you all the best!
Kind regards,
Susan Sinander
Surfside Music