Parkview Elementary Weekly News
Newsletter: February 1, 2024
Kindergarten Registration
It's time to register for Kindergarten 2024!
If you have an incoming kindergarten student for fall of 2024 or if you know a neighbor or friend with an incoming kindergarten student to Parkview, please tell them to get signed up today!
We are very excited to meet our new Parkview students and plan for a great beginning to their school journey!
Conference Sign Up
Sign up by Tuesday
Come to the Waffle Breakfast!
You can purchase your tickets online using mypayments plus:
Outdoor Classroom!
Did you know that Parkview is continuing to develop a sophisticated outdoor classroom space? This new and improved space will involve scientific collection tables, an outdoor whiteboard, ant farms, permanent musical instruments, and more. But we need your help! Click here for more information and to sign up to volunteer with assembly and construction. “
Order Your Yearbook!
Order Your 2023-2024 by March 31
Parkview Elementary Yearbook at
(Yearbook ID Code 2092224)
District 196 Community Education Classes Available
Dabble in Minecraft, produce videos, shorts and reels, challenge yourself with cubing and more!
Important Dates
February 6 - Culver's Day at Apple Valley Culver's
February 7 -8 Parent / Teacher Conferences 4:00-8:00 Wednesday and 12:00-8:00 Thursday
February 8 - 9 No School due to Parent Teacher Conferences
February 19 - No School Presidents' Day
February 24 - 8:30 AM - 11:00 AM Waffle Breakfast
February 29 - 5:30 PM Da Capo Choir Concert
February 29 - 6:30 PM 4th Grade Music Program
PTO Updates
Conference Meals
Can you help with the Teacher Meal for Winter Conferences?
The PTO will be serving a bake potato bar to the Parkview staff, the evening of Wednesday, February 7th. If you would like to donate desserts, beverages or paper products, please sign up here. Please bring all donations to the Parkview front office by 4 pm on Wednesday. Thank you for your support!
Parkview Bingo Night - Thank you!
Thank you to everyone who organized and volunteered to make Parkview Bingo Night a great success!
There was a great turnout, with a lot of prizes won.
Thank you all for attending. We look forward to next year's event!
Upcoming PTO Meeting
The February PTO meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 13th at 7:00 pm in the library. We look forward to seeing you!
Parkview Spring Event
The PTO is seeking volunteers to plan and carry out the Spring Event. This event is typically held in May, with planning beginning in January. If you're interested, please sign up to join the planning committee.
Need to Report an Absence?
Reminder: you can use the “Report an Absence” for late arrivals & early pick up. This information will be accessed by the Attendance Secretary at Parkview.
Parkview Parent Handbook
Please find the Parkview Parent Handbook at the link here. This resource has detailed information about Parkview policies and procedures.
Parkview Elementary
Location: 6795 Gerdine Path, Rosemount, MN, USA
Phone: 952-431-8350