Create Joy, Connection and Belonging

Important Dates to Note
Feb 1-28: Black History Month.
Feb. 1-12: Window for parents and guardians to take the paper version of the Panorama Survey; the online version will remain open after this date.
Feb. 8: Community Celebration/Sidewalk Art Project. See below for details.
Feb 10: Lincoln's Day, no school.
Feb. 14: Valentine's Day sing-a-long takes place from 5:15-6pm in the After School program at all sites
Feb. 17: President's Day, no school.
Feb. 18: Board of Trustees meeting takes place at the District Office.
Feb. 19: District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC) meeting takes place from 6:30-8pm at the DO boardroom
Feb. 22: After School field trip to First Tee takes place from 8am-5pm. Please note there is now a waiting list for this trip.
Sidewalk Art Fair with the City of Salinas
The City of Salinas will hold a Sidewalk Art Fair on Saturday, Feb. 8, to celebrate the new installation of sidewalk art at Closter Park and other locations in East Salinas. The celebration will take place from 10am-12:30pm, and will feature performances by student mariachi and folklorico groups.
See the flyers below for more details.
Resource Fair & Immigration Information Meeting
Invitation: A Virtual Forum on Addiction and Mental Health
Monterey, Santa Cruz and San Benito counties have banded together to host a virtual forum on having difficult conversations with children and teens. The forum focuses on both addiction issues and mental health.
Please see the flyers below for more information, and use the QR code to register.
Spring Into Fun with Spring Intersession Camp
The Extended Learning Department is planning an exciting Spring Intersession Camp, a free-full-day camp taking place over the District's Spring Break in March. Breakfast, lunch and dinner are included, and it promises to be a week of learning, sports and games, and creative fun, all centered on the topic of agriculture and how our food is grown and harvested.
Please see the flyers below for information on locations, times and how to register. Registration is open, and we ask that you reserve your spot today. All students will receive transportation from their school of resident to the school hosting camp.
Email: mary.duan@salinascity.k12.ca.us
Location: 840 South Main Street, Salinas, CA, USA
Phone: 831-784-2201
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