St. Columba's Primary School
“With grateful hearts we remember the power for goodness
that Mary MacKillop is in our world. On this her feast day may we be touched anew with her spirit
of prophetic charity and generous participation in mission.
We ask this in the name of Christ, the Sacred Heart, and of the Spirit of Mission. Amen”
Dear Parents and Carers,
On Mary MacKillop of the Cross feast day, let us pause and reflect on the wisdom her life experiences offer to us in this time. Mary MacKillop is a woman who dared to believe in her dream and to trust in God. Her life as a woman who lived the Gospel faithfully and who today we would call a missionary disciple, gave her the courage to trust in God, to take risks and to break boundaries. It called her to travel down rough roads and on stormy seas into places well beyond her imaginings. Her presence brought an explosion of God’s love to the most needy in Australia and beyond, thus improving the lives of those who were poor. She was a woman before her time with an incredible vision. She walked our land, knew our stars and read the signs of the time. She is indeed a saint for all people. Today we marked this very special day in our church calendar year as we celebrated the Feast of St Mary of The Cross MacKillop. Many thanks to Mr Yock and Fr Nino for organising such a special school event.
Today Fr Nino celebrated St Mary of the Cross McKillop Mass for the student community. It was an outstanding service and Fr Nino had the students very engaged in the Mass. He has set a very high standard for future Masses.
Tomorrow we will have the Deputy Director for Catholic Schools visit our school community. Mrs Annette Morey will spend the morning session meeting with myself and touring the school and meeting staff and students.
There have been a number of families at drop off and pick up, parking in the Church Carpark, staff car park, disabled bay and visitors bay near the school admin area. These parking facilities are not for families to use at drop off and pick up time. A reminder that to park in the disabled parking bay an Accrod sticker is required.
God bless and keep safe.
Allen McMahon
Important Dates
Friday 9 August
- Assembly - 2G
- Photo retake - school uniform
Wednesday 14 August
- Zoo Sunset Safari - 5W
Thursday 15 August
- Zoo Sunset Safari - 5G
Friday 16 August
- Science Shark Incursions
- Father's Day Breakfast - RSVP by 21 August
Merit Award Winners - Friday, 9 August
Year 1G - Teddy, Vincenzo, Sofia
Year 1W - Emerson, Hudson, Poppy
Year 2G - Kayleigh, Evelyn G
Year 2W - Emerson
Year 3G - Eloise, Harry
Year 3W - Claudia, Ruby
Year 4G - Grace, Cooper
Year 4W - Ruby, Alistair, Arthur
Year 5G - Zara M
Year 5W - Isabelle, Cooper
Year 6G - James, Olivia
Year 6W - Michaela, Anastasiia
P & F Father’s Day Event RSVP
Calling all Dads and Father Figures,
You are invited to the Father's Day Breakfast Event, run by our P & F Team, on Wednesday, 28 August from 7:30am - 8:50am in Kalyara Mia (Undercover Area).
This event is for Dads and Father Figures who have children in Kindy to Year 6.
The P & F will provide a sausage sizzle. (Sounds like a great way to start the day!)
We ask Dads (or mums on their behalf) to reply to our Expression of Interest form below to allow the P & F to ascertain numbers for catering purposes. We ask for this to be completed by COB Wednesday, 21 August.
We are excited to be able to offer this community event for our dads and father figures.
P & F Team
Feast of the Assumption
The Feast of the Assumption is one of the most important feast days of the year and a Holy Day of Obligation on the official Roman Catholic Church calendar.
By tradition, the holy day is observed every August 15th. This year, the Feast of the Assumption occurs on Thursday, 15 August, 2024.
According to Roman Catholic theology, Mary was "assumed body and soul into heavenly glory" several years after her son, Jesus, ascended into heaven.
Students will learn about this important Feast Day in their Religious Education classes this week at their developmentally appropriate level.
Book Fair News
Thank you very much for supporting the Book Fair. It was a great success and the library will benefit greatly with the purchase of new books and replacement of well-read ones with the rewards we will receive.
All re- orders have been placed and will be delivered to the classrooms when they arrive.
A huge thank you to the parent helpers. Your assistance was greatly appreciated.
Happy reading and look forward to Book Fair 2025!
Vinnie's Winter Appeal Ends
The Vinnies Winter Appeal has concluded for 2024. Thank you to everyone who was able to donate clothing items as well as monetary donations for St Vincent de Paul. Last Friday the initiative finished with a Pyjama Day for all classes. In total we raised $595.60 - What an amazing effort!
St Vincent de Paul has collected the clothing to take to those in our local community who need them. What a great way to live our motto, “Charity & Peace” in the real world.
CAPSS Inter School ML Carnival
On 6 August at Morris Buzacott Reserve all Year 6's and selected Year 5 students attended the CAPSS Inter School ML competition. Students competed in 4 teams of either a Modcrosse or a League Tag competition. All teams competed at a high level displaying wonderful enthusiasm and team spirit. It was particularly noted how well the students continued to improve and raise to the challenge. Our students placed 2nd in Modcrosse and equal 1st in Leaguetag. Our students demonstrated fantastic determination, continually putting a big effort toward their involvement and encouragement of others throughout the day. We are proud of our Students’ efforts, displaying their abilities over various types of sports and being excellent representatives of their school.
Wellbeing at St Columba’s
Creating a culture of Wellbeing allows all students and staff at St Columba’s to flourish.
We are moving to a long-term sustainable wellbeing plan at St Columba’s, where wellbeing is about who we are and what we do. Wellbeing needs to be embedded across the whole year, rather than a focus week each term.
There are already many exciting things happening in the Wellbeing sphere as the school looks to review and consolidate its wellness strategies and practices for staff, students and parents.
Students are still welcome to wear their sports uniform for the duration of Week 5 and there will still be no Homework. This is a great opportunity to use the extra time for some personal wellness activities.
A Message from Miss Simpson
Please click on the documents below with information regarding two free workshops through Communicare:
- Tuning into kids, starting Wednesday, 31July, helping parents and caregivers teach children how to understand and regulate their emotions.
- Positive discipline, starting Monday, 29 July, a workshop that strengthens the child-parent relationship, guides behaviour and teaches children problem solving and conflict resolution.
Hi everyone,
I hope you are all well and have been enjoying the lovely weather over the last week. A few updates from me:
On behalf of the P&F, I am super excited to announce this year’s whole school adults only event “A Night in White”. Parents, teachers and friends of the community are all invited for a night under the stars enjoying fabulous company, entertainment and of course the beautiful view our school has to offer. More information to come.
Dads and father figures. This event is for YOU! The P&F want to celebrate our amazing dads and father figures amongst our community. Please make sure you RSVP to this event so we can figure out catering numbers.
Our Year 4 superstar parents are busy working behind the scenes to plan what will be an absolute cracker of a last day for our students. We will be sharing more information about this event over the next few weeks. It will be held slightly differently this year. The Year 4 families will be organising the lot, and there will be no fundraising required from yourselves. This is part of our mission as a P&F to enhance the mental and physical wellbeing of our children. They are going to love it!
Have a wonderful week everyone.
Hayley Mitchell
P&F President
DOSC Footy Tipping 2024
Hi all,
Round 21 served up another classic weekend of footy, with major shifts in both the AFL and our Tipping ladder. The Eagles notched their 4th win for the year or 9th in 3 seasons. Meanwhile, the Dockers endured a heartbreaking one-point loss to be booted out of the top four.
Let's give a big round of applause to our standout performers from Round 21. Ange & Cooper M won the round with 8/9 tips, Followed by Andrew J, Mark S and Santhosh P with 7/9 tips.
- Ange & Cooper M: Flying high 8 out of 9 tips with a margin of 46
- Andrew J: Scored 7 out of 9 tips, with a margin of 16
- Santhosh P: A close contender with 7 correct picks, cruising with a margin of 32
- Mark S : Holding the line with 7 correct picks, cruising with a margin of 33
Craig P has the chasing pack closing in on him with just 3 games separating the top 3. All of our top 10 tipsters with a chance to lift the trophy with 27 games to go.
Here's the current leaderboard:
Craig P: Kicking goals at the top with 114 tips and a margin of 579
Santhosh P : Snapping at his heels with 113 correct calls and a margin of 515
Mathew S: Holding their own in the mix with 111 correct tips each, boasting a margin of 674
Round 22 kicks off tomorrow with the shell shocked Swans taking on the Pies at SCG, with the action starting at 5:40PM.
Keep those predictions rolling in!
Scholastic Books
Cash payments are no longer accepted. Payments can be made by credit card - Visit scholastic.com.au/LOOP or download the LOOP app. Your order will be electronically linked to the rest of your school's order. You do not need to complete the order form.
Message from Perth Redbacks - campaign for a new 12-court stadium for Perth
Dear Redbacks family.
Our community is amazing. We asked, and you responded—and in massive numbers. Thank you. There's been a phenomenal response to our campaign for a new 12-court stadium for Perth. Our goal of 10,000 signatures is firmly on the horizon, with only 700 signatures left to get.
If you have been putting off signing the petition until 'tomorrow', that day has come. The petition closes on August 11, and it will be presented to Parliament next week. Please sign here today. It will only take one minute of your time, and no petition data will be shared with the Perth Redbacks.
We need every fan, athlete, and person who supports kids and community sports to sign. Once you have signed, please share the link with everyone in your network—all WA residents, regardless of age, are eligible to add their name to this petition.
School Term Dates for 2024
Term 3: Tuesday 16 July - Friday 20 September
Term 4: Monday 7 October - Friday 6 December
Pupil Free Days for 2024
Term 3: Monday 15 July
Term 4: Monday 21 October
Sacrament Dates for 2024
Reconciliation: Saturday, 9 November at 10am
St Columba's Catholic Primary School
Email: admin@stcolumbassp.wa.edu.au
Website: https://www.stcolumbassp.wa.edu.au/
Location: 30 York Street, South Perth WA 6151, Australia
Phone: (08) 6436 9500
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/category/Education/St-Columbas-Catholic-Primary-School-South-Perth-173160579973945/