LAPS Newsletter
Week of October 28, 2024
Important Dates
Chamisa Glow Tunnel
Thursday, October 31
Election Day
Tuesday, November 5 (No school for staff and students)
Veteran's Day
Monday, November 11 (No school for staff and students)
Thanksgiving Break
Wednesday, November 27 - Friday, November 29 (No school for staff and students)
Parent Council Meeting
Tuesday, November 19
School Board Meetings
Tuesday, November 12
Tuesday, December 10
Click here for more information about the School Board meetings.
Multicultural Calendar of Events
2025-2026 DRAFT School Calendar
2026-2027 DRAFT School Calendar
For other events and activities, check out the school site calendars on the LAPS website.
Around the District
Congratulations to the Topper Marching Band and Colorguard on their 3rd place finish at the NMAA State Marching Band Championships in Rio Rancho on Saturday. The marching band also won the award for Best General Effect.
High Fives
The LAHS Varsity Football team were at Chamisa Elementary this past week to give high fives to students at the start of school.
Family Clay Night
Art teachers at Los Alamos Middle School hosted a Family Clay Night.
Bobcat Bolt
The Barranca Mesa Elementary PTO hosted the Bobcat Bolt last week. Students in all grades completed laps around the track.
Topper Band Showcase
The Topper Marching Band held their Band Showcase last week prior to the state competition. Twenty-nine seniors were recognized during the evening. The marching band performed their 2024 show for the audience followed by another performance where family members were invited onto the field to shadow their student during a second performance. The LAHS Bel Canto Choir performed the national anthem and members of NJROTC presented the colors to start the evening.
Arts and Crafts Club at Barranca Mesa
Amplify Lessons at Aspen
Purple Pinkie Day at Chamisa
For Parents and Guardians
Elementary Edition
Last month, Los Alamos Public Schools (LAPS) hosted a community event titled “Drugs, Sex, and Phones: What Families Need to Know About Smartphones and Social Media” aimed at raising awareness about the dangers of technology misuse among teens and preteens. With a focus on the impact of social media, cell phone use, and their connections to bullying, drug access, and other risky behaviors, the event featured speakers from the school district and the Los Alamos Police Department.
LAPS invites parents and caregivers of elementary aged children to attend a follow up event on Nov. 14 from 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm in the Mountain School Gym. Light food will be served and childcare provided for children in pre-K-6th grade.
For Students
SAT Nov. 2
Saturday School
Saturday School is open to all Los Alamos Middle School and Los Alamos High School students as an opportunity to catch up on late work, complete missed assignments, take make-up tests and receive help with homework.
All Saturday School sessions for the 2024-2025 school year will be in person in E-wing at LAHS.
Sessions run from 8:30 am - 11:30 am for 7th and 8th graders, and 8:30 am - 12:00 pm for high school students.
To register, email lahssaturdayschool@laschools.net with the student's name and date requested.
Click here for more information.
Upcoming Saturday School Dates
Nov. 2 and 16
Dec. 7 and 14
LAPS in the News
LAHS XC Teams Beat 4a Rival Albuquerque Academy
Toppers Varsity Football Game Rescheduled For Thursday
Topper Marching Band Delights Crowd At Halftime Show
Hilltoppers Varsity Football Team’s Hot Streak Continues
Topper Varsity Soccer Nudges Taos Tigers 1-0
Chamisa School’s Andrea Lynch Named NMAEA Elementary Art Teacher Of The Year
Los Alamos High School Cross Country Girls Win, Boys 2nd In Dry-Run For State Championship
Around Town
Events in Los Alamos
Check out the LAPS Community Events page for information about events and activities in the community for students and families. Or view the Los Alamos County 100 Days of Summer.
Election 2024
Early voting for the 2024 election is now open through Nov. 2 with voting at the Los Alamos County Municipal Building and the White Rock Town Hall.
Election Day is Tuesday, November 5.
LAPS Athletics
Upcoming Games and Meets
Los Alamos Middle School
Girls Basketball
Wednesday, Oct. 30 vs. Pojoaque Middle School @ Pojoaque Middle School, 4 pm
Los Alamos High School
Cross Country
Friday, Nov. 1 District Meet @ Moriarty High School
Varsity Football
Thursday, Oct. 31 vs. Miyamura High School @ Sullivan Field, 7 pm - NEW DATE
Boys Varsity Soccer
Tuesday, Oct. 29 vs. Taos High School @ Sullivan Field, 5 pm (First Round State Tournament)
Girls Varsity Soccer
Saturday, Nov. 2 vs. Goddard High School or Miyamura High School @ Sullivan Field, TBD (Quarterfinal State Tournament)
Thursday, Oct. 31 vs. Taos High School @ Taos High School, 9th grade 4 pm, JV 5 pm, Varsity 6 pm
Monday, Nov. 4 vs. Moriarty High School @ Griffith Gym, 9th grade 4 pm, JV 5 pm, Varsity 6 pm
Thursday, Nov. 7 vs. Pojoaque Valley High School @ Pojoaque Valley High School, 9th grade 4 pm,
JV 5 pm, Varsity 6 pm
Check out RankOne for schedules.
LAPS Activities
Friday, Nov. 1 and Saturday, Nov. 2
Fright Night Dance Show @ Duane Smith Auditorium
Wednesday, Nov. 6
Mountain Elementary PreK Family Night
Friday, Nov. 8 and Saturday, Nov. 9
Olions One Act Shows @ Duane Smith Auditorium
Saturday, Nov. 9
Hilltalkers @ Springboard Capstone Tournament
NJROTC Competiton @ Highland High School
Thursday, Nov. 14 - Saturday, Nov. 16
Olions One Act State Competition
Friday, Nov. 15 and Saturday, Nov. 16
LAMS Honor Band
Tuesday, Nov. 19
LAPS Band Showcase Concert
Wednesday, Nov. 20
LAPS Jazz Concert
Thursday, Nov. 21 and Friday, Nov. 22
Model UN @ Santa Fe Conference
School Websites
Find out more information about your school.