CPS Parent Update
January 6, 2025
Welcome Back!!
CPS Parents & Guardians,
We hope that everyone had a great holiday break! Please check out this week's weekly newsletter for and update on CPS staffing and other winter reminders.
Video version of this newsletter: CPS Parent Update 1/6/25
CPS Admin Team
Michael Horton - Principal
Adriene Lombardi - Assistant Principal
CPS Vision Statement
CPS creates an equitable, inclusive, and challenging learning environment for young adolescents to develop skills that foster independence, build student voice, and strengthen decision-making to ‘Do the Right Thing.’
January 2025 Calendar
Tuesday, January 7, 2025 - (Day 5) - School Committee - 6pm - NHS LGI
Wednesday, January 15, 2025 - (Day 4B) - ACK Special Education Parents' Advisory Committee - 6pm - NHS Conference Room - Remote Link
Thursday, January 16, 2025 - (Day 5B) - CPS School Council - 3pm - CPS Cafe
Thursday, January 16, 2025 - (Day 5B) - CPS Principal's Coffee - 5:30pm - CPS Cafe
Monday, January 20, 2025 - Martin Luther King Jr. DAY - NO SCHOOL
Tuesday, January 21, 2025 - (Day 7B) - School Committee - 6pm - NHS LGI
Wednesday, January 22, 2025 - (Day 1) - HALF-DAY - 12:00 Noon Dismissal
CPS Staff Update
We've had a few staff changes over the holiday break:
Christian Arroyo, CPS Band & Percussion Teacher, is moving on to focus on teaching instrumental lessons at the Nantucket Community Music Center. Dr. Eddie Wilkin has transferred from NIS to CPS to teach our Band and Percussions sections for the rest of the year.
Laine Cutts, CPS Chorus and Music Teacher, is out on maternity leave. (Congratulations Laine!!). Holly Gordon (CPS Teacher Assistant) will be covering our Chorus and Music Tech sections until April 2025. Evelyn MacEachern will be covering Holly's TA position.
Saraiah Nustar, CPS Teacher Assistant, has moved on. We are interviewing TA applicants this week and expect to have someone in place later this month. In the meantime, we will call in subs to fill in.
Theran Singleton, CPS Reading Teacher, is out on personal leave until February 2025. Janel Trivelas is teaching Theran's reading sections until February 2025.
Camilla McGarvey, CPS Nurse, is out on maternity leave. Betty Rowe and Kezia Duarte have been covering as much as they can to assist NHS Nurse, Kelsey Perkins.
Winter Temperatures
When outside temperatures are low (as projected this week), here are our practices:
When the 'feels like' temperature combined with the wind chill is below 30 degrees, we bring students into the building who are waiting outside before the doors normally open at 7:45am. Grade 6 students can wait in the CPS Cafe and Grade 7 & 8 students can wait in the CPS gym. However, our indoor supervision does not begin until 7:20am, so any student arriving to school earlier than 7:20am will be waiting outside until staff are present. Please avoid dropping your student off at CPS before 7:20am.
When the 'feels like' temperature combined with the wind chill is below 30 degrees, we also don't let students outside at the end of lunch for a short physical recess.
Now that temperatures will be colder for the next two months, please remind students to wear their coats, hats, and gloves to school.
Student DROP-OFF and PICK-UP is in the BACK of CPS
Chromebooks & Chargers
My School Bucks has been set-up to collect fees for damaged chromebooks. Parents have started to receive bills for broken screens, keys, and other mis-handled devices.
It is a $50 fee for an out of warranty repair and $100 for a second instance. Malicious damage to a chromebook COULD lead to full value replacement ($365) - depending on the extend of damage and what can be repaired or salvaged from the broken device.
Please talk to your student about taking care of their chromebook. Please remind them that they are 'loaned' to students for their time at CPS and are not their personal devices. Students should not put stickers on their chromebooks, they should not pick keys off the keyboards, and they should not charge their iPhones through their chromebooks. The batteries are not designed to charge cell phones.
Students also need to keep track of their chargers and charge their devices each night to be prepared for school the next day. Teachers will not have loaners in their classrooms this year. if a student forgets their chromebook, they can borrow a 'loaner' device for the day from the front office. We have a much stricter plan of tracking loaners this year.
If a chromebook is faulty or the battery is not working properly, we will have replacement chromebooks available while waiting for a warranty repair.
Please take care of your school-issued chromebook!
CPS Open House Summary - Athletic Eligibility
Passing is 65% or above for course grades in Schoology.
Teachers are available after school for extra help Mondays - Thursdays from 2:30pm - 2:50pm
(Starting soon) Tuesday & Thursday night tutoring is also available from 5pm - 7pm in the CPS Library
CPS Open House Summary - Tardies
Doors open at 7:45am; students need to be in their homerooms before 7:50am. If a student is late after 7:50am, they need to get a late pass from the CPS front office.
10 times late per trimester = 30 minute office detention
15 times late per trimester = another 30 minute office detention
20 times late per trimester = 1 hour Saturday morning detention 9am - 10am
25 times late per trimester = 2 hour Saturday morning detention 9am - 11am
Resets to 0 at the beginning of each trimester (12/9/24 for trimester 2)
Late to School - 8am Rule for Participation
Students are considered late to school if they are not in homeroom before 7:50am. As a reminder, our district also has a policy that if a student arrives to school after 8am, they cannot participate in an athletic practice or game or school-sponsored event that day. If a student arrives to school after 8am on a Friday, the student cannot participate in an athletic practice or contest or school-sponsored event for the weekend. This applies to school dances that may occur on a Saturday or Sunday night.
CPS Open House Summary - Cell Phones
Students caught using cell phones in school:
1) Warning
2) Teacher confiscates phone until the end of class
3) Teacher confiscates phone and turns it in to CPS front office until end of day
4) Teacher confiscates phone and turns it in to the CPS front office; parent will have to pick the phone up
CPS Open House Summary - Schoology
Username is the email used to register your student. Or, try lower case m followed by mom's cell phone number or lowercase f followed by father's cell phone number.
For example:
If you have forgotten your password, please click 'forgot your password' and follow the prompts that are sent to the email we have on file.
If you do not receive an email to reset your password, please submit a NPS Tech Ticket:
Raptor Visitor Management System
NPS has enrolled in the 21st century digital Raptor Emergency Management System. In addition to assisting administrators conduct fire and lockdown drills, Raptor improves our visitor screening system.
Upon entering a district building, visitors will be asked to present an ID such as a Driver’s
License, which can either be scanned or manually entered the system. If a parent or guardian
for any reason does not have a US government-issued ID, the school staff member can use any
form of identification and manually enter the person’s name into the Raptor system. The
Raptor system will check to ensure that registered sexual offenders are not entering our school
campuses without our knowledge. The Raptor system checks the visitor';s name and date of
birth for comparison with a national database of registered sex offenders. The registered sex
offender database is the only official database checked by the Raptor system. No other data
from the ID is gathered or recorded and the information is not shared with any outside agency.
Once entry is approved, Raptor will issue a badge that identifies the visitor, the date, and the
purpose of his/her visit. A visitor’s badge will not be necessary for those who visit our schools
simply to drop off an item in the office or pick up paperwork.
The safety of our students is our highest priority, and the Raptor visitor management
system allows us to quickly identify those that may present a danger to our students. Thank
you in advance for your understanding and your support in enhancing the school safety
protocols in our district. If you have any questions or concerns regarding campus safety, please
contact Mellisa Devitt at 508-228-7285 x:1154 or devittm@npsk.org.
Parent Role in a School Emergency
Along with a recent email introducing the Raptor system, you should have also received this memo about a Parent's Role in case of a school emergency.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding campus safety, please contact Mellisa Devitt at:
508-228-7285 x1154 or devittm@npsk.org.
Backpack Zipper Tabs
Please talk to your students about the latest Tik Tok Challenge: accumulating 'zipper tabs' from student backpacks. Students have been 'trading' tabs with each other, but now this fad has fallen into stealing and selling tabs to other students.
Free Breakfast Each Day
Our Food Services Department provides a free breakfast every school day in the NHS cafe from 7:15am to 7:40am. Students just need to 'show up' but cannot arrrive after 7:40am as the morning bell for homeroom rings at 7:45am.
Safe Routes To School - MASS DOT
The Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MASS DOT) sponsors the Safe Routes to School program. On three days of the school year, students are encouraged to walk or bike to school. Parents are encouraged to carpool with the goal of reducing traffic and exhaust emmissions. Participating students will receive stickers and/or bookmarks for walking/biking to school on these days. The ultimate goal is to reduce traffic and environmental impacts for the long term by making changes in commuting habits.
Wednesday, October 9, 2024
Wednesday, February 5, 2025
Wednesday, May 7, 2025
Student Annual Verification in ASPEN
Just a reminder that at the start of every school year, parents have to verify and if necessary, update their student's information in our student information system (Aspen).
Here is a link to ASPEN
Once logged in, go to the Pages tab and look for the 'Click Here' for the Family Connection portal.
Click the Review/Verify tab, answer the questions, sign by typing a signature, and click the green submit tab at the end.
NOTE: If you are verifying multiple students, verify all students, then click the green submit button. If you click 'submit' after one student, you may have to wait until the next day to go back in and verify for another NPS student in your family.
Internet & Social Media Safety
Back to School Reminders - Summary of the 9/6/24 School Assembly
1) No Cell Phones between 7:45am and 2:30pm
2) Take good care of your chromebooks (see fee structure above for damages)
3) Dress Code (see section below)
4) No soda, no candy, no energy drinks
5) E-Bikes - Students need to register them with Mrs. Lombardi
6) Athletic Eligibility - all course grades need to be 65% or above to be eligible to play in games, meets, or matches
DRESS CODE (p.25 of our CPS Student Handbook)
We take pride in the appearance of our students. The dress of our students in many ways
reflects the sense of purpose and quality of our school. Students are to dress neatly, cleanly,
and appropriately while in attendance; therefore, the 5Bs should never be visible – buttocks,
bellies, breasts, bare-backs, or boxers. Expressive clothing that causes disruption or disorder
is not allowed on school grounds. Per order of the board of health, footwear must be worn in
the school building at all times. Clothing promoting alcohol, tobacco products or drugs, guns,
weapons or violence are not permitted. Students are expected to comply with any reasonable
request from a faculty/staff member regarding dress code. Students who do not follow the
dress code will be asked to call home and remain in the office until appropriate clothes are
brought to school. Questions or concerns about dress code should be directed to the Assistant
Principal and/or Principal. Freedom of speech ends when it disrupts the civil rights of another
student for their right to a free and appropriate public education.
Dress Code Specifics: Dress is a form of personal expression that may affect a student’s
behavior and self-image. A dress code policy is necessary in order to protect the health and
safety of the school environment and to foster students’ success in a positive manner.
• Students are encouraged to wear clean, neat clothing that is in good repair and to be
groomed appropriately for the school environment.
• The district prohibits any attire that is disruptive to the educational process.
• The 5B’s should never be visible – buttocks, bellies, breasts, bare backs or boxers.
Any clothing, which allows underwear to be exposed, is also prohibited.
• The district prohibits clothing that shows or conveys messages of a sexual tone,
including but not limited to obscene symbols, signs or slogans. students are encouraged
to dress in a safe manner.
• The district prohibits clothing, which is unsafe, dangerous or hazardous to health. This
can include accessories that contain weapons, alcohol, tobacco, and any slogan that
conveys glorification thereof.
• Students are encouraged to be tolerant of others. Clothing or accessories which carry a
message of intolerance or are demeaning to other students is disruptive to the school
environment and are not allowed.
Hats and Hoods: Headwear such as hats, visors, and hoods may be worn within the school
buildings unless directed by a staff member to be removed during a class session, meeting or
Shirts: Crude or vulgar language on any shirt or tee shirt is not permitted. In addition,
inappropriate drawing and references to alcohol, violence, sex, drugs, tobacco is not allowed.
Slogans and/or words degrading any gender, culture, ethnic, or religious sect are also not
permitted. Halter tops, tube tops and muscle shirts are prohibited.
Pants/Shorts: Dangerously long pants or exaggerated loose fitting clothes will not be
permitted. Pants that are excessively large at the waist or hang down far enough to expose
undergarments or skin are not permitted. Short shorts, and short skirts are inappropriate and
not permitted.
Accessories: Chains and any items of jewelry that include metal studs and/or metal spikes are
not permitted. Spiked or potentially dangerous jewelry or accessories depicting weaponry, i.e.,
belts, large rings, studded leather wristbands, etc.
Backpacks: Student backpacks, notebooks, or other carrying bags may not display gang
graffiti, obscene symbols, signs, slogans, alcohol, drug related, tobacco or degrading items.
Dress Code Violation Consequences
1st Violation
• Warning and,
• Change of clothes and/or
• Hold in Office/Parent Contact for change of clothes
2nd Violation
• Change of Clothes
• Hold in Office/Parent Contact for change of clothes and/or
• Office Detention
3rd (and repeated) Violations
• In-School Suspension
Not Allowed at CPS: Gum - Candy - Soda - Energy Drinks
We've also had to speak to students about selling these items to other students.
E-Bike Update
From the May 2024 Annual Town Meeting, voters passed an article to classify different tiers of E-Bikes.
We have stickers to place on our students' registered E-bikes to identify them as:
Tier 1 - pedal assist
Tier 2 - no pedal assist, goes by self up to 20 mph
Tier 3 - Travels over 20 mph
Plus... stickers for helmets that are required for anyone under 16
Students need to register their E-Bikes and Scooters with Mrs. Lombardi. There was a required class after school today with officer Thompson about E-Bike safety. A make-up session is in the works for anyone who missed it.
See something, say something...
Through traveling recently, this saying popped up in airports and other public spaces. A good reminder to our students to 'Do The Right Thing' and report anything suspicious. It will help us make CPS a safer and better place for everyone.
SOS SAGAS - Published Book - Glitch
Congratulations to Mrs. Smith! Through a student writing contest, several CPS students had their short stories published in the new book, Glitch
E-Bike Registration
E-bikes need to be parked in the FRONT area of CPS off of Surfside Road.
Please wear a helmet and obey all traffic signs - especially the DO NOT ENTER sign along the side of the building. That driveway is ONE WAY from Surfside to the school parking lot.
Please WALK your E-bikes on school sidewalks as you approach the school.
CPS Student Clubs
Art Club - Mrs. Hayford/Ms. McLean - Tuesdays in Room 16
Yearbook Club - Taylor MinoreGames Club - Mr. Cuddy/Mrs. Cro - Thursdays in Room 34
Book Club - Mrs. Hickman
CPS Pulse - Mr. Gonnella
LGBTQ+ Club - Ms. Lake
Drama Club - Mrs. Cutts - Daily Rehearsals Through November
Student Council - Ms. Gordon
Science Fair - Mr. Case
LUNCH MENU - School Lunch FREE for ALL students through June 23, 2025
CPS is under 'Secondary' with the high school menu
Per the US Department of Agriculture, School Lunch will be FREE for ALL students for the fifth year in a row through June 2025.
Free breakfasts are available, too; must pre-order through Food Services director, Linda Peterson: petersonl@npsk.org
CPS Attendance Line: 508-228-7283 option 2
CPS School Council Parent Members
CPS School Council meets on the THIRD Thursday of every month at 3:00pm in the CPS cafe. We develop the School Improvement Plan, review the Student/Parent Handbook, and discuss monthly events, and hot topics at CPS.
Term ends 2027 - Jessica Douglas jessicadouglas2145@gmail.com
Term ends 2027 - Meg Browers megbrowers@gmail.com
Term ends 2027 - Stacy Montes stacy@greyladyins.com
Term ends 2027 - Nan Gilch nangilch01@gmail.com
In addition to the parents and community representation above, the CPS School Council also includes: one student representative from each grade, 3 CPS teachers, and the CPS Admin Team.
CPS Enrollment Update: 361
Up 3 students since enrollment of 358 on the 11/12/24 report.
Three new students joined CPS over the holiday break.
We ended June 2024 at 363 students, so we are down 2 students since the end of the last school year.
Cyrus Peirce Middle School
Email: hortonm@npsk.org
Website: www.npsk.org
Location: 10 Surfside Road
Phone: (508)228-7283