Hawk Happenings: May 23rd
Holy Rosary Bilingual Academy
Message from the Principal
Greetings,Check below for end of the year events...there are a lot!
I wanted to give a few reminders, as we get to the end of the year!
- Please try your very best to be on time for the last 3 weeks of the school year. I am noticing A LOT of late arrivals. This is distracting for the class and puts kids at a disadvantage when they arrive late. It is also tough for us to get our end of the year testing completed. So, let that bright, beautiful sun wake you up and get you going in the morning!!
- You will be receiving your bill for unfulfilled volunteer hours. These were due by May 8th. We can only account for the hours that get turned in, so if you did them and did not turn in your sheet (or record hours in Renweb), you will be receiving a bill. If you have a question about it, please just contact Kelly (Finance@hrrsjda.org or call 253-272-7012)...politely. :) Congrats to those who completed all of their hours!
- The Walk-a-Thon is our Spring Fundraiser. When you signed your Commitment Hours form for the school year (with the registration packet), it included 3 annual fundraisers: Fall Chocolate Sale, Winter Auction, and Spring Walk-a-Thon. Each is a $100 commitment per family (not per student). If you can get a few members of your family and/or friends, this should be an easy fundraiser!
As always, if you have any questions or concerns with end of the year items (or anything else), don't hesitate to contact the teachers, staff, or myself.
Have a wonderful week and HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY!
Katie Dempsey
Scenes from Peter Pan, Jr.
Upcoming Events:
This Week:
- Wednesday, May 23rd - Communication envelopes go home today
- Thursday, May 24th - Pay2Dress ($2), Communication envelopes due to the office today
- Friday, May 25th - No School in honor of Memorial Day!
- Monday, May 28th - No School in honor of Memorial Day!
Priest Update
We will be having a new "Priest Model" for next school year. Beginning July 1st, we will have a Pastoral Coordinator who will be tasked with the day to day administrative tasks and then a Priest who will be responsible for masses and sacraments. This will apply to both Holy Rosary and Visitation (church and school). Our Pastoral Coordinator is Deacon Jim Fish who comes to us from Bellarmine Prep and Holy Cross. Our Priest will be Fr. Martin Bourke of Immaculate Conception and several other parishes over the years. Here is a fun fact... Fr. Bourke celebrated Mr. Gabe Farias' First Communion in the late 1990's!! For additional information, as well as photos, check out the church's FB page: https://www.facebook.com/pg/ourladyoftheholyrosarytacoma/posts/?ref=page_internal
Purchase Free Dress
You may purchase "free dress" for the last week of school for your child. The cost is $25 per student and can be paid in the office with Berenice. This is good for June 11 - 15, 2018.
Thank You!!
Thank you to Mr. Downing, Ms. Nuria, the students, and all of the parents who helped put together an AMAZING Peter Pan, Jr. It was so much fun to watch!! The scenery was beautiful. The costumes were fantastic. The kids were incredible. It was a lot of work, but those in the audience enjoyed it!!
Depave Schedule!!
We will be completing our Depave project this summer, as we create a new play field and a garden....as well as a new play area! Here is the schedule of events:
- Open House on May 30th at 6 pm in the school. Pizza and beverages are provided. Come and share your ideas and questions.
- The prep work for the Depave will be June 18-22. This is done by contractors.
- Community Depave will be Saturday, June 23rd. THIS IS WHEN WE NEED YOU!!!!!!!
- We have a crew on hand to do any work we are not able to do that Saturday the following week (June 25-28) and if people want to help when the crew is there they are more than welcome to join. My hope is that we can get 100 people on site, so each of us only need to remove 10’ x 10’, which is really doable in 3 hours.
- Post-Depave transformation work will be July 11-22. This is done by contractors.
Our Name Change is Official!
We have received an official letter from Archbishop Sartain's office that our name change is official. Our new name is Holy Rosary Bilingual Academy!! We are in the process of transferring everything from bank info to uniform logos! For now, hold off on purchasing any uniforms for next year. Remember, you are welcome to use what you have as long as it fits and is in good condition. ..even with the old logo. The new items will be out soon...from new vendors!
Event Information
MAP Testing for Grades 2-8
Tuesday, May 15, 2018, 08:00 AM
Holy Rosary School, 504 S 30th St, Tacoma, WA, USA
Event Information
No School for Memorial Day
Friday, May 25, 2018, 08:00 AM
Holy Rosary School, South 30th Street, Tacoma, WA, USA
Event Information
Paintball Trip from the Auction
Field Trip forms required to attend. This is ONLY available to students who purchased this through the auction or received their ticket in the raffle. No extra students.
Tuesday, May 29, 2018, 08:00 AM
Operation Paintball, Jansky Road East, Graham, WA, USA
Event Information
AAPPL Testing for Grades 2 - 5 (Speaking and Listening)
Tuesday, May 29, 2018, 08:00 AM
Holy Rosary School, South 30th Street, Tacoma, WA, USA
Event Information
4th and 5th Grade Mt Rainier Trip
If you are able to chaperone, please contact Mr. Anderson (janderson@hrrsjda.org)
Wednesday, May 30, 2018, 08:30 AM
Mt Rainier National Park, Washington, USA
Event Information
DEPAVE Meeting
Come and join us at this open house to discuss ideas for this summer's DEPAVE project. Pizza and beverages will be provided. Kids are welcome!
Wednesday, May 30, 2018, 06:00 PM
Holy Rosary School, South 30th Street, Tacoma, WA, USA
Event Information
Parent Service Commitee Meeting
Green Room near Front Office!
Thursday, May 31, 2018, 08:15 AM
Holy Rosary School, South 30th Street, Tacoma, WA, USA
Event Information
$100 Commitment per Family is required
Thursday, May 31, 2018, 01:30 PM
Holy Rosary School, South 30th Street, Tacoma, WA, USA
Event Information
Electives/End of Trimester Assembly
Celebrate student achievement and get a peak at what the students did in their 3rd trimester electives!
Friday, Jun 1, 2018, 02:00 PM
Holy Rosary School, South 30th Street, Tacoma, WA, USA
Event Information
Roller Skating (Auction Item)
Field trip forms required to attend
Monday, Jun 4, 2018, 11:30 AM
Rollin' 253 Skate & Community Center, Mildred Street West, Fircrest, WA, USA
Event Information
8th Grade Retreat
Field Trip forms required
Tuesday, Jun 5, 2018, 08:00 AM
Yelm, WA, USA
Event Information
Student Council Speeches and Elections
Elections for the 18-19 Student Council!
Wednesday, Jun 6, 2018, 08:00 AM
Holy Rosary School, South 30th Street, Tacoma, WA, USA
Event Information
Graduation Mass & Breakfast
Join us for the 8th Grade Graduation Mass at 9 am with Fr. Francis. 8th grade families (including siblings) are invited to attend a special breakfast (in the auditorium) immediately following mass.
Thursday, Jun 7, 2018, 09:00 AM
Holy Rosary Church, South 30th Street, Tacoma, WA, USA
Event Information
8th Grade Graduation
Join us as we celebrate the accomplishments of our 8th graders and bid them farewell!
Thursday, Jun 7, 2018, 06:00 PM
Holy Rosary School, South 30th Street, Tacoma, WA, USA
Event Information
Field Day
We will have one Field Day for the Pre-K 3 & 4 and another for the K-8 grade.
Wednesday, Jun 13, 2018, 10:00 AM
Holy Rosary School, South 30th Street, Tacoma, WA, USA
Event Information
Last Day of School!!
Noon dismissal and NO EXTENDED CARE.
Friday, Jun 15, 2018, 12:00 PM