Academy of St. Benedict the African
April 14, 2024
Week of April 14, 2024
Dear Families,
Experiencing the solar eclipse with our scholars was exciting! It's hard to imagine our student will be in their twenties and thirties for the next eclipse.
Are you registered yet for the 2024-2025 school year? We are a few students away from closing several classrooms, especially second and seventh grade for 24-25. Use this form to register if you haven't yet. Please remember that no one is automatically re-registered. All those students who are reregistered will have a dress down day every Friday until school ends. For all others, including 8th graders, Fridays remain Spirit Days.
We have a Kind Shirt Day this Tuesday! Wear your kind shirt as a reminder of our commitment to being kind.
Our PK - 3rd grade students have liturgy on Thursday at 9 AM. Ms. Lewis' Kindergarten will lead us! Please join us if you're available.
Looking ahead, April 26th is a professional learning day. There will be no cost childcare available for all students. The sign up sheet is here.
On May 8th we have a Family Bingo Night! Save the Date now, more details to follow!
The registration fee is now $50/student. Once registered and the fee is paid, families will receive a voucher for Martinelli's for a gym t-shirt and shorts. There is a referral incentive for current families. Receive a tuition credit of $500 ($250 in January and $250 in May) for the enrolled new family.
We will have a 5-week summer program running June 17 - July 19 (no class on Juneteenth or 4th of July). Please us this form to register. This program is for rising PK3-5th graders and others by invitation. For those with Action for Children, the cost is your copay plus field trip fees. For those without AFC, the cost is $500/child plus field trip fees. If you don't have AFC, let's apply and see if you can qualify.
Please check your FACTS account to ensure you are making payments. We need to keep the accounts up to date so that the school can meet its obligations. Additionally, contracts for the 24-25 school year are being entered into FACTS. They are not accurate when first entered. The scholarships and financial assistance are credits put in on the second entry. Don't be alarmed if the amounts aren't right. In the next couple of weeks, they will be reflective of your contracts.
Every day, students (PK - 8) must be in gym shoes. As a reminder, on gym days, students wear their gym uniforms. A kind shirt can be worn on gym days as the t-shirt and on Kind Shirt days. Every other day, a school polo with the school's name or logo AND blue pants/skort are required. Blue is the only color bottom allowed on a regular day.
The 2023-2024 calendar is on our website. It is linked here as well!
The calendar for the 2024-2025 school year is complete. There is an image below and you can access it here. Please don't confuse it with this year's calendar. It is on the new school letterhead, so it looks a bit different.
Did you know that we have a used shoe and clothing box in the parking lot by the garage? As you do some spring cleaning, please use the box. Trees are planted every time we have our box emptied helping us be good stewards of God's creation.
As a gentle reminder, we require that children who are unwell remain at home. Should your child be unable to attend school due to illness, please complete the absence form on the school app or send an email notifying the school.
Consistent and punctual school attendance is required, except in cases of illness. Thank you for your cooperation and support in ensuring a safe and healthy learning environment for all.
Please check your child's blue folder daily and remind your child/ren of the school expectations. We begin each day (except full school Liturgy days) with a community assembly, as it sets the tone for the day. We are better together. Between 7:40 - 8:00 AM, students will enter school at door 2. We begin at 7:45 and teachers are taking attendance in assembly. Children must be with their teacher at 7:45 to be on time.
Thank you for choosing Academy of St. Benedict the African for your family. Great things are ahead!
Mrs. Farrand
773-776-3316, enter 101 at the voicemail message if needed.
Flag Football is Underway!
Alana in 4th grade represented Academy of St. Benedict the African at the Box United FLAG Gala telling all why Fight Like a Girl is so important.
Threshold Greetings
Threshold greetings build community and a spirit of welcomeness. Aubrey in first grade extends threshold greetings to morning assembly welcoming classes as they enter the gym! #WeAreBetterTogether
The building is comfortable. Only St. Benedict sweatshirts and hoodies are allowed over the polos. Navy blue plain sweaters can also be worn - provided there are no logos of companies on them.
Students must wear a St. Benedict top and/or hoodie on Fridays, which are spirit days. They may wear jeans, joggers, or shorts (weather permitting). Gym shoes are required every day for all students PK - 8th grade. Of course, their regular uniform is also fine!
Not Allowed: Nail polish, acrylic/gel nails, bracelets, necklaces, or rings. Any footwear besides gym shoes is not allowed.
**Many children are getting their nails done. Please follow the rules.
Extracurricular Activities
Debate Club is Monday and Thursday.
Flag Football Practice is Tuesday and Thursday. Please dress for the weather.
Chess club is on Wednesday afternoons. Praise Power Choir is 3:30-4:30 on Wednesdays.
Grade 6-8 Coding is on Mondays. Grade 3-5 virtual coding is from 4-5 on Wednesdays.
FLAG is on Thursday.
Tuition Payments & Action for Children
While I wish we could offer school without tuition and fees, we can't. Please work to get the accounts up to date. We all need to do our part.
Tax agreements were due last month. Please honor your commitment to the school in a timely fashion.
Please get in touch with me if you have concerns.
Outside Food
The calendar is always accessible on our website and our mobile app.
⭐2023-2024 School Year Calendar⭐
2024-2025 Calendar
We need copy paper! For a special opportunity, two of the cases (10 reams) will earn FOUR PAWS!! You can send the paper to us directly from Amazon, Walmart, or Staples. Put your name on the gift receipt so we can credit the family properly.
Virtus Training and Volunteering
Families earn a PAW for getting in compliance.
Email or call Ms. Fernandez for more information: mfernandez@academystbenedict.org. She is extension 102 at school.
Save the Date!
April 26th - Professional Learning Day - No school - Free Childcare Available
May 8th - Family Bingo Night
May 10th - No school, No childcare
May 27th - Memorial Day - no school
June 5th - 8th Grade Breakfast
June 6th - Candle & Ribbon grades 7 & 8, 1 pm
June 8th - 8th Grade Graduation 10 AM
June 10th - Field Day
June 11th - Moving up day - Our last day of school. No afterschool care.
June 17th - Five Week Summer Program begins.
August 15th - New Student Orientation
August 19th - Ice Cream Social 1 PM - 3 PM
August 21st - First day of School - All are dismissed at 3:10 - NO Extended Day
Administration and Office Staff
Mrs. Thornton, Assistant Principal x100
Ms. Fernandez, Business Manager x102
Ms. Botello, Administrative Assistant Main number 773-776-3316
Mrs. Martinez, Student Accounts x103
Ms. Zakowski, Office x104
**for questions related to tuition, please reach out to Mrs. Farrand or Ms. Fernandez first.
School & Office Hours
Arrival for breakfast 7:15 AM - 7:35 AM
Classes Begin: 7:45 AM (Children not with their class at 7:45 are marked tardy)
School Ends at 3:00 PM on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. 2:30 PM on Wednesdays
Extended Day: 3:15 PM - 6:00 PM - to reach extended day, call the school and enter 101 at the recording. The late pickup fee is $ 3 per minute per child. Please don't be late.
Office Hours - Every Day - 6:30 - 3:30 and by appointment
Academy of St. Benedict the African
Email: jfarrand@academystbenedict.org
Website: academystbenedict.org
Location: 6020 South Laflin Street, Chicago, IL, USA
Phone: 773-776-3316
Facebook: Facebook.com/academystbenedictafrican
Twitter: @asba_chicago