Cougar Weekly
August 17 - 21, 2020
It's the FIRST WEEK OF SCHOOL during a global pandemic!
We made it! We're here - the first day of virtual school is tomorrow! We are making educational history; think about how you felt at this time last year. You would have never dreamed of a scenario like this! As hard as it is to imagine, our kids WILL BE WITH US tomorrow. They will be nervous to log in, just as you are. They will be nervous about their "first day outfit" (4th and 5th graders!), and their parents will have just taken their "back to school 2020" pictures in the doorway. The little ones are probably so ready to just meet their teachers! I am praying for all of us; this is A LOT to take in. Take a deep breath, breathe a short prayer... and JUMP IN!
They will use these pencils at home for now...
But ONE DAY they will be using them in our classrooms again!
This week Clifton Park is OPEN to:
a SMOOTH beginning!
Instructional Assistants - we need your help!
we will meet in the cafeteria at 8:00 to talk about what the next few weeks will look like. We'll need to get ready to assemble student supplies, move teacher supplies off the stage and into the bookroom and media room, and get ready to bring students into the building. We will talk about designating times to help with the office as far as working with parents or running messages to teachers. We will work through this; what we are doing tomorrow and Tuesday may look very different from what needs to be done Thursday and Friday. It truly is an "evolving" situation, and flexibility is so important! I am so thankful that you always come ready to work - even when we are not sure what that may look like!
Happy Birthday this week to:
SUSAN HUNT - August 16 (Today!)
Seesaw email for Pre-K through 2nd
Pre-K -2nd - Holly Landez sent an email about how to invite families to create their seesaw parent accounts. I am sending it this afternoon to you, but DO NOT PANIC about it. You can worry about it tomorrow, but I wanted you to have it today so that IF you'd like to send it this evening, you can.
No Announcements or all-calls Tomorrow so that you can FOCUS and ZOOM and RECORD
If we need to get to you, we will come to you OR text you. If you need one of us, text or flag us down in the hallway. Admin will be out and around the building and portables all day. Please USE us if you need help! We are ALL in this together!