Eagles' Landing
Fort Myers Christian School March 27, 2024
Holy Week!
Easter Services at First Assembly of God
Sunday, March 31
7:30 AM
9:00 AM
11:00 AM
Important Dates
28 Home Flag Football game at 5:00pm
Walk-A-Thon Roll out! 2pm
29 Good Friday- No School & No Childcare
1 No School, Easter Monday, No Childcare
4 Spirit Day
8 - LEGOLAND Field trip - 4th & 5th grade
12 Food Truck Day, 2:40-6:00pm
12 Wizard of Oz Musical 6:00pm
13 Wizard of Oz Musical 1:00pm
15-19 Teacher Appreciation Week
19 Half Day- Childcare
22-30 Spring MAP Testing
1 Third Grade Chapel Performance, 9:10am
3 Walk-A-Thon Fundraiser
9 Spirit Day
Spring Sports Banquet
22 Elementary Awards Chapel
22-23 8th Grade Finals
23 Pre-K Promotion and Art Show, 10:00am
24 8th Grade and K4 Final Day
8th Graduation, 6:00pm (5th and 6th Graders performing during Graduation)
27 Memorial Day (No School, No Childcare)
28 AR Celebration
Kindergarten Promotion
28-29 6th and 7th Exams, Half day for 6th/7th only
30 MS Awards Chapel (6th-7th Only), 8:15am
End of Year Chapel: All School: Colonial Chapel 11:00am
Last day of school
* Mom's In Prayer meet each Friday school is in session in the CC cafeteria 8:15am.
Walk-A-Thon is Coming.... Will you be "ALL IN?"
Eagles Flag Football Dates
Upcoming Games
March 28 Flag Football vs. Athenian @ FMCS 5:00pm
April 4 Flag Football vs. Athenian @ FMCS 5:00pm
April 22 Flag Football vs. St. Michaels Away 5:00
May 7 Flag Football Finals TBD
May 9 Dessert Social 6:00 FMCS
Please double check the google calendar for locations of games and any last-minute schedule changes.
Google Calendar
Wizard of OZ
“We’re off to see the Wizard!” Come join us in the FAOG main auditorium on Friday, April 12th, and Saturday, April 13th, to watch our incredibly talented Middle School and Upper Elementary students perform the classic musical, The Wizard of Oz, which reminds us, “There’s no place like home.” We look forward to seeing you there. You don’t want to miss it!
Tickets are available to purchase NOW. If the QR code on the image below doesn't allow you to purchase tickets, download the attached PDF file.
If you are interested in getting some volunteer hours, and you can help with set design, costuming, make-up, or other behind-the-scenes activities, please contact Mrs. Abby Barkman at abarkman@fmcs-fl.com.
Food Truck Social
Our Fourth Food truck social will be held in conjunction with the Wizard of Oz performance on Friday, April 12th. Trucks will set up after school and be available until the beginning our musical at 6:00 pm. Please come support our vendors and watch the upcoming FMCS musical.
Easter Chapel with Pastor Jay and Pastor Leslie
Worship in Colonial Chapel
Elementary Worship
Only Jesus cleanses sin
Accelerated Reading Ice Cream Party!
Students who met their AR reading goals for the third quarter were rewarded with an ice cream party before spring break. Enjoy these pictures of our students enjoying their ice cream!
Friday PTC Snack Shack
Friday's our PTC volunteers have snacks for our FMCS students to purchase in the afternoons. Items are $1 each. Volunteers will bring the cart to both the elementary and middle school buildings for students to make their snack purchases. Thank you to the parents that have donated items to be sold. If you are interested in doing this also, please reach out to WSulzer@fmcsifl.com.
3rd Quarter Academic Recognition! Congratulations!
All A’s on Report Card- 3rd Grade
Evelyn Ramirez
All A’s or B’s on Report Card- 3rd Grade
Erielle Clausen
Sawyer Gimenez
Callie Katzenmeyer
Judson Kitchen
Roman Piscatelli
Ryker Romeis
Logan Sisemore
Benjamin Thompson
Ezekiel Unnerstall
All A’s on Report Card- 4th Grade
Joshua Estrada
Koa McCann
Camden Mileshko
Desmond Ravish
Esther Rendall
Miabella Rodriguez
Cora Siverling
Robert Usher
Huckleberry Warton
All A’s or B’s on Report Card- 4th Grade
Mikalena Becker
Jaymin Davis
Sara Faella
Penelope Ortega
Samuel Snyder
All A’s or B’s on Report Card- 5th Grade
Levi Debnar
Enzo DeCicco
Claire Katzenmeyer
Liam Kitchen
Addalee Kollar
Camylle Williams
Jayden Wint
Deans List- 6th Grade
Fellipe Avila
Madison Caffee
Denver Cesar
Davi De Souza
Lorenzo Derderian
Asher Engvalson
Sarah Ferreira
Landon Kunkle Lewis
Mackenzie Lowrey
Lita Lynch
Nathan Nellans
Arthur Neves
Lucas Pirola
Amelia Short
Ella Siverling
Honor Roll- 6th Grade
Amir Alamo
Carly Houle
Grace Redolphy
Aubree Rowland
Ava Shearn
Sebastian Snyder
Caleb Williams
Deans List- 7th Grade
Julia Barotti-Andrade
Eliana Kollar
Lorena Lima-Lugo
Daniel Lucas
Kirra Massing
Miriam Miranda
Delriyah Pender
Brian Santos
Guy Siverling
Gabriella Vega
Honor Roll- 7th Grade
Aiden Franzese
Jole Peynado
Emanuele Reschini
Deans List- 8th Grade
Selah Arthur
Kaden Glynn
Lara Padovan
Julia Pirola
Anna Plascides
Luke Rendall
Christopher Rosario
Raniyah Usher
Joy Youngblood
Honor Roll- 8th Grade
Rafaella Avila
Michael De Paula
Angelina Guido
Mirella Ladaa
Jovanni Rivera
FMCS 2024-25 School Year Calendar
School Calendar for the 2024-25 Year
Curious about the first day of school next year? Trying to plan ahead for spring break 2025? Below is the Calendar for NEXT school year. Something new next year is late start Wednesday's. This will allow for teacher collaboration before students arrive and it will give you an extra hour with your students Wednesday mornings.
8th Grade Graduation May 24th
Our FMCS 8th graders will graduate on May 24th at 6:00pm in the Auditorium of First Assembly of God. FMCS 5th and 6th grade choir will be performing. at this event. Parents of 5th and 6th graders please note this date as your students will be expected to be there to sing.
Watch D.O.G.S. - Sign Up Here!
Pre-K get instructions for the cone ball race
3 legged race
More 3 legged racers
one- two-one-two...
Teaming up with my teacher
A little help from dad
Coram Deu MS Student Conference: April 26 & 27
A note from Pastor Mike:
There is a great opportunity for our Middle School students coming in April.
April 26th and 27th, McGregor Baptist Church will be hosting Maven Truth for the “Coram Deo Student Conference.” This conference is an apologetics conference geared towards middle school and high school students.
I know many of the speakers and have used some of their content with the boys Bible class. They are highly renowned intellectuals, yet are phenomenal when communicated with a younger crowd.
Check out the link below for more information!
Parent Volunteer Hours
Since 2010, parents have been required to volunteer a minimum of 10 hours per student through school sponsored events. NOTE: The maximum number of hours per family is 20. (If you have 3 or more children enrolled at FMCS, you will only have to serve 20 hours to get credit for all of your children.) There is no partial credit for less than 10 hours served. If this is not completed by May 10, your account will be billed $200 per student with a max of $400 per family.
During the year, we will make new opportunities for you to volunteer. Of course, you can always check in directly with you student's teacher to see if they have any needs that you can fulfill in the classroom or at home for their classroom. Volunteer forms are available at the reception desks of both the elementary and the middle school.
Spirit Wear, Friday WAT Shirts, Middle School PE Shirts and Shorts
Spirit Wear, Friday WAT shirts, and PE shirts/shorts are available at the Elementary reception area. If a MS student needs an item, please see the business office.
Students are allowed to wear WAT - "Be the Good" shirts every Friday instead of regular uniform.
Spirit Wear T-Shirts are only $15.00, and we have shirts in sizes for youth and adults. Parents might want to wear a FMCS Spirit Shirt to FMCS athletic events, field trips, or as casual wear. All the Tee's are in the elementary school entry way. Sweatshirts are $30.00 and can be worn every day. Adult sized hoodies are available in the Middle School; Youth sized hoodies can be purchased in the Elementary School. Additional zip up sweatshirts have arrived. More Youth Small and XSmall T-shirts are on order.
Students are allowed to wear their Spirit Wear on special Spirit Wear Days. If students have older Spirit Wear from previous years, they are allowed to wear them as well.