RBERN West Newsletter
January 8, 2021
News and Notes from Interim Commissioner Betty Rosa
In this publication, you can find details on other announcements and resources from the New York State Education Department (NYSED):
- Board of Regents Advances Budget and Legislative Priorities and State Aid Request for the 2021-22 School Year
- Board of Regents Adopts First-Ever Learning Standards for Computer Science and Digital Fluency
- State Education Department Announces Nominees for 2021 U.S. Presidential Scholars Program
- $6 Million in My Brother's Keeper Grant Funding Available for Family and Community Engagement Programs
- Write On, NY!
- Content Area Notification Service
- NY Project Hope Offers Free, Confidential Support to Help Navigate the Challenges of COVID
- National Cyber Scholarship Competition
- Content Area Notification Service
NYS Seal of Biliteracy
We encourage you to print and share these posters in any of the languages represented in your schools:
English | Arabic | Bengali | Chinese (Simplified) | French| German | Haitian Creole | Italian | Karen | Korean | Nepali | Russian | Spanish | Swahili | Urdu
ELL/Bilingual Education Focus Group Series
4:00pm - 5:30pm
CTLE credits: 1.5 per session
This monthly series is an opportunity to learn, network, and share experiences common to teachers of English Language Learners.
Remote Learning Series
January 11, 2021 - Supporting Independent Tasks at Home
February 8, 2021 - Small Group Instruction
March 8, 2021 - Assessment
April 12, 2021 - Sharing Best Practices Implemented this Year
Closing Up the Year
May 10, 2021 - Green Card Voices - Student Reading and Book Signing
June 14, 2021 - Survey Day
NYSITELL Training (repeated sessions)
4:00pm - 5:00pm
CTLE credits: 3 per session
In this hybrid course, you will learn everything you need to know to successfully administer the NYSITELL from intake, to testing, to placement. In this course, you will learn everything you need to know to successfully administer the NYSITELL from intake, to testing, to placement. This course will take approximately 3 hours. Course work of the Pear Deck Presentation and Quiz must be completed prior to the Zoom Q&A session.
Multilingual Matters Book Club
A monthly educator book club to discuss rich topics related to immigrants, refugees and asylum seekers.
CTLE credits: 1 per session
January 13, 2021 from 4:30pm - 5:30pm
January's book is The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas.
February 10, 2021 from 4:30pm - 5:30pm
February's book is Chance: Escape from the Holocaust: Memories of a Refugee Childhood by Uri Shulevitz
NYSAWLA Workshop Series
To register: https://wlnys.wufoo.com/forms/znsiyc6166ehyi/
CUNY Bridges PD Opportunities
2021 Blossoming Bilinguals Virtual Symposium - CALL FOR PROPOSALS
This symposium is for educators of emergent multilingual learners in early childhood: Early childhood educators including pre-school and pre-kindergarten, as well as grade K-3 teachers, directors, and staff from both public and private early learning programs. Mid-State RBERN is accepting proposals for virtual presentations that highlight outstanding and innovative practices related to early education for ELLs/MLs in the following strands:
- Early Literacy
- ELLs with Disabilities
- Parent Engagement
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Culturally Responsive Sustaining Education
- Technology/Virtual Classroom Support
- Content Area Specific Topics
- Topics and Information for Program Directors
- Additional Areas of Focus
Link to application: https://forms.gle/3aDc5WQfofbNoXdi8
Deadline for Proposals: Friday, January 29, 2021
Supporting Your Child’s School Success
Sessions will be co-facilitated with interpretation by trained Peer Facilitators from each respective ethnic/cultural community in
To ensure value for program participants, only 14 slots are available per language group.
Please share the multilingual fliers with families, https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1MG39FY7MJLX-DSuj78YaAjZ4wI7ZTKWz?usp=sharing
Teen Health & Wellness: Supporting the Academic, Physical, Social, and Emotional Needs of Our Students
A brand-new resource! Teen Health & Wellness is a robust source of credible, straight-forward information on a variety of important, and potentially sensitive, topics. Subjects include the human body, diseases, developmental disabilities, diversity, drugs & alcohol, eating disorders, bullying, grief, depression & mood disorders, stress, nutrition, sexuality & sexual health, budgeting & money management, and much more.
- Direct link: https://teenhealthandwellness.com/
- Please contact your school librarian for more support!
Two Screens for Teachers
15 Strategies for Communicating with ELL Families During the Winter from Colorin Colorado
Resources from OBEWL and the ELL Leadership Council
The English Language Learner (ELL) Leadership Council is a group of approximately 70 English as a New Language Directors from around New York State (NYS) who meet regularly to discuss issues and best practices related to ELLs. This council has met regularly for the past five years to provide a direct line of communication between the Office of Bilingual Education and World Languages (OBEWL) and ELL administrators from the districts with the highest enrollment of ELLs in NYS. Within the ELL Leadership Council, five workgroups were created in response to COVID-19 school closures in the spring of 2020 to research and create resources to address the following issues:
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Compliance Advisory Council
- Progress Monitoring, Feedback & Engagement Strategies
- Strengthening ELL Instruction in Response to COVID-19 Closures
- Adapting ELL Instruction in a post COVID-19 Learning Environment
ELL Leadership Council Professional Development
- Virtual Engagement
- Prioritizing Standards to Address Learning Loss
- Progress Monitoring/NYS Seal of Biliteracy
New workshops will be added to this YouTube channel monthly!
NYSTESOL Recognition Award
NYSTESOL Vice President of Finance
Get involved with NYSTESOL by visiting their website!
Latina Herstory Education
...then I met Wilda Ramos. She was just what I was looking for and that’s why her story is our first LatinaHerstory. Wilda’s interview documents her distinct Latina educational leadership inside a system with a rich history of supporting bi-lingual and multilingual children, in her voice.
Read the full interview of Wilda Ramos, Language Assessment Coordinator for Buffalo Public Schools, here: https://theeducationalpledge.com/talia-rodriguez/
Image by Rafael Mencia Photo via nysabe.net
About Us
The Regional Bilingual Education Resource Network West is part of a statewide system of support, funded by the NYSED Office of Bilingual Education and World Languages (OBE-WL).
Mission: Collaborate with educators, parents, and community members to promote academic excellence and ensure high school graduation for all multilingual learners.
Vision: A community that provides access to an excellent and equitable education for multilingual learners that prepares them to be prosperous participants of a free and democratic society.
Email: dnovak@e1b.org
Website: www.rbernwest.e1b.org
Location: 355 Harlem Road, Buffalo, NY, USA
Phone: (716)821-7531
Twitter: @RBERNwest